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  1. Thank you Jonathan & Tyson.
  2. this would be very useful in multiple circumstances.
  3. Hi all I have used clients/get.json and clients/getall.json to get client info, I get their names, address email etc but no phone numbers. does anyone know what the api call is to get the phone numbers? thank you.
  4. Thank you Tyson, I didnt realize the api users were company specific. but that resolved the issue.
  5. Thank you for the quick reply. I am currently quickly putting this together in bash and the following curl code works on company 1 but not company 2 : company1 curl -v http://site.com/api/clients/create.json -u user:key \ -d 'vars[client_group_id]=1' \ -d 'vars[status]=active' \ -d 'vars[company_id]=1' \ -d 'vars[first_name]=first' \ -d 'vars[last_name]=last' \ -d 'vars[company]=company' \ -d 'vars[username]=112233441' \ -d 'vars[new_password]=somepass1324' \ -d 'vars[confirm_password]=somepass1324' \ -d 'vars[email]=imports@site.com' \ -d 'vars[numbers][0][number]=+16465551234' \ -d 'vars[numbers][1][number]=+17185554321' \ -d 'vars[address1]=123 Front Street' \ -d 'vars[address2]=' \ -d 'vars[city]=Brooklyn' \ -d 'vars[state]=NY' \ -d 'vars[zip]=10000' \ -d 'vars[country]=US' \ -d 'vars[settings][username_type]=username' \ -d 'vars[settings][send_registration_email]=false' \ -d 'vars[custom][1]=12345' \ -d 'vars[custom][2]=12345 company 2 curl -v http://site.com/api/clients/create.json -u user:key \ -d 'vars[client_group_id]=2' \ -d 'vars[status]=active' \ -d 'vars[company_id]=2' \ -d 'vars[first_name]=first' \ -d 'vars[last_name]=last' \ -d 'vars[company]=company' \ -d 'vars[username]=112233442' \ -d 'vars[new_password]=somepass1324' \ -d 'vars[confirm_password]=somepass1324' \ -d 'vars[email]=imports@site.com' \ -d 'vars[numbers][0][number]=+16465551234' \ -d 'vars[numbers][1][number]=+17185554321' \ -d 'vars[address1]=123 Front Street' \ -d 'vars[address2]=' \ -d 'vars[city]=Brooklyn' \ -d 'vars[state]=NY' \ -d 'vars[zip]=10000' \ -d 'vars[country]=US' \ -d 'vars[settings][username_type]=username' \ -d 'vars[settings][send_registration_email]=false' \ -d 'vars[custom][3]=12345' \ -d 'vars[custom][4]=12345'
  6. I am creating multiple clients for 3 total companies under 1 blesta license with addon companies. I import from csv via curl calls and everything worked great for company #1. client ids went from 1500 - 1545. When I create a client for a 2nd company I dont get a full response back with all the client data of the newly created client. its like its adding contacts instead of clients. I get a simple : And all the clients are created with ID 1546. If I create a client via the gui it gets ID 1547 and is created fine. has anyone noticed anything similar to this before? thank you.
  7. as per my post above yours I need to apply a tax rate based on things other than state. I am not sure if I missed what you are pointing out above.
  8. if only applies the first of the two for that state.
  9. Hi Tyson, thank you for your detailed response. Unfortunately I wasn't clear in my question, let me try to clarify. All my customers live in same state. but based on their residence county they get taxed differently. I have some customers who due to certain tax rules get charged 14% tax and others which get charged 10%. I need to be able to either set 2 tax rules and pick which one gets applied or have a field for a custom tax amount to be applied. Thank you.
  10. Hi all, Is there a way to add a custom tax % to a service? I want to be able to add e.g. a 5% tax on some services but it does not apply to all clients so manually picking it at service creation would be best. thank you.
  11. thank you I will check into this ASAP and update this post.
  12. Was trying to add a service with invoice using cpanel module but with no actual provision as the service already exists on cpanel server. the term is 1 year. after adding the details I goto the next page which displays all the info and gives me two buttons, either to add service or edit service (URL admin/clients/addservice/4/3/1). when I click on add service I get the following error. when checking on client side the service is added to the client, but no invoice is created. Blesta version 3.0 released OS : cloud linux 6.0 x64 php : 5.4.17 Apache 2.2 Mysql 5.5.32 for quick ref. the line from error above is the return line in this function (in class StreamWriter) : function close() { $this->close = true; return implode('', $this->buffer); }
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