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Jason Ryan

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Everything posted by Jason Ryan

  1. I am experiencing the same issue, when did you run the query you posted, prior to upgrading or after?
  2. Our host installed the Source Guardian loader and our app is back to working now. Thought that version 5.4.0 wouldn't need a hotfix but here we are.
  3. I just upgraded our PHP version to 8.1 and getting the same error message on 5.4.0 after applying the hotfix - blank white screen prior to installing hotfix: PHP script '/home/xxxx/xxxx/public_html/app/app_model.php' is protected by SourceGuardian and requires a SourceGuardian loader 'ixed.8.1.lin' to be installed. 1) Click here to download the required 'ixed.8.1.lin' loader from the SourceGuardian site 2) Install the loader to /usr/lib/php/20210902 3) Edit /etc/php/8.1/fpm/php.ini and add 'extension=ixed.8.1.lin' directive 4) Restart the web server Looks like I will have to downgrade... ugh
  4. Just realized I added this in the wrong section, my apologies.
  5. We currently have a case where the Primary Contact on the account is leaving the company and an existing Contact on the account is assuming the position. Would be nice if there was a way to just reassign the Primary Contact role to the existing contact. Right now, doing this is very clunky and not easy because we're having to delete the Contact, modify the Primary, and resend new login credentials manually. Unless I am missing something? Thanks
  6. Just a quick suggestion, a big pain point for us is that there is typically someone in an Accounts Receivables or Accounting department that handles the invoices for the company, while we can designate them to receive the initial invoices for payment, it would be nice if they were able to receive the "Paid" invoices as well and maybe just BCC the Primary Owner on the account. Often times the Primary Contact is complaining that they are receiving these and asking them to be sent to the assigned contact. Thanks
  7. Definitely need to have v3, v2 doesn't do anything against bots anymore.
  8. For anyone else who may come across this issue, it wound up being that it was due to Error Reporting being on and Debug was set to "true". It is unclear as to why this would only cause the downloading of emails to fail and nothing else, seems counter intuitive to me, especially using debug in Wordpress is generally used to find issues, not cause them. It is fixed now and back to normal.
  9. Been working with our host support on this. I have disabled Cron, emailed our support channel, waited 5 minutes, ran cron manually and no import of the responses and nothing showing in logs. I've now moved the cron job to our app panel at the host instead of EasyCron, it still runs as normal and the polling tickets task is running with no errors. I only posted this here to see if anyone else out in the community ever came across this, didn't want to confuse things by cross-posting. Sorry @Paul
  10. @Paul We are using IMAP and yes, double checked our installed extensions and all required extensions are installed and are the correct versions. This is the only part that is failing. When cron runs it marks the email as "Read" on the server but it is not updating the tickets with the response.
  11. Update: The following error is now showing in our Blesta Logs: [2022-01-24T16:20:14.757751+01:00] general.ERROR: Exception: Plugins is not a valid controller in /home/xxxx/xxxx/public_html/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php:113 Stack trace: #0 /home/xxxx/xxxx/public_html/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/plugins/suppor...') #1 {main} [2022-01-24T16:20:16.092067+01:00] general.ERROR: Exception: Plugins is not a valid controller in /home/xxxx/xxxx/public_html/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php:113 Stack trace: #0 /home/xxxx/xxxx/public_html/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/plugins/suppor...') #1 {main}
  12. Hello all - Recently we upgraded to PHP7.4 and quickly found out that their was a compatibility issue with the bundled Stripe-PHP library and have since downgraded back to PHP7.3. Upon doing so, we reinstalled the required PHP extensions for PHP7.3 but now were are having issues with Blesta downloading emails and attaching them to tickets. There are no errors and the Task is running fine. What works: 1. Client sending 1st email to create a ticket - Ticket is created and the auto-response is delivered and received by client 2. Ticket is visible in Blesta, staff and respond to the ticket and the Staff response is sent and received by the Client 3. Client responds to the Ticket via Email - this is where it breaks down. The task is run as normal, the Email is marked as "Read" on the mail server, but the response is never downloaded and attached to the Ticket. Like I said, there are no errors showing anywhere and we can figure out what may be causing the issue here. All emails being "sent" by Blesta work fine. We are on Blesta version 5.2 If anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. We are no longer using this theme. The developers fell completely unresponsive and dropped support so we stopped using it so we could upgrade to Blesta 5.2
  14. We tried to use this theme on 5.2 but there were several errors upon switching to the theme. Decided to just use the Default client theme packaged with Blesta but copied over our own copy and make some tweaks to it ourselves until we find a solution that works for us. They attempted to help but there is such a language barrier there that we just don't have the time right now to troubleshoot something we hoped would just work out of the box.
  15. Schweeeeeet! Thanks @Paul
  16. Was curious to know if the updated Stripe Gateway works with ACH? Have a couple clients inquiring about the capability. Thanks.
  17. Curious about this as well.
  18. Great to hear! Clicked on the link to purchase but I am not seeing where to add the promo code? Thanks
  19. Thanks, there are some minor CSS issues throughout the UI that could use some tweaking but may be manageable. This compatible with the latest release and is there intentions to continue supporting the theme? Like I said, don't want to buy another theme and the development on it stops. Thanks.
  20. Interested in this theme, I went to the demo but it doesn't seem to be loading this theme?
  21. Will this theme be updated with new releases of Blesta? The issue I am having now is that I purchased one a couple years ago and the developer stopped updating the theme. Don't want to make the same mistake again. Simply just don't have the free time to do it myself.
  22. Hello - I just migrated my install over to a new host and switched over the DNS and I am getting a "Too Many Redirects" error. The only difference is that before I was on WHM/Cpanel and the install was installed in a subdirectory, and now it was moved to Cloudways/Digital Ocean and set up as a separate application in a root directory. I don't remember if I had to change something in a config file somewhere in order for it to work in a subdirectory or not. Of maybe missing something stupid. Never had this issue before when I moved it the last time. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this error? Thanks ** EDIT ** Got it working by commenting out: # Force HTTPS RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=307,NE,L] in the htaccess file.
  23. Yep still using the theme, just had to update a couple files when we updated to 4.9. Was pretty easy to do.
  24. Just FYI - I had originally purchased this add-on some time ago as an individual add-on, then when it had to be included in a "subscription", I paid the $10 again just so I can use the add-on. Then, I performed an update to Blesta which rendered the add-on useless and was no longer compatible. This happened over a year ago and we're just now getting a "working" version? No thanks, even if it is $10 it's not worth the hassle IMO. Sorry, but if you are going to make add-ons for a piece of software that you can't keep up with to ensure compatibility, then maybe you need to scale back and focus on what you're compatible of handling to ensure a good project. Even having a "paid" subscription and submitting multiple tickets trying to get an update and not hearing anything for several months is unacceptable. Don't mean to sound harsh, but others need to know what they're getting into.
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