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Everything posted by Henrynowa

  1. do you have a reverse dns(Rdns) setup with your webhost provider? if not that may be your problem
  2. thank you found it can't wait for your new one
  3. this link https://github.com/CyanDarkInc/cPanel-Extended/archive/master.zip dose not work to download 5.1.1
  4. had to copy the defult admin folder to admin folder of the admin area i renamed it from admin to somthing else and it messed up the backend
  5. fixed
  6. Henrynowa

    upgrade problems

    this all happen after i did the upgrade unable to make any changes like if i try to change my test accounts password it does nothing if i put in a new password it goes right back with out changing it not able to setup any new hosting packages not able to edit this Description or Configurable Options if you hit creat nothing happens it dose not save
  7. ok got it to work
  8. i changed the server settings on it is there anyway you can help
  9. i'm have problems with this add on it will not let me upload or select a file
  10. Henrynowa

    digital downlaod

    is there away to have digital download files? we sell templates that we would like to have downloaded after payment
  11. +1
  12. i have all that done i used to do every thing by forms and set them up old school enter all the account info by hand it gets old after a bit
  13. ok i was just making sure it was not a bug could it be added at some point
  14. ok in the cpanel-extended plugin it has a spot for the reseller disk and bandwidth to be passed Disk Space Reseller Limit Bandwidth Reseller Limit this was not being setup with out this plugin
  15. ok the cPanel Extended Module fixed my problem
  16. not sure if this a bug or not i have just installed the cPanel Extended Module for Blesta and it does not add email address to the webhost manager
  17. it is Account Creation Limits under Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges then Resource Usage Limits i think may have it fixed cpanel-extended that seams to fix my problem
  18. what is not being set is Account Creation Limits
  19. i have done that all ready but the settings like disk space and bandwidth do not show up under the reseller
  20. ok here is a better idea what i'm trying to do look at screen shot below
  21. i have root access i own the server if you have skype it would be easier to explain
  22. yes i can i have cpanel user accounts setup but under here Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges for this user see screen shot but this user has no Account Creation Limits set
  23. ok i have a small problem not sure if i need to set something up in the webhost manager or in blesta but when i do a test run on setting up a reseller account it sets it up but it dose not set any of the Account Creation Limits how do i fix this should i go to cpanel and ask? henry
  24. looks like i'm tossing in the towel in all my links have bleed over. what is happening is if you hover over another menu is shows a new link any one now of of a site to make menus for blesta bootstrap?
  25. Thank you Michael for all your help
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