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    Reading, programming, sailing

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  1. Tyson, I am in software development business and we had a web based application for data insertion that included version management. The data also needed to be translated to many languages. So, for some people the logical approach was to also implement translation editing into our web application. After 50k€ or so investment, we have basically ditched the custom translation editor (included history, fuzzy matching, etc) because we always needed to update some parts of it or implement something additional, and are now happily using an external process with professional tools that have existed for decades. If only we had not tried to reinvent the wheel and used translation export/import in the first place. Concentrate on Blesta itself and let us use available tools to modify the phrases. I would be more than happy to volunteer some of my time to make this happen.
  2. I think in the perfect world, this should be customizable and implemented as a widget.
  3. Does anyone know if Blesta team is actually planning to implement this and any of the other language support related tasks in the next two releases? I am not sure if they actually understand that lack of language support makes Blesta pointless for half of the countries in Europe due to multiple languages or large minority ethnic groups (with their own languages) in the countries. In addition to this, I am sure I am not the only one who wants to target at least the local languages + English for international customers.
  4. Why don't you put the translation editor code to github and let the community help out. This way you can concentrate on the core of Blesta and we can worry about the translation editor.
  5. IMHO, this should be more generic. Ideally the client should be able to select the language for the whole UI, not just for the order forms.
  6. This is an essential feature. +1
  7. Is it really so that the client cannot change the language in the order forms? I am using the ajax forms.
  8. I am not sure if everything is working normally or not, just fooling around with 3.2.0 at this time. Looks OK.
  9. When looking at modules, I only have the cPanel module installed and the Universal Module. Both of these were installed manually. Plugins side has more items installed, I have not modified these myself: Billing at a glance, Feed reader, Order system, Portal, System overview, System status.
  10. I have a fresh installation of blesta 3.2.0 (installed via CLI). When logged in to the admin side of Blesta and checking the installed modules page, there seem to be no modules installed (not sure if this is normal). Went into "Available" modules page and clicked on the install button for the "Universal module" and got the following: Oh noes! SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-universal_module' for key 'company_id' on line 124 in /home/ordersibn/public_html/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/ordersibn/public_html/lib/model.php(124): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/ordersibn/public_html/components/record/record.php(216): Model->query('INSERT INTO `mo...', Array) #2 /home/ordersibn/public_html/app/models/module_manager.php(332): Record->insert('modules', Array, Array) #3 /home/ordersibn/public_html/app/controllers/admin_company_modules.php(96): ModuleManager->add(Array) #4 /home/ordersibn/public_html/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminCompanyModules->install() #5 /home/ordersibn/public_html/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/settings...') #6 {main} After going back to the installed modules section, the module is now shown as installed. Universal module version is 1.2.0 Blesta 3.2.0, PHP 5.4.22, MySQL 5.0.10.
  11. From business point of view I would prefer getting money first and worry about the details (CSR) later.
  12. There is a ssh2 extension for PHP which you can use to make the actual connection and execute commands, see http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.ssh2.php .
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