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ExpertIntegrations last won the day on August 14 2016

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About ExpertIntegrations

  • Birthday 06/16/1982

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  1. +1 on liking slat & vinegar chips! & I must say this is a very interesting topic to be seen on a billing/support software company forum. But hey there is a first time for everything huh? LOL
  2. From the website, this looks to be exactly the license type they would need. But information is limited, I would agree as well, I'd contact to make sure.
  3. Now that would be cool!
  4. You got a great point here. All license will be held directly w/o any third party access again as you mentioned to make more money I honestly didn't look at this way. To me this is wrong & shouldn't be this way.
  5. I couldn't agree more here. The pricing plans are just fine & that is doable & acceptable, but when you start forcing clients to 'rent' a license then that becomes a problem. I won't speak for anyone but me I don't like rented. I feel this move here WHMCS has taken the wrong move here, but time will tell how hard its going to be. But just from the small discussion in this thread proves the point. But the question begs to be answered, why would WHMCS take such a move of removing 'owned' license from there line-up? It makes me feel they are following the foot steps of Kayako it used to be a very great helpdesk software solution; until they decided to take the route of removing there owned license from there line-up & then went a step further in having 'hosted solutions' only & forcing there clients to convert there 'owned' license to a 'hosted' solution monthly payment just to use kayako 5!
  6. I was a bit confused on this, I was checking out his site & thought well nice ( Logo was blah ); then I went to check out his blesta all integrated. Well that wasn't the case I seen WHMCS, I am thinking why didn't he just post that over at WHMCS forums? I am not bashing WHMCS it just would have made more sense posting over at WHMCS wouldn't you think?
  7. That is very nice, very clean & everything seems to flow very good. Good Job!
  8. Hello @Paul Sure you can add me, I provide integration services I am not sure if this qualifies but here is my deatils Expert Integration's Logo Attached. http://www.expertintegrations.com/
  9. This is a great point that you pointed out paul, & honestly I had no idea this much data was being collected & stored. & I am sure there is others out there that didn't know this as well. It sure does give me something to think about, that's for sure.
  10. Very wise choice here in my opinion. Yeah another teaser would be nice, & yeah beta would even better!
  11. I agree 100% w/ this paul, I think it is a clean and crisp styling. Plus you will find it easier to updating a font-icon then you would updating a static image, plus getting rid of the gradient is another right move into the right direction; as I feel gradient is absolute these day in the design world. But that is just my opinion & I am sure some would agree & some would disagree w/ this fact. What was the thought behind removing icons for font-icons was it the simple fact of convenience & for faster response on loading to make it quicker? Yeah I think @Paul is just trying to tease everyone w/ a small update & keeping everyone in suspense & wanting more!. haha j/k. Nice work btw, the styling of this new blesta theme is looking amazing & must say very fine work you'll are doing!
  12. Yeah I was just assuming you was still having issues w/ your initial original post. But again w/ the whois & nameservers isn't going to be editable until the domain is unlocked.
  13. If the client is trying to change the Nameservers within the client side of blesta system. & the domain is locked within the registrar then the valued nameservers that was set prior to the locking will stay the same value until the domain is unlocked. Even though you are forcing the changes in the admin side, the values are not going to 'really' change. Please someone correct me if I am wrong here people.
  14. Yeah I noticed that a lot of these community forums are being exploited, I know there is a few car forums that I belong to seem to got done the same way WHT got done. So apparently this is a wide spread issue & hopefully something can be done to help minimize any future exploits to help safe-guard users & there private sensitive details.
  15. Nice update here, the new modern stylish looks great!
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