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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. the merge option is a quite confusing , all the merged ticket remain exist in closed status with content "This ticket has been merged into ticket #1625707." . why not deleting the ticket when the merge is done ?!!! this action is not a merge , is move replies . merge = inject them togher in one ticket and remove any trace for the other tickets .
  2. i have figured the probleme, i have paste the ticket id into the ticket box, but it require that i enter the ticket id and wait until the result search appear to select it .
  3. what is the condition to merge titcket . i have a client that open 6 ticket at same day with the ame subject and same body, i want to merge them toghether, but the action is not return any success or failed message . i use the core support manager .
  4. this behavior arrive when we set error_reporting to -1 . and we want to create or reply to any ticket the error appear .
  5. i don't know if i have already reported this behavior or not , but normally only active services has the right to the manage and the client_service_info tab . Edit, i found the thread
  6. the service is marked active or pending ? this i think related to how the order form setup . as any service that is not paid the client cant manage it !!!
  7. Netbeans o Eclipse son Editores IDE . y hay nada que ver con ejecutar blesta con estos . Los ficheros de Blesta son de typo php/pdt/json/conf y todos se pueden abrir en cualquier editor TEXT incluso Netbeans y Eclipse .
  8. Thanks, w have requested to add a suspended reason in the core, and i have tough that is exist now !
  9. Nice update . this with the core suspension function ?
  10. nos da mas informacion sobre tu plataforma de desarrollo ? OS, apache/nginx , php version ....ect normalmente Blesta esta ready para instalar in la mayoría de las plataformas, ademas in la phase de instalación de ta los requisitos y te avisa si alguno no esta funcionando .
  11. You have error reporting set to -1 in blesta config . Change it to 0 . This errors will not shown .
  12. that need from you a template modification, and if you are using the default template every upgrade you need to reinsert the code , the widget insert the whole code, you need just to enter the site id , and the plugin will do the rest for you without any file modification , and if you want to can disable , uninstall it without any file change ! why i haven't make a option to paste the will code ? simply because some server's rules or mode security rules detect the code as injection of malicious code and block it . also is better to save in database on code than the whole JavaScript code .
  13. Plugin Released , i have made a test for tawk plugin , it seem lovely, its free and have a free mobile APP . also some great statistique , the only obstacle it has poor JAVASCRIPT API . not all functions can be controlled from API like the languages and the widget customization . now i will add 2 plugins for chat system to complete the Catalogue , ZOPIM and Chatra . Chtra is the best soft i have tested it, it has a great option abd a powerfull API javascript , thier blesta plugin is amazing .
  14. Hello Again LAST UPDATE : 30-08-2016 , Version 1.0.0 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here is time for chat plugins , another chat system , is tawk.to Chat plugin . The Tawk.to Chat plugin will add the widget to your blesta website in client side . screenshoot : admin side client side : This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the tawk folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Tawk.to Chat . 4 - manage plugin, enter Tawk Site ID . (from admin dashboard , Property Settings of your website page) 5 - enjoy the free content The Plugins / Modules take from us a lot of time , so any donation are welcome . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
  15. i will test it today .and a plugin will be made now ..... i will make a chrono to count how many nimutes i willl spen in these new plugin . Edit : Plugin Done, 7 minutes .... to test and upload
  16. i will see , then i make a plugin for it .
  17. yes is amazing , in free plan they have a limited functions , but in paid plan ,they have a lot of cool features .
  18. is not true , we are using cpanel module, and supend is suspending the account, not terminating . for cpanel extended i have not tested or used .
  19. Hello Again LAST UPDATE : 29-08-2016 , Version 1.0.0 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here is time for chat plugins , another chat system , is Clickdesk Chat plugin . The Clickdesk Chat plugin will add the widget to your blesta website in client side . screenshoot : Client Side This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the clickdesk folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Clickdesk Chat . 4 - manage plugin, enter Clickdesk Agent ID . 5 - enjoy the free content The Plugins / Modules take from us a lot of time , so any donation are welcome . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
  20. Hello Again LAST UPDATE : 29-08-2016 , Version 1.0.0 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here we bring free and exclusive content again , this time is the Happyfox Chat plugin . The Happyfox Chat plugin will add the widget to your blesta website in client side . screenshoot : This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the happyfox_chat folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Happyfox Chat . 4 - manage plugin, enter happyfox chat API key . 5 - enjoy the free content The Plugins / Modules take from us a lot of time , so any donation are welcome . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
  21. i have looked at it , it seems a bit different from other SOAP api like OVH SOAP . it will take a huge time to create a wrapper API for php then we use it in the module, if you have already a maded php API wrapper or sdk it will minimize the time of work and also the cost .
  22. what you want can be done with blesta 100% . BUT - mark offline payments invoices as paid automatically is not a trivial action ? as i can order 100 domains/host without pay any cent , use them for spam or anything else , and i will not pay them . you want to hide invoices/transactions/balance from client , this is possible, the same way is a custom template , so you will not touch any code file , the advanced way change some core files .
  23. do you have any PHP sdk for your API or any other made Module for clientexe***** or whm** , that will accelerate the time of working . if you need a already done module for EPP server so is exist and it will need just to test it in your system .
  24. i will done it , and all the community will benefice from this feature , so no quote for it, but donations are always welcome . please , can you remind me after 2 weeks or 3 from now .
  25. that some thing i not recommend it if you have a huge ticket or data . but i think blesta should now add option to add some critical fields like server ip and fields for login/pass , that fields should be encrypted in database . or it should add option to edit replies , that way staff can change sensitive data with asterisks ..
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