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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Hello ... if I'm not wrong CO.ZA use EPP server , if yes i have already a working module that i need just to update it to use that registrar .
  2. i don't think this is possible with the actual module , but i can add it , i need just a time to do it and freely my dear. i will also replace the logo with the new done by you . you are welcome .
  3. i will test your fix, as my fix in previous post is not working .
  4. Hello i have constated that the core cpanel module is allocating username/password field before the service is activated . so any new order even if is not paid , the module is adding the username/password to the services fields , yes is not creating the service in the remote server but it give confusion for us , as the client can know the user/pass before the service is activated . is a small fix with making the code inside the use_module condition . also about the client service info expanded table , the client can see the login/pass even if the service is suspended , is true that he can't login to the account, but it give some confusing about this . for me suspended service mean no option to the client , even see any info related to the service . this case is not related to just cpanel , but to other modules , for me the expandable service info should be available just for active service . i want just to inform some users that this behavior is related to blesta core and not to some module i have coded . as it affect any module that return service info in the expandable table under services .
  5. as a professional i need to accept any claim or critics . from them i need to seek the positive energy to To move forward toward success . this is the life my friend, you need to be adaptable to any situation . take your cup of coffee and relax .
  6. fgrom your class the directory should be my_plugin or you should update your files to be <?php class MypluginPlugin extends Plugin { public function __construct() { $this->loadConfig(dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "config.json"); } } ?>
  7. just to note the plugin directory should be named myplugin . so you have a error in your myplugin_plugin.php . can you paste the content here ?
  8. we are all waiting this .
  9. First step , erase all file a nd let just the myplugin_plugin.php and config.json . is the plugin available now ?
  10. No problem , you can PM .
  11. is a custom theme made for blesta-addons.com . maybe some day i will release it free
  12. Thanks for your support .
  13. Check another post here about the same case . Is soft delete .
  14. It work for me .
  15. Normally the module should do all the trick for you, you will not do anything manually , the only thing you will do is : admin side : install module , add pools , in each pools put a list of credentials . create packages , each package for a pool , determine the price/term . client side ; client select a package/pool, paid the invoice, he will receive a welcome email with the login pass . so , th only thing you will do is updating the users/pass in the pools in blesta .nothing more
  16. Yes , https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/29
  17. Hello All . LAST UPDATE 23-08-2016 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here i have asked about the module used in blesta-addons.com for download products , so i will release it and free also . Sell Digital/Downloadable Products , Digital Products is a complete solution for selling digital and other non-physical products in a light, performant, and easy to use module. the Module has the fallowing options . create product categories. upload files with ajax/jquery in packages section . show the MD5 for the file to clients. the module can be used to replace the use bundel some modules and dowload documents plugin . as always the installation steps is : 1 - download the file from our site . 2 - upload the digital_products folder inside components/modules directory . 3 - goto Modules, and install Digital Products. 4 - enjoy the content . Screenshots;
  18. i offer free domain with the Package XXX if the term is yearly .
  19. and what about logs, a new log tab will be added to check registrar response ? what about creation errors or suspending errors emails ? (a lot of registrar now support the suspend/unsuspend action) how coupon will be applied to the new domains ? my simple question is why not just improve the "Packages", "Services" and "Modules" to support new feature , rather than create a plugin that will cause a huge modification in other parts ?!!
  20. no , the invoice is updated by the plugin to have 0$ as price for domain .
  21. both should be exist . i hve already impemented this as a plugin, now if the client has the package X with term Yearly and have also a domain invoiced together , the plugin convert the domain price to 0 . that way when the client pay the invoice , the system renew all related services . for first year only , we have a coupon that is inject to the cart if the cart has the package XXX with term yearly .
  22. if i well understand your idea, a simple module can do this perfectly . so i give you a road to begin . the module will have a rows, the rows as a levels, then every row has a culomns, every culomns has a set of user/pass entered, in a texteare , eash one in a new line , now the user order a apliance, the module will take the first user/pass , send it to the client and remove it from that database . and so .... i code it for you if you want .
  23. if we import/convert all the old domains to the new system this is a good point of start . the other issue is the host+domain, all hosting company sell hosting with free domain or domain with price . so separate invoice is not acceptable solution here . for the protect privacy is vary from registrar to registrar , and every registrar put a fixed amount to all available extension , so is not important to have price for every tld/cctld . the another question is the order form . how it should be working with the new plugin ; actually i have a custom order_type ( i will release it soon freely) that handle the hosting market perfectly , an,d i have another helper plugin called free_domain_with , this plugin is triger the Invoice.add and when the invoice has (the package XXX with domain it convert the to domain price to 0 .also it support the case for multi domain) . the renew system i never had a issue with it , as i have cron that cancel the service/invoice unpaid for XX days that belong to the registrar X . as you told some registrar has a custom renew , they may renew at the domain 1rst of the month , and other registrar renew the domain auto , and the reseller should disable renew manually from the domain manager . and what about registrar , they will be as vendors/models ?!!! finally , I'm not Enthusiastic to make the domain manager as plugin , but if he can do what it should no problem. JUST a NOTE , try to test a roder system from other big companies, like goddady, hostpapa , hostgator, arvixe ...ect to see how the order pass and to take the logic of host+domain or just a domain . if you are thinking in 4.1, that mean v4 is totally near , we can see it last of this mounth ?
  24. So based in your response, and what your have in your first post , it would be catastrophic (at least for me) to make the new domain manager as plugin !!!!! first , as a professional hosting company i can't give to my client interface that has option to manage domain after XXX date and another interface to manage thier old domain, simple no sense . another catastrophic issue is to split hosting services from domains , the the hosters in this wourld offer hosting & domain , no sense to have to invoices for the bundle service , as some hosting plan has free domain ,how this will be handled . for me is better to improve the packages to support some behaviors of domain , like multi pricing , free domain, free transfer, free domain just the first year . what i can think as a solution is the fallowing : add new option in the module or in config json page called is_registrar , if set to true the module is a registrar . in the packages system add new options to support the domain requirement, like multi pricing , free domains , free domain first year , ect .... in the client area if you want to show a separate tab for just domain, make list just for the services that belong to modules that are registrar . renewing system is not a problem in the current system so i don't see a obstacle for it . so for sync expiration date , the is problematic in the actual system , but i have already designed a shema solution for this to handle my requests , i have designed a new plugin called cron_hoster , this plugin will create a table for a custom crons , in the module in install procces , it will inject a line to this table , what we can store something like cron_id (auto) , module (module directory) , interval (time) the cron plugin will check this table , if is a time to run a plugin, it will load the module and execute the cron function , something like the lookup in the order form plugin . all this feature can be done in the actual module system . this can be handled if we can separate services that use registrar module or not . this feature is a obstacle for module, and i remember well i have already request modules to support email templates and cronjob . and i feel you are selecting the plugin a solution just for this obstacle in the modules . for me improving the how the module work is better 100000% than creating a plugin , because all the other module will have more feature that are not exist just for this . if is not possible to make module support cronjobs , email templates, send flash message to the view , is better to build a auxiliary plugins like cron_hosters , templates_hoster ect ....
  25. before i begin my request i need a reply for this questios . what about the actual domains we have , will be listed/managed in the new domain manager ? it will exist a importer or migrator for all the old domains to the new domain ?
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