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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. the steps, Create a multiple servers, assign the servers to a Server Groups . create package for cpanel, select the created Server Group and cpanel package, then create the package . go to order form and order the package, in Checkout page, we select the gateway and we check the agreement, when we submit the order we get the error An internal error occurred. The module row is unavailable. it only accept the order if we change the package from selecting the server group to Any. any one can reproduce? or confirm .
  2. i think you have misunderstand me, let make a simple example with logicboxes module, create a package for a tld that need a custom fileds like .le or .asia . from admin side in client profile page, got to add service, then select the package for that TLD, then only the standard fields will be shown, the custom fields will not be listed .
  3. when a client is logged in, blesta set the client info to the global structure view, but for staff is not the same, we can't get the staff name, email ... ect in the structure, this info is only available in the edit setting for profile. sample case, we need to show a welcome message (Hello mr xxxxxx, ....) in our theme . i think the code should be like this, and it should be done in the app_controller.php asi think, adding it to the admin_controller.php is not take any effect that because all admin_xxx file inherit from AppController directly $this->uses(['Staff']); $staff = $this->Staff->get($this->Session->read('blesta_staff_id')); if ($staff) { $this->structure->set('staff', $staff); } or the magic option is to allow as inject vars to the structure view from preAction event or any new similar hook, let say i want to inject a list of PM's to the structure to use it in our custom admin theme .
  4. Hello Sir if i remember well i have updated the components, but i'm not sur if the guys has added it to the download section, let me check for you . Edit : Hello again, i found that the plugin was updated already to 3.1. Edit 2 : i see that you claim about cronjob delivery, sorry for the misunderstanding, i will try to produce it, i have tested the manual delivery and it work for me, i will let the components active to see the error logs . do you have any error logs for this cron?
  5. ome plugins add/edit/delete entries in the menu, after the upgrade the modification is not viewed instantly, we need to clear the cache after every upgrade to see the change .
  6. We have not tested with 4.6 yet . we will do it soon and release a update .
  7. Hello Sir we are working on a hetzner dedicated server module (robots) not the cloud one.
  8. We have Pushover, Hipchat and Discord integrated; if you need a mobile notification i think Pushover you will love it. for Onesignal we will integrate it after the next release .
  9. it would be nice and totally usefull to have filters in transactions page (billing/transactions/) . some times we need to filter by a gateway, amount or by dates ... ect. with the actual view i not possible we have ony option to order by or search option.
  11. are you sue the amount in the invoice is 120000, sometimes there are some value that is rounded by the currency formatter class.
  12. Another good suggestion.
  13. 180 is logical for you? six months i think is a better option and a good period limit to cancel services.
  14. Blesta use container, and from v4.0 it's possible to extend the container. but we can't extent it globally unless we load our class in config/services.php . extending the container from preAction event is not working. any chance to allow us developers to load our classes in the system without hacking the core files (init.php file or the services.php file) ?
  15. i know that, but i prefer to be in the core, every time we upgrade we need to make our modification again and again, the more in the core the less change we need to do in every upgrade . 60 days in some services is not a sufficient time to cancel the service .
  16. in Blesta 4.6.0 new option has been added that allow Void Open Invoices on Service Cancellation, but the option has only from 0 to 60 days. is their any chance to allow admin add custom days or make the list extend to 365 days .
  17. Admin Tools Plugin has the ability to do it from admin side, for invoices also .
  18. image with uppercase extension is not recognized as image attachements to show thumbail in the reply. a simple fix is : $image_extension = strtolower(end($image_name_parts));
  19. i have in my a log a warning about a custom plugin, after a search a found the warning about a missing array index in service edit event . $params = $event->getParams(); $client_id = $params['vars']['client_id']; from docs page the service edit event a client_id is returned in the vars array .can the staff check if their is something with this event and returned data .
  20. i suggest to use DataTables in tables specially in client side for invoices, services and transactions . the plugin add pagination and search with filter without the need to any http request, why in client side? - Blesta doesn't offer search option for clients in services, transactions, invoices - majority of clients has some few services, invoices and transaction, so it will not lead to freezing page or slow navigation. (against admin side) we using it in some other project and is totally a wonderful plugin to play with tables, and we hope to see it in blesta .
  21. no option to split invoice, he need to pay the whole amount of invoice to activate all the services.
  22. new release 1.5.0 + Added Option to enable/disable rescue mode
  23. this already exist, when the client select the domain then he select the hosting pack after the checkout all services in the cart are invoiced in one invoice .
  24. you need to merge two services or create invoice for two services that has the same renew date ?
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