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Everything posted by Jono

  1. https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-3940
  2. Why would you create invoices that you don't expect the client to pay...? Also upgrades may take effect even before the invoice is paid (depending on your settings). This scenario has an admin upgrading a service without the client confirming they want it... as a suggestion? That doesn't seem like the right way to do things.
  3. https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1935
  4. There is not. requests.blesta.com
  5. You really don't need $this->view->set("package", $package->meta ); Since you can access the package meta from the view if you use: $this->view->set('package', $package); That first 'package' parameter determines the variable name in the view so if you have two $this->view->set('package', ....); statements then they would conflict.
  6. Are you sure the package group is what you're looking for? Each service is assigned to a package. That package has a description. That package may be assigned to any number of package groups. To access the $package in the view you would add this to the controller: $this->view->set('package', $package); To display the package description you would do: <p><?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($package->description);?><p> To display the package group descriptions you could do something like: <?php foreach ($this->Html->ifSet($package->groups, []) as $package_group) ?> <p><?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($package_group->description);?><p> <?php } ?>
  7. To be sure, you are saying that that recurring payments are being received in PayPal (I assume through a subscription), but are not sending anything to Blesta?
  8. Jono

    Error during Backup

    Looking at past forum posts people commonly experienced 1 of 3 issues: 1. The exec() function is disabled 2. The escapeshellarg() function is disabled 3. The web server cannot run mysqldump, either because mysqldump is missing from the system or the web user doesn't have permissions. I think based on your error it could be #3 since I believe the first two would cause a php error message of their own.
  9. "Client Cards" are provided by plugins. Currently, no plugin has implemented an admin-side plugin, though they will in the future.
  10. First of all, please do this ^^^ You certainly can send the files (under components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard), but they shouldn't matter until you have made custom changes.
  11. Technically that looks like it would work. That being said it would usually look something like this in Blesta: <p><?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($package_group->description);?><p> This does of course assume that $package_group was fetched in the controller and passed to the view.
  12. #7 is complete as of 4.12 with the new Extension Generator. This tools will let you enter simple extension information and generate much of the code for you, along with some helpful comments to help in development.
  13. Ah, now that is an interesting case. The answer to your question in this case is no, it does not account for daylight savings. If you set the time to 07:00 PDT then the datebase saves at as 00:00 UTC. Then outside daylight savings the cron will see that 00:00 UTC as 08:00 PST and I suspect that's also what it would show in the interface so you would have to manually adjust it to 07:00 PST (which would then be stored as 23:00 UTC)
  14. I assume by frontend you mean the client interface and by backend you mean the admin interface. It is important to note that there is a separate structure.pdt files for each at app/view/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt and app/view/admin/default/structure.pdt respectively. If you have not already, make sure you update that second one in the admin view directory if necessary. Disclaimer - I have no knowledge of this specific plugin x)
  15. Just make sure the folder is not under your root web directory. Certainly could, though I wouldn't call it a major security issue since filenames are already overwritten and there is no way for the files to be accessed unless someone has access to your server. Still, https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-3903
  16. https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-3902
  17. 1) Make sure your uploads directory is not publicly accessible and this should not be an issue 2) Max file upload size can be controlled through your php.ini file using the upload_max_filesize option
  18. Well it has always had partial consideration because dates are stored in UTC so when these dates are displayed we always convert them to the current timezone (daylight savings or not). But some of the other issues of saying "today +1 month" and that considering daylight savings was taken care of by using PHP's DateTime class which we started doing in 4.2 https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2378
  19. Yes. Yes it does
  20. Jono

    Stripe zip code

    Don't see why not. https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-3901
  21. Instead of "| escape}" use "| safe}"
  22. There was one important change from PayPal that may be relevant. https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/important-notice-regarding-upcoming-subscription-changes-ts2239 based on which we created https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-3180. I don't see how the hit-or-miss behavior could be Blesta side, but perhaps you can look in Tools > Logs > Gateway to see if the IPN notifications are coming in and just receiving some kind of error.
  23. Jono

    Error during Backup

    Do you have a Temp Directory set under Settings > System > General?
  24. https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2871 We moved ckeditor to vendors/blesta/ckeditor. I wasn't directly involved but it looks like we did so in order to maintain some custom changes.
  25. Not sure if your still encountering issues, but usually the first place to look when you're having issues with a module is Tools > Logs > Module to see if their are any calls for the module and if they returned any errors
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