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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. You can create a simple plugin tvat fetch this and return the numbers . In the view add a jquery code to call this plugin via ajax and put the returned data in the desired div . Like the multicurrency balance .
  2. You can do it without hacking core file. You can do a conditions in the main structure.pdt to check if the requested page is order form then use you own html for it or use other html output . Is like having to html structure in the structure.pdt file . Licencecart has some tuto how to edit the structure file you can get inspiration from it .
  3. If i remember i already adressed a request to use a php mysql backup rather than the system backup command . After a negative response , i have opted with my own backup plugin . With a native php class to backup the database .
  4. You can do some tweek and hack the order form controller to use a separate view . Then you can use your own structure template . But you need to revert any change after a update of blesta .
  5. Tyson has made a shela for you . Plugin that will tie to event invoice and store the invoice id and the rate exchange in a separate table . Then in invoice view you should look to database and fetche the rate correspondinf to the invoice and print it . That all i think .
  6. 1+ for susbscription in jira tasks.
  7. In first release i will check only the orders that is 0 payment . So no partial payment has been done for it . Im already a working plugin but need tweek and more test .
  8. You should create your own template invoice . Take the core one or my html template to inspire from it . It tottaly possible what you want to do .
  9. i'm currently working in a plugin that auto cancel unpaid orders after X days . but i have a misunderstanding the orders status !!! pending , accepted ... i have found some orders are accepted but not yet activated and is not complete until the invoice should paid . so normally i shouldn't search orders via status , i should search order is they have invoice related has date_closed set ? or i should look if the order is accepted or pending or both ?
  10. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.6.1

    Core 1763 is not a priority as we have already a working case . Is a improuvement of case that has no bug . For me let it down
  11. i can't believe that . this man is a moderator in WHT or WHMCS !!!
  12. I think the sublevel menu is a must nessecity now . As paulov described.it would save time for us. Also i have a case that really would happen to anyone . I have a lot of plugins that is not released yet . And some of them has a multi menu that cna't be injected to tools tabs .it take a furst level menu . Now i have arrived to complete the navbar and impossible for us now install new plugin that has primary nav link menu . The only solution is convert the secondary links to dropdown and make them support meltilevel , that way we can inject plugins menus to sublink of "tools". And as youbare now in revamp the design , so think in this case and try to find a solution in the future.
  13. the menu will support multi-level navigation ? for example, a plugin can add sub-link 'My Plugin" to "Tools" and inject it own sublink to "My Plugin" link ?
  14. something like this con do the job $this->Form->fieldImage("submit", $this->_("PaypalPaymentsStandard.buildprocess.submit", true), array('src' => $button_url,'target' => "_blank") );
  15. The $package_group is already set in the controllers? If not it will not work . If i want to do this , i will update the controllers rather than the template file , i will unset($gateway) for the given package
  16. Then he should update the client pay section also . I think is client_pay.pdt file .
  17. Just edit the process.pdt file inside the view directory .
  18. i think is better to wait until v4.1 , to not loose time in thing maybe will not be working in v4.1 .
  19. well tough .
  20. from my side also any account was setup by blesta , is getting the lve limit set in lve manager . i never see a option to show lve limit under modify account !!!!
  21. Package restrited is your friend . For registration fields no options now . You can only hide tax field.
  22. Internetbs has email forwarding i think . I never hear about a module gas the dns management done .
  23. I prefer to allow only staff to see irrors . That way you can see if your system has a issue .
  24. To check how the plugin send the command to the module , check the cron.php it has a good road to begin with it . For other side the plugin should have a controller that lisen to command like Plugins/licence_api/api/(add/cancel/reissue) Licence_ami = plugin directory api = api.php inside controller (Add cancel reissue) = function inside api file Now you have the logic , you can use your way of coding .
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