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Everything posted by Jono

  1. Hi there, sorry to hear your experience has been difficult. Thanks for your feed back on the other post, we really appreciate it. That being said, I don't think there are any module currently doing this. Here are two ways that should work to go about this. 1. Load the Record component ( Loader::loadComponents($this, ['Record']); ) and manually change the database. $this->Record->where('module_row_meta.module_row_id', '=', $module_row_id)->update('module_row_meta', ['api_key' => 'new_api_key']); 2. Use the ModuleManager model (Loader::loadModels($this, ['ModuleManager'])). The method you would use is ::editRow(). $this->ModuleManager->editRow($module_row_id, ['api_key' => 'new_api_key']); One thing to keep in mind is that this method replaces all the meta data for that row so you might want to load the current meta data, update it, then submit it. $meta_data = $this->ModuleManager->getRowMeta($module_row_id); $vars = []; foreach ($meta_data as $meta) { $vars[$meta->key] = ($meta->key == 'api_key' ? 'new_api_key' : $meta->value); } $this->ModuleManager->editRow($module_row_id, $vars); Hopefully that is helpful. Regards, Jonathan
  2. Yes. It's not ideal, which is why I created the task. But it does at last allow you to show categories in each language, and after they select the language category things will look pretty much the same as if it did support multi language.
  3. No, with the current state of the code they would just see both and select the category with the language that applies to them. Once CORE-3612 is done the the categories will act like articles do now and show a different name/description based on what language the user has selected.
  4. At Blesta we want to be developer friendly. We put strong emphasis on open code, clear comments, logical file structure, and a powerful API to try to give developers as much power, flexibility, and clarity as possible. However, I've noticed in recent times that the learning curve can be a bit steep for developers getting started with Blesta. In addition we've seen comments saying that development can take a significant amount of time and people may get burned out or give up. That being said, we'd love to hear from the Blesta developer community or those interested in joining us. What we be the most useful ways to help you get started and continue developing on the Blesta platform? These are some of the things I was considering: More clear API docs for input More clear API docs for return values Generic code templates on github for Plugins, Modules, and the various Gateway types More events for Plugin's to tie into Video tutorials (Topic Suggestions?) Some sort of large FAQ A utility/wizard for generating a stubbed out extension (Complete) Let us know if you support any of these measures or have ideas of your own on how we can help. If you don't have a solution, but have a problem that bothers you or slows you down in development, leave a comment (a nice one :P) and perhaps someone else will have a good suggestion for how we can resolve it. We are grateful to all those who support us and have shown interest in the product. It truly warms my heart to see all of those who help each other out both here on the forums and in the discord server.
  5. If you blocked access to the Staff Group edit page, here's what you can do in the database. Search acl_aro table for the staff group your user is in (probably staff_group_1), mark down the ID. Search acl_aro for the alias "admin_system_staff", mark down that ID. Then search the acl_acl table for the record with that aro_id, aco_id, and the action "editgroup". Change the permission column in that record from deny to allow. Then visit yourblestainstall.com/admin/settings/company/groups/edit/X/ where X is your staff group ID
  6. For now maybe have a category for each language? You'd have to make duplicate articles for each, so it's not ideal :/
  7. Not currently supported. I've created a task for this CORE-3612
  8. Got it, no there is nothing setup to perform a review system like that. Maybe if you made some custom code changes you could block them from that page or replace it with a message to contact an administrator, but the official Blesta code does not support it.
  9. 1. Not sure there is a good way to do what you want. You could create a domain order form that uses a free domain package. Then you would only make hosting packages available on the form that come with free domain. There are two problems with this approach though. First, that domain will continue to be free with each renewal unless you take manual action. Second, if the user knows what they are doing, they could manually enter the url for the Blesta checkout after selecting the domain and thereby skip selecting a host package. So they get a domain for free without any hosting and without paying anything. 2. Blesta does not have a utility that automatically imports the accounts from a cPanel server 3. 4. The packages must be in the same package and the client group must have permission to upgrade their own services (see admin/settings/company/groups/edit/1/, "Allow Clients to Change Service Package"). 5. That depends on the hosting module. I believe cPanel supports selling dedicated IPs through a config option which you could have on some packages but not others. 6. What do you mean by document? Invoice? I think the answer is no. 7. "His date"?
  10. What do you mean when you say "nothing can be done"? What happens? Do you get a white screen? An error message? It succeeds but no notification is sent? What exactly is happening?
  11. 1. Yes I believe you could using different packages and coupons. You would have a package for the domain, then create a coupon with a full discount which applies only to particular terms. You can also control on the coupon whether it applies to only the initial purchase or to renewals as well. The catch is that you could not make the coupon dependent on which hosting package they chose. 2. Well there is not a csv import or anything like that but I believe you can create a service through the admin interface and manually link it to an account by filling out the fields correctly. 3. No, not currently 4. Yes
  12. How many package groups do you have in the form? What kind of form is it? There is a client limit and a quantity, are both set to unlimited?
  13. CORE-3604
  14. Jono

    Record Payment via API?

    Currently no email template exists for transaction application or invoice closure. There is also no event for transaction application, but you could create a plugin that ties into the Invoices.setClosed event.
  15. Yea, WHMCS uses different character encoding then Blesta and that can cause issues for names with special (e.g. accented) characters. We have already updated a number of places to resolve this, but it looks like this still needs to be updated. If you're comfortable editing the files you can edit a few lines in plugins/import_manager_components/migrators/whmcs/whmcs_migrator.php. Change line 1146 from: 'name' => $option_group->name, to: 'name' => $this->decode($option_group->name), Change line 1147 from: 'description' => $option_group->description, to: 'description' => $this->decode($option_group->description), Change 1164 from: 'name' => $value->optionname, to: 'name' => $this->decode($value->optionname), Change 1165 from: 'value' => $is_qty ? null : $value->optionname, to: 'value' => $is_qty ? null : $this->decode($value->optionname), Change 1178 from: 'label' => $option->optionname, to: 'label' => $this->decode($option->optionname), Change 1179 from: 'name' => $option->optionname, to: 'name' => $this->decode($option->optionname), That should cover all the potential issue areas in that function.
  16. Yea I notice that the other day, and it is a little misleading. If you look at the method in the code it's self, this is how the deprecation comment reads: * @deprecated since v4.6.0 - The properties of some data returned by this method are deprecated: * - line_items * - taxes_applied * - tax_subtotal * - tax_total * - total * - total_w_tax So the method itself is not deprecated, just some of the return values.
  17. Unfortunately the Invoices model does not support the level of granularity in searching, though it's looking like it will in Blesta 4.10. Now this is particularly if you are using the Invoice #. If you know the internal invoice ID (the id that appears in the url when editing an invoice which comes from the invoices.id column) then you could call curl --request GET https://mydomain.com/api/invoices/get.json?invoice_id=104028
  18. The answer to you first question is no, the cron will not automatically invoice created services, though it does automatically invoice renewing service. For your second question, it is trying to default the service_ids parameter since you have accidentally written services_ids.
  19. That private method no longer exists in the current version of Blesta. Cron tasks have been moved to their own classes. See core/Automation/Tasks/Task/CreateInvoices.php Specifically see the run() and isTimeToRun() and createRenewingServiceInvoices() methods
  20. Nope, CORE-3573
  21. Unfortunately this is stored in the transactions.reference_id field which is not currently included in the transactions search.
  22. Blesta has no knowledge of what email is stored in paypal, and payments could be made from multiple accounts. That being said, if the paypal email is the same one that is recorded in Blesta the smart search or client search will support searching on it. As for IP, users may login from multiple IPs. If we were to try and implement IP search how would you envision it working? Perhaps if the user had ever logged in from the given IP?
  23. Currently, bypassing this page is not an option, but renaming it is relatively simple. You can edit the language file under components/gateways/nonmerchant/razorpay/language/en_us/razorpay.php and modify line 2 $lang['Razorpay.name'] = 'Razorpay';
  24. Merchant gateways in Blesta only accept credit card and ACH payments. I'm not super familiar with iDEAL but if it doesn't fall under those categories than it is not supported.
  25. Jono

    Plugin page broken

    You need to uninstall it before removing the files from your system. Either re-add the files and uninstall or manually remove the plugin from your database. If you do it manually make sure there are no tables that were created by the plugin since those should be removed as well.
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