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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. what about Server error: `POST https://username.enverido.com/product/11112/licence` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: {"error":"A licensee email is required before generating the licence signature.","code":500}
  2. the API is not handling the error message returned by the Http request (POST/GET....) . so any returned error should be paased to blesta as error via the Input Components . i suggest to see the proxmox or solusvm api example, specially response.php . i will try to make a fix and send it to you .
  3. the error is cURL error 6: Couldn't resolve host 'blesta addons.enverido.com' (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
  4. the organization if was two word it lead a error in creation via api . like 'blesta addons' . when i set one work it work perfectly . and awesmone news is that the DIgital Product Pro Module support licensing now via Enverido.
  5. the module require php 5.5.0 and above , because included the latest version of guzzlehttp and in older php version it will throw a error message with GuzzleHttp\Handler\curl_reset() .
  6. this is a shorten code for that purpose .using the built-in fucntion searchServiceFields() public function checkUniqueDomain($domain, $module_id) { Loader::loadModels($this, array("Services")); $services = $this->Services->searchServiceFields($module_id, "domain", $domain); if (empty($services)) return false; return $services[0]; } then call this function from the rules : $rules = array( 'domain' => array( 'unique' => array( 'final' => true, 'rule' => array(array($this, "checkUniqueDomain"), $module_id), 'negate' => true, 'message' => Language::_("ModuleName.!error.domain_valid.unique", true) ) ) );
  7. ahh , ok now is clear .
  8. are your sure the logo or the background are well uploaded ?
  9. this can be related to the logo or background set for invoices , recheck them in, invoice customization .
  10. i haven't understand your problem and how it was fixed . can you elaborate more .
  11. @cogative perfect .. this will help more in testing ... when i finish integration i will notice you .
  12. This setting is only set in whm . Normally the account limit in blesta is not related with whm , so is used internally in blesta , if you setup limit in blesta to 10 , that mean you cannot have more than 10 active account in blesta for that whm account , this setting is helpfully in case you have multiple servers and you want to loadbalacing creation account between them .
  13. i have almost finished my digital product pro version that has the licensing hook, i want to add your service to the my license choice . the 10 licenses limit is counting the canceled licenses ?
  14. Hello the function createFromServices() is wonderful , but i need a small adjustment , this function generate a invoice for extanding the period for 1 (quantity) term . it would be perfect to add a new var to set quantity . let say i have a package term 1 year, i want to genereta invoice for 3 years , the only solution is that i need to run the fucntion 3 times and generate 3 invocies . i know this is related to getLinesForServices() ($service->qty) , and adding such function can open the door to some locked task like allow clients/admins to generate a invoice for renewal before the renew date .
  15. run debug in Firefox to see if the ajax call return a response or is not called at all .
  16. Nice platform , maybe when i get time i will integrate API to my digital product module to deliver product with licenses .
  17. this project is not updated to minphp 1.0 .
  18. Cody who? hhh, now 1-1 what i have understand the bridge is used only if we have a older project done with minphp 0.1 and we want to upgrade it . is the bridge a core class in minphp 1.0 ? or we can use minphp 1.0 without it ? if yes, normally where minphp define his constants like APPDIR , CONTROLLERDIR ..ect ? and what if i want to create new constants ? or overwrite the current ones ?
  19. i can't believe you forget a name that was linked to blesta for so many years !!!! i wish a great success in his new road .
  20. this thread to talk about the new technical features. in v3 init.php has the majority of defined VARS used in the system , in V4 and namespacing some aspect has been changed . now the bridge is defining the constants used in blesta, this was a great idea and options, as all now defined outside the init.php . and in a quick view of the php files i see the bridge is returning a defined constants that is used in blesta system . my question : is possible to add our own defined constant in the bridge or via any other class in V4 to use it in blesta system ? if no . we should hack the bridge.php to add our own Constant ? is any option to see new function in bridge.php or blesta core that allow add our own constant without touching core files ? also minphp in github is updated to the latest version of minphp ? i still see minphp 1.0 has the older files .
  21. why not to change the Http class with https://github.com/php-curl-class/php-curl-class. it has a lot of advanced functions and a complete curl command .
  22. i have question not related to this thread , Cody still with blesta Team ? i don't see any activity for him in JIRA ?!
  23. +1 for future versions.
  24. i have no more than 5 groups . but maybe others has or need more than that . i have forget the edit option, and for that i think it should a new database schema .maybe another table that will have custom_fields_id , group_id that will have the relation between custom fields and groups .
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