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ATS Larry

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Everything posted by ATS Larry

  1. Ken, While I appreciate your response, I need some reason answer's, not funny guy answers. 1. Yes, it's supposed to be a plug and play system, where you put in your credentials and it works. I shouldn't have to spend an infinity number of hours 'troubleshooting' a system to try to get it to work. I didn't have to do that with WHMCS. It just worked. 2. I've allowed myself MANY hours now and keep hitting, issue after issue, after issue with this system. I mean, seriously. Enough is enough. Lastly.... my WHMCS system works just fine with the automated provisioning. So therefore why won't Blesta work? I don't get that logic, since WHMCS works with the autoprovisioning just fine, but Blesta won't work with the same server and same credentials. Therefore, that tells me that it's a Blesta module issue. Is there any way that I can turn on some better debugging or something to try to determine what is going on and why it's erroring? Obviously the logs are't helping, because there's nothing replying back to Blesta, it appears.
  2. Yes, it's just showing the server hostname in the reply box. No other information. It's the same error as shown in my screenshot. What are some things that I can check on the server side to try to drill down to this? I have root access. Regards, Larry
  3. I have 2086 and 2087 open for inbound and outbound on both firewalls. I have disabled mod_security on BOTH servers and the issue is still happening. Just for kicks, I disabled BOTH server's firewalls and the issue is STILL happening. So, not a port issue, not a firewall issue, not a mod_security issue. Anything else?
  4. @Tyson The first line of my original reply answers your question, as I have re-quoted below. Thanks!
  5. I'm still looking for a response. Anyone have any idea's? Any input as to what I could try to fix this?
  6. Hi Barry, There is no 'systematically' way to do it. Maybe one day.
  7. ATS Larry

    Coupons & Taxes

    This is NOT solved. Still issues with the coupon system. See my previous post.
  8. ATS Larry

    Coupons & Taxes

    I indeed encountered the same issue that you are having. I tested it with my Apple TV's. It seems like if you do it as $10 off exclusive, then it takes $10 off each item. So if I order 2 Apple TV's, then it takes $20 off, instead of $10 off. If I do it as $10 off 'inclusive', it doesn't take ANYTHING off of any of the items in the cart. As if the coupon doesn't even exist. I think the coupon system needs an overhaul, as it doesn't appear to be fully functional. I would say, create a bug and let the developers overhaul the coupon system.
  9. @Barry If you know MySQL / PHPMyAdmin, then you can go into the database and delete it, but if you performed any sort of entries under that company, such as client's, invoices, etc. Then you would also have to remove ALL of those associations as well. Unless you know what you are doing, I don't recommend this, but it's an option.
  10. I'm so fed up with so many issues that I'm having to work through with this billing software and error after error, problem after problem with it. I mean come on, enough is enough. Then I have to sit around and wait for responses to these issues which causes me a great deal of aggravation and lots of wasted time having to always wait on support responses to these issues. What gives?!
  11. When I setup an account from the admin area and apply it, it successfully sets up the account on the server, however Blesta doesn't appear to be getting a reply from cPanel about it completing successfully and it produces this error: An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request. As seen here: http://screencast.com/t/iJScQI4MJ Here's also a screenshot of the log: http://screencast.com/t/vTssnEh3rTH This was happening on my previous installation and I reinstalled Blesta and it still is occurring. What do I need to do to get this working properly? I have all necessary ports opened on the firewalls on my website server and also on the cPanel server so that they can communicate. Both systems are using CSF Firewall. I also want to add that I have also disabled firewalls on BOTH servers and tested this and found that the issue is NOT with the firewalls. So it's something with the Blesta and cPanel communication. Regards, Larry
  12. Thanks Tyson, I greatly appreciate it.
  13. How can I change the text in the information box on the 'Invoice Methods' page shown here: http://screencast.com/t/n01xNdQHLWe Thanks, Larry
  14. How can I add more fields to this section: http://screencast.com/t/hHS7YT3I OR this section: http://screencast.com/t/Qw3tcJekWvP I need to add something called: IP Assignment Because often customer's have additional IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that they need to be able to find at a moment's notice. I also need to document them for billing purposes as well, but I know that I can also do an 'Addon' for billing purposes. Thanks, Larry
  15. Nevermind, I figured it out. I had the wrong IP in the SolusVM API side. Thanks, Larry
  16. @Cody I tried to add a new VPS package and this is what I get: http://screencast.com/t/gEkS9Hmg How can I complete the missing information? Thanks, Larry
  17. Cody, So what you are saying is all of that information will automatically appear in my client's account? Thanks, Larry
  18. I think instead of matching emails, that it should take a look at the 'Invoice Number' and then update that way. It would be more efficient and you won't have to worry about running into this situation. I would say that about 99% of my customer's PayPal email doesn't match what they have setup in the billing system. I can tell you that MY PayPal email doesn't match my personal email that I setup on accounts either. Therefore, the payment would NEVER be applied in this circumstance. That's a bad design of the PayPal Payment Module. This definitely needs to be revamped as soon as possible. This should be a high priority with the developers to get this adjusted so that it functions properly. Thanks, Larry
  19. I found this, but it just shows the tags for the welcome email. I need to know what I need to create for the 'custom fields' for the package. The information for the custom fields, should be with this section, but it's missing and how can you do one without the other? Thanks, Larry
  20. Hello, I can not seem to find any information as to what to call the 'custom fields' for Blesta, when setting up a SolusVM package. Also, so I set up the custom fields as 'package fields' or 'service fields'? I know with WHMCS, they have you setup some things like: vserverid consoleusername consolepassword rootpassword But, I know know what these custom Blesta fields should be called in order for them to import the data properly from SolusVM after the VPS has been setup. Can anyone give me any insight on this? Thanks, Larry
  21. Yes, I have had that enabled. Ah hah! I betcha that's what the problem has been all along. Amazing! Thanks for the info! Regards, Larry
  22. Perhaps I misunderstood you or I was in the wrong area. I went to the customer's credit card account and decrypted it with the passphrase key. Not a password.
  23. Ah, don't worry about it. I have already reinstalled everything and I am setting everything back up again and adding all my customer's back in manually and the few packages that I have setup for testing. I will be testing it again soon and I will update you as to what is going on. Thanks, Larry
  24. I did the passphrase.
  25. @Tyson, Yes, I can see the card number. No problem. I have no idea what is causing this issue. It has me and everyone else puzzled. Regards, Larry
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