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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. This is a trivial question . In our case we use some registrar module . I can't imagine blesta will drop the actual domains services !!!! Is a catastrophe/disaster for us . But i think the new system will recognize the old services .
  2. This thread has a relation with EU invoicing system . We have already talked about this in several times . The solution posted or the Jira task is not a ideal solution here . If the pdf is deleted for some reason a new invoice will be generated with the new client info and that is a big probleme . The onlyvreal solution is to add client info to a invoice row . Or add new table called for exemple "invoice_contact" include in it the client name and adress with client id . Then in invoice add a new culumn "invoice_contact_id" that will store the id of the contact used . That way every invoice will have a stored contact info . Even if the client change thier info in the profile .
  3. I have decided to drop my proxmox module . So i will not update my module for more options . Proxmox has decided to drop openvz . Alot of companies has been moved to solusvm or virtualizor.
  4. Well done ... When i finish testing and tweaking my plugin and release it , maybe we can merge the two plugins .
  5. After meeting with technical staff . A clustured dns is not a solution for us at the moment . Every server should have it own name servers . We will try to see what we can do in our custom order form . But from others competitors , They have this already out of the box !!!!
  6. Try to customize the order view . Plugins/order/view/ then go to the selected template and add you custom code .
  7. My plugin . Has the fallowing settings Days to clean uncomplete orders.( Number of days, list from 1 to 90 days) . Action for attached invoice (void/delete) Action for attached services (cancel/delete) . Delete = remove from database . We will implement a option to send email about uncompleted orders for x days (partially paid) . The plugin will be released next mounth with another 4 other plugins .
  8. Thanks Paul, that is what i'm searching .
  9. The question is very clear . How to make the cronjob run in https mode rather than normal mode http .
  10. The cron is running in http mode nad not https .
  11. So all your clients domains has the same dns .and only you change the A record ?
  12. 403 error is maybe a modsecurity error
  13. Hello mike . Yes i have rechecked again . The addon product (package) is under the correct group , that group is addon tyoe and attached to the correct parent group. The addon package is showed in the order process so clients can select the addons . But is not showed in the services tabs. Also the addons package has the same term pricing as the parent package . Any other suggestions to look in ?
  14. The admin is not using bootsrap and is not responsive. But you can manage the admin from mobile without any problme . I use the actual theme in my mobile and i never had a probleme in any admin area.
  15. there is no addons in the services row ¡¡¡
  16. the client can select addons package in the order form , but if the service was activated , there are no otion for client to add addons package . not i m not talking about Configurable Options . i have missed somthing or is a default behavior in blesta ? note , i have already Allow Clients to Create Addons for Existing Services
  17. we have some servers has it own name servers , so for some technical issue we can´t use a dns servers for them . we have found other software has this option out of the box, the ordered domain herite the name servers set in the ordered hosting package . and that is the real solution for that case . if the domain order with a hosting package , the domain in creation herite the name servers from the hosting package . so if the hosting package are activated in the server "xx" the domain take the name servers set for this hosting package .
  18. I dont know what relation beetwen my question and the welcome email ? Maybe you have misuderstand my case .
  19. we have multiple cpanel servers , in the package we use server group . the brobleme we are facing every day , in every domain + hosting purshased , we need to adjust the domain name server as blesta provision hosting in different server , and the domain always get a dns different from hosting server . is there any way that we can do to make the domain get the name server (dns) of the provisioned server ? this task will make my stuff crazy , every activated service we need to adjust the name server . this case has nothing todo who have 1 server for hosting, but for a big/professional companies that has multiple servers and multiple location , they can t work with blesta at this level . really the staff need to make a deep look at the hosting market , and search a way to improuve the system . we have built a custom order form to minimize this case , but steel we are affected by this behavior in some case .
  20. i want to run cronjob with https . my actual cron is */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/index.php cron i have a custom cron that need to be run in https version , i have a model that need to check for https and the server host $this->base_url = "http" . (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "off" ? "s" : "") . "://" . (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : nul) . "/"; this code always generate a http with empty server http:/// i have tweked it to be $this->base_url = "http" . (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "off" ? "s" : "") . "://" . (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : $system_company->hostname) . "/"; but i still need to check http or https as every protocol has a defirenet function to run .
  21. How others do that ? ... Normally plugins in github are open source . Then they are mit or apache licence . Or any other licence . By the way i m the first one will sign this form . Who import for me the improuve and not my rights . I reserve my rights for my own plugins . And if blesta can improuve then and want to ship them i offer the right to blesta to do it .
  22. Perfect and nice sharing ... Things should be in the core gateways . Why not blesta make all thier plugins , gateways and modules in github , that way other dev can help in improuve/fix/addition .... then blesta team need just to review and merge .
  23. Can you do screenshoot for the email recieved by client with date/time . The email copy from email log in client profile . Errase any data you see is private .
  24. Are you talking about late invoice or invoice creation notice ? The email sent with invoice creation is the first invoice late notice ?
  25. The module will support the autoinstall tools from sslstore ?
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