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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. recently i used this class https://github.com/HelgeSverre/Domain-Availability . but finally i have come to my own class that i use it now in my new order form , i will release it soon . then you can integrate it to your own module .
  2. back to this subject .. ticket are not auto closed . the cron is working well . the settings Automatically Close Tickets ar set to 3 days . i have tickets that are last reply from staff more than 5 days .and still open . 5 d 12 hr 19 min by XXX CCCCC (this is a staff) 5 d 3 hr 36 min by Support Technique (this is a staff) any thing i have missed in settings ?
  3. from the code it use a remote xmlapi website that is not free . is better to make a lookup class that will do the trick .
  4. another one more great module
  5. +1 for client name .
  6. sincerly is a simple plugin can do it . act as widget . i will try to make it when i have time .
  7. السلام عليكم شكرا لك على المساهمة .... عندي بعض النقاط اريد منك فقط توضيحها ... انت تتحدث ربما عن الستايل/القالب الاصلي و ليس السكريبت ؟ بما انها مجانية ، ارى انه يفضل رفعها على موقعك او github في حالة الستايل العربي يوجد هذا الموضوع يمكنك وضع الاضافات فيه لنصل الى استايل نهائي شامل لكل اقسام http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3461-fully-rtl-to-lft-css/ ام انك تتكلم عن ملفات اللغة العربية ؟ Translation . thank for your contribute , just some points need some explain. you are talking about the template/theme or about the whole script/software ? if is free, is better to upload it to website or github . if is related to css , please , you can update the thread rtl to left . and we will arrive to a complete css for all blesta sections , the staff then can add it as default . or you are talking about the arabic languages files ?
  8. total income ? in admin side, you can make it as a plugin , you are now a hero in blesta coding
  9. we want as admin enter manual payment (record payment) of gateways , sometimes the client pay via paypal from outside system,and we need to record this payment as paypal transaction we found it it ,under other
  10. the working font for the true utf8 , the only issue is the size of the pdf file .
  11. ther are a option that the change will not take effect until the invoice generate was paid . but what i can't understand is when changing termfrom 5 to 1 year the domain was renewed !!
  12. Custom Plugin + Custom Gateway . Plugin for activating gift card , and trace using and disabling the used cards . gateway to accept the gift card .
  13. that feature was in v2.5 +1
  14. that is the case that we don't want to happen . because it will cause as a lot of manual work . remove tld from package, upgrade all services that use the package to the new one .
  15. the same logic we use . package per price .
  16. this fix should be added to the core module .
  17. for me i can make the suspend time at 23:55 at that can make me happy at least until the blesta do something in the core . hacking core file is not my way . but i prefer a solution that is integrated in the system , i can wait it in v4 .
  18. +1 for this . in v2.5 it was showing the full note with option to save/delete from the same windows . now i will describe the soufrance we have now . first to see the note detail you need to click in note , if you want to delete it , click in notes left side, then click delete . 3 task to see and delete the note . in v2.5 1 click to delete , 0 click to see it . how i miss you v2.5
  19. is a long story , we are forced by law to push service in a new account for the new ownership even if the old client has a invoice due !!!! also is better for us to preserve the service with and not let the new owner take it with other company .
  20. Hello tyson ... if i set it to 0 day , i think logically it will be suspended in the same day of overdue invoice ? what i need is the service suspend in the next calendar day of invoice due , and not after 24 hours . i need a urgent fix because this is trivial for some services we have . what is the best solution for us ?
  21. i will watching this in my system if occured again i will update .
  22. that is correct . when i'm in client side as admin i need to see errors . i mean only if logged as admin in client or admin side i should see errors . i have recieved a notice from a user in this forum about a url archived in google with blesta error . the url is working well with error-reporting set to 0 .
  23. Hello i have found a second ticket are not closed On Apr 7 2016 6:50 AM System replied EDIT : 3 ticket now .
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