Well like I said still in the research and investigation stage. In general shared hosting, and domains maybe. I am not a coder so no dice there.. I have currently tried or studied:
debian, red hat, centos, ubuntu, arch, gentoo, and bsd My Current choice is CentOS 7
Interworx, directadmin, cpanel, plesk, vestacp, webmin, and CWP I like and would use CPanel and Plesk. Currently using CPanel.
Blesta and clientexec. Haven't tried whmcs or hostbill (seems costly.) Currently using Blesta.
I have accounts at NameCheap, Hover, Gandi, InternetBS, NameSilo, Resell.biz and Enom. Not sure I prefer one. Currently use NameSilo as a user not reseller.
learning about KVM and Virtualizor maybe SolusVM next....
Have looked into Maxmind, FraudLabs, and Fraud record. Seems like Maxmind is the favorite.
From the business side. I have looked into becoming an LLC. Looked at Paypal, Stripe and Square. Also looked a Xero and Freshbooks. (I don't see integration there in Blesta).
Well I am sure I left out a bunch of stuff.. Anyway its no rush just learning. I like the community here.. No body has yet to bash me.. so seems comfortable. Relationships matter to me.