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Jono last won the day on February 26

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  1. Also https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-5359
  2. I've created a task: https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-5358 Fix is in the task
  3. Is the invoice associated with the renewal paid? It is only after payment that an API request will be sent to the registrar and the expiration date updated.
  4. On plugins/import_manager/components/migrators/whmcs/whmcs_migrator.php line 751 change $this->local->insert('invoices_recur_created', $vars); To $this->local->duplicate('invoice_recur_id', '=', $recurring_id)->insert('invoices_recur_created', $vars); tblinvoiceitems must have records with a duplicate invoiceid-relid pair. Not sure if there's a valid reason for that.
  5. Hi there, just to throw in an update. I'm testing this yesterday and today. Unable to reproduce by simply doing an import with a billable item with multiple invoices. I'll look more into the code and your report to see what specific set of circumstances causes the error.
  6. Confirmed. Try updating app/models/invoices.php around line 1528 from: $items[] = [ 'service_id' => $service_id, 'qty' => $item->qty, 'amount' => $this->Currencies->convert( $item->price, $service->package_pricing->currency, $currency, Configure::get('Blesta.company_id') ), 'description' => $item->description, 'tax' => !empty($item->taxes) ]; To $items[] = [ 'service_id' => $service_id, 'qty' => $item->qty, 'amount' => $this->Currencies->convert( $item->price, $service->override_currency ?? $service->package_pricing->currency, $currency, Configure::get('Blesta.company_id') ), 'description' => $item->description, 'tax' => !empty($item->taxes) ]; I've created CORE-4441 to handle this.
  7. Just to confirm, you have set an override price/currency on the service?
  8. To resolve, edit plugins/support_manager/views/default/css/styles.css and add: .card .ticket-reply p { margin-bottom: 1rem; }
  9. This seems to happen on php7.4+. To fix replace vendors/blesta/Parsedown/Parsedown.php line 130 from: $CurrentBlock = null; To $CurrentBlock = ['type' => '', 'element' => ''];
  10. Confirmed: CORE-4430
  11. I've added CORE-4429 to address this
  12. I've created CORE-4428 to deal with this.
  13. This query should do the trick: UPDATE acl_acl INNER JOIN acl_aco ON acl_aco.id = acl_acl.aco_id SET acl_acl.permission = 'allow' WHERE acl_aco.alias = 'admin_system_staff' AND acl_acl.action = 'editgroup' AND acl_acl.aro_id = 1; Then you can visit admin/settings/system/staff/editgroup/1/ to make sure all appropriate permissions are enabled.
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