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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. The template should work in v3 and more . For v4 i need to check and see the changes yhen update it . Any bug founded just report it .i will fix it as soon as possible .
  2. I think ge need to give the resselers option to resell licences of thier modules/plugins . As activa say . You need to create a plgin to make it like a API SERVICE for your clients and the olugin send the command to the module .
  3. I have cpanel servers . And every package created is take the lve limit . In lve settings there are option to make limits for every package . In my servers all work like well . But tomorow i will check this . Just to note , your case has nothing to do with the billing software is cpanel/clodlinux issue .
  4. very usefull request . we want to see this also . after moving from v2 , we have redesigned our packages structures to beneficent from add-on group feature . and we have found that we need to update the services from database directly , until now we have stopped the editing as we lose time in it . +1 for this feature .
  5. sorryfor the lock of information , i'm refering to the calender's event. i confirm that delete/edit work on the month view . the staff can delete events of other staff ?
  6. when we want to delete or edit a event the popup not loading . wa can add new event . the console return a jquery error TypeError: eventElement.resizable is not a function eventElement.resizable({
  7. "since first beta release in 2007 we are sleeping well , with the new revamp in v3 and earlier , we get more control and power of extending the soft . in simple word blesta is simple, easy, modular, open code and very secure" . Mohamed Anouar Achoukhy , NH Group .
  8. Webmin is your friend
  9. +2 for this . i have already requested this feature . it would be a awesome feature to allow a reason for suspend action, that way also the module can add a suspend reason to the provisioning server that allow such feature like cpane, proxmox, virtualizor or any other software . the best is to update the email template to support the suspend reason. when our staff suspend a account due to some reason , we receive a lot of "why my account was suspended" . if the client receive a clear email containing the suspend reason they will take the best decision regarding this . The service may have been suspended for the following reasons: 1. Non-payment. If your service was suspended for non-payment, you may login at http://naja7host.com/client/ to post payment and re-activate the service. 2. TOS or abuse violation. the new email The service have been suspended for the following reason: - xxxxxxxx
  10. on delete or edit . but if you found it not so reasonable you can ignor it as it not must have . what about 4 beta ?
  11. in some cases we need more than one note for every client , and every staff add a note for a specific subject . that is not a trivial feature, is a simple fix .
  12. when we delete note, the redirect command , redirect to client profile rather than notes page.
  13. yes, but this should be done in every controller that use the editor . the latest versions has some new cool themes and improvements .
  14. as the title see, update ckeditor to latest version .
  15. well done .. clean theme .
  16. nice work ... very beautiful integration .
  17. i feel he is wanting to change the module_row_id from the admin side , if he is not working with group , he can't do anything in such case . even if the reassign pricing . exist another thread about this behavior . it would be perfect a way to update the module_row_id if no groups are available .
  18. Cancel Reason is still wanted
  19. yes, in the package level , maybe a new option "allow 1 package per client" if selected another option of "count canceled service" . this behavior i have resolved with a custom work . with my own cart , when the client want to add a new package to the cart , a call a custom function to check if the package is already exist in the client account . one obstacle was when the guest order a this package and login in the checkout , i didn't have a option to show a error for this . also resolved this with allow only logged-in users to use the form . but i prefer to see this in the core
  20. rregarding to this post , i better to change the way gateway name is associated with the gateway info , i suggest to get the gateway name from language file and not from database . we have already talked about this in several time in multi-language posts . a quick fix for this is already posted here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5064-convert-gateways-names-to-multi-languages/ is a simple fix and and has any relation with other function, as is just a display name . the same with getInstalledMerchant() , getInstalledNonmerchant() , getAllInstalledNonmerchant() . i hope this can be implemented .
  21. this behavior is limited to your module , so the module check for this is already licenced or not . what person ask is 1 package per account . and this should be managed by the system not by the module itself .
  22. the second is what i have missing .
  23. any help in this ?
  24. to see if admin logged : $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id") to see if client is logged $this->Session->read("blesta_client_id")
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