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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. we have set a autoclose ticket ,with predifined response . yesterday a ticket was well filled by the autoresponse email , but the ticket remain open !!! On Apr 7 2016 12:55 PM System replied is there something we should look in it
  2. when we active Configure::errorReporting(-1); the client also can see the error if ocure . is best and secure if this option when is set to -1 make the output only for admin or staff .
  3. it would be usefull is blesta add to the days list in Invoice and Charge Options another option "0 day" . that way we can select the suspension set to "0 day" , the service will be suspended the same day in expiration , add to not wait 24Hours to make the suspension , the same for the other list . that way we can ignore the 24 hour difference between to calender days . i remember that another user has request a negative value for this list "- 2 days".
  4. for my case , the move was done in v2.5 by a custom page we have created . we just changing the UID (i think) from old client id to the new client ID .
  5. and what about client side templates ? they have also a complete rewrite ?
  6. +1. i want more, enable gateways by countries . we want to disable gateway X for all client that are in YY country . but if blesta can make the list gateway support event, we can easly build a plugin for that .
  7. we can use this tags in auto close email ?
  8. today , when one of our staff are replying to ticket , he get a php error . Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string on line 18 in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/vendors/h2o/h2o/datatype.php the url of the response was /plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/reply/4533/ the response has no attachment , it only a plain text . and the response was added to database . just curios why that was happen .
  9. our modules/plugins in v3.6.1 will not stop working ?
  10. thanks for the quick response . the email templates for support manager should be updated , as now it only show 3 available tags !!!!
  11. how to add ticket subject to the notice email of ticket . to recieve email subject like Update to Ticket -b9c26e- subject of ticket as now we have only ticket hach and tiocket id as tags for email .
  12. i have a multi-languages plugin that will be released soon . what is your multi-languages requirement ?
  13. nice and hard work .
  14. when we edit a proforma , and save the change , the proforma convert to invoice . normally it should conserve the proforma status . is not bug .... issue from our side .
  15. it would be wonderfull if the Predefined Response support multi-languages .
  16. i have looked your code , some data in the config can be fetched from the settings company , like the currency , logo picture from invoice logo if set . ect . also blesta has the tcpdf already , just call and load it inside your model . you can make a look at the invoice template components to inspire from it . but finally, great work
  17. the problem in getAdminEditFields() is not returning the services info . and for that we can determine wich module_row_id are used . maybe tyson can assist in how we get services info from getAdminEditFields() . EDIT the only solution is to add $service to the admin_clients byt changing $service_fields = $module->getAdminEditFields($package, $vars); to $service_fields = $module->getAdminEditFields($package, $vars, $service); we can see this as default in the core as improvement of the code ? or add the service info to the $vars ? $vars->service_fields = $service ;
  18. changing service status could cause multiple issues . also i don't know how the service will be shown in client area with this new status !!!! for me this a bad practice . what i have found as a solution , open the invoice related to the service that will be renew outside blesta, then delete the line corresponding and add new line with the same price . renew the service outside blesta . now when the client will pay this invoice later , the system will not send renew command . not sure if this has safe 100% , waiting a staff advice .
  19. in my case the service Moved to the client B , the invoice still in the client A account . and the service was suspended because client A was not paid the invoice related to that service . so is not respecting if the invoice exist belong to the same client that has the service . note the client B will not pay anything until the next renew .
  20. dates from database . date added 2015-04-09 00:00:00 date renews 2017-04-09 00:00:00 date last renew 2016-04-09 00:00:00 so the problem here is the cron time ? normally this services should be fetched from the cron that has been run 2-4-2016 and not 3-4-2016 ! from your opinion what is the best time to run this cron ?
  21. yes i have one group addons, but is not listed thier . i see a a package called "active" in the list that didn't have !!! <select name="group_package" id="group_package"> <option class="inactive" disabled="disabled" value="inactive">Inactive</option> <optgroup label="Imported"><option value="1_8">Prof 4 (2,5 Gb)</option> <option value="1_9">Prof 5 (3 Gb)</option> <option value="1_11">Geant 3 (8 Gb)</option> <option value="1_12">Geant 4 (10 Gb)</option> <option value="1_15">Vbulletin Securite</option> <option value="1_16">Installation</option> <option value="1_17">Vbulletin Update</option> <option value="1_18">Vbulletin Licence</option> <option value="1_34">DirectAdmin</option> <option value="1_36">SuperPlan BestOF</option> <option value="1_42">Quad Core Q9550</option> <option value="1_57">Geant 1 (4 Gb)</option> <option value="1_59">Basic 3 - 400 MB</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Servers"><option value="6_41">EG 64G Hybrid</option> <option value="6_46">HG BestOF Reloaded</option> <option value="6_60">Sandy Bridge E</option> <option class="active" disabled="disabled" value="active">Active</option> <option value="1_23">Vps VEHigh</option> <option value="1_35">Softaculous</option> <option value="1_43">Server_5</option> <option value="1_49">SSL Sertificate</option> <option value="1_51">Asa Cisco</option> <option value="1_54">Hybrid SoftRAID</option> <option value="1_61">Ip Adress</option> <option value="1_62">Adresse IP Dedie</option> <option value="1_63">Server 1</option> <option value="1_64">Server 2</option> <option value="1_65">Server 3</option> <option value="1_66">Server 4</option> <option value="1_70">Domain (ME/CC)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Hosting"><option value="2_1">Basic 1 - 10 GB</option> <option value="2_2">Basic 2 - 20 GB</option> <option value="2_3">Basic 3 - 30 GB</option> <option value="2_4">Basic 4 - 40 GB</option> <option value="2_5">Prof 1 - 50 GB</option> <option value="2_6">Prof 2 (100 GB)</option> <option value="2_7">Geant 1 (1000 Gb)</option> <option value="2_10">Geant 2 (Unlimited)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Domains"><option value="3_13">Domain</option> <option value="3_14">Domain .MA</option> <option value="3_58">Domain (TV/CO)</option> <option value="3_67">Domain (ES/DE/UK)</option> <option value="3_68">Domain (WS/BZ/IN)</option> <option value="3_69">Domain (TEL/MOBI/ASIA)</option> <option value="3_71">Domain (MN)</option> <option value="3_72">Domain (CA/CH)</option> <option value="3_73">Domain (IT/BE/FR/NL)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Resellers"><option value="4_24">Resseler 1 (10Gb)</option> <option value="4_25">Resseler 2 (15Gb)</option> <option value="4_26">Resseler 3 (20Gb)</option> <option value="4_27">Resseler 4 (25Gb)</option> <option value="4_29">Resseler 5 (30Gb)</option> <option value="4_30">Resseler 6 (50Gb)</option> <option value="4_31">Resseler 7 (100Gb)</option> <option value="4_32">Resseler 8 (200Gb)</option> <option value="4_33">Resseler 9 (300Gb)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Vps"><option value="5_19">Vps VEAdvance</option> <option value="5_20">Vps VEOne</option> <option value="5_21">Vps VEPro </option> <option value="5_22">Vps VESolid </option> <option value="5_28">Vps VEStarter</option> <option value="6_50">i7-W3520</option> <option value="6_52">Q-1T Server</option> <option value="6_53">i7-2T Server</option> <option value="6_55">Server Pro</option> <option value="6_56">SYS XEON ECC 1</option> <option value="6_74">SYS XEON ECC 2</option> <option value="6_75">SYS XEON ECC 3</option> <option class="restricted" disabled="disabled" value="restricted">Restricted</option> <option disabled="disabled" value="1_44">MG-128</option> <option disabled="disabled" value="1_45">Custom USA server</option> </optgroup> </select> anyway the access is still the same if you want to make profound look .
  22. in add service admin side; the package list is not showing the correct packages in the list , add service package list
  23. also it would be nice to see it in edit mode . sometimes we transfer site from server to another server , and we should update module row id also .
  24. where i find wich services to try suspending them manually ?
  25. is ok , good . as this is a invoice edition , why not to add asterisk in the end of each line to indicate relation to service
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