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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Hello ALL . today , i will release freely a plugin that a must have for every blesta developer , is The Debugger. this plugin will let you debug any error with the Wonderful libraries Tracy and Kint . i suggest using Tracy. if you enable Kint you will get more debug info and trace, BUT YOU CANT disable it or Access the blesta website until you disable the trace from the file /vendors/kint_autoload.php . DO NOT USE THIS PLUGIN OR INSTALL IT IN ANY PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT , OR USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK . the plugin is hosted in open source , so any bug fix or pull request are welcome . http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/16/ Debugging with Tracy : Trace bar Debugging with Kint : Enjoy the life and Coding .
  2. What wonderful this Tracy Class ... i can't be patient, i will release the plugin tonight to share it with other devs . really it's a must have plugin for blesta developers now .
  3. check now please .
  4. Really, i think i have sent a pull request .... it was so late so maybe i was dreaming last night , but i'm sure i have made changes , where i can found it, because i have not saved in my pc .
  5. i have write a plugin for debugging , the plugin is designed to use tracy or kint debugging tool (more in next version) . a sample screenshoot when error is detected i will publish it to github when i get time .
  6. We have already talked about this subject , and i have requested to allow only admins to view the errors . in admin side there is no problem to show the complete trace errors . it is very helpful for developers . also i'm asking why not to use kint or tracy as built in error debugger , they are superb class for debugging , using kint a time and is totally crazy package
  7. already done, but not the full trace error shown as v3 .
  8. Hello , in v3 , the trace error show a complete trace , as v4 , it only show the error message ... i have set System.debug to true in blesta.php conf, but no trace error is shown ,is there any option that i need to activate to see the full trace message ?
  9. @Cherry i have sent a pull request that fix the Invoice ID statement .
  10. the easy way , @Licensecart solution . the advanced way , create a helper plugin that return the requested packages group in json format , then add the response to your page .
  11. so it attempt to send all the emails in the one shoot .... i really prefer if a setting that we edit to set how many email is sent via every job , like 50 email per job , so we will send 600 email per hour . this is can be limited to the emails fetched from the request in cronjob . from my case, more than 5000 contacts i can't email or try to do it in one shoot . also google, msn, yahoo, they have filter to block ip that use abusive send .
  12. when i get time i will rewrite my used API for my module that i have used to integrate your system with my licensing digital product . but i can't promise in the near future as i have to rewrite some other module/plugins than need to be ready when v4 is out .
  13. you can use my admin tools plugins , is open source, in github , it has this feature .you and any other on,e can review the code and sent a pull request or report any bug in iy .
  14. this can be achieved by some change to the template view and the order type . +1
  15. the github doesn't have the vendor directory , so who will just download and install will not work for them . as i see you have add a try catch to all calls in the api file, and the same in the module file , i se this is like a double work . in my opinion , is better to let the api file check the response if valid or error, then log it and return the error input if error occur , in the module just make the call and under every command add if ($this->Input->errors()) return; that will easier and easy for tracking , and simple logic to go with it .
  16. i have tested the mass mailer and is working well at the momen, as i have tested wit a small number of clients accounts . how much the mass mailer send email per job ? if i have 10000 clients , and i have select theme all , in the cronjob will try to send 10000 oneshoot or it will devide the job by cronjob interval ,like 1000 per cron ?
  17. ohh, already requested in 3.5.2 , horry tyson , a simple 6 or 8 line code and close this CORE-ID .
  18. is there any other lines not required by v4 ?
  19. after upgrading from v3.6.0 to v1 b1 , the upgrade didn't add the patch line for the config file Configure::set("System.debug", false);
  20. i have tested upgrading via web, the upgrade page show the probress bar, but when finish , only a blank page is showed, no success or redirect to the admin dashboard .
  21. this is related to the order plugin . you need to change the lookup template file located in the view directory of the used theme .
  22. now, if a client pay invoice , it show him a page with : Your payment is being processed. i think is better to ad some other detail like : thank for your payment . Transaction Id : 646wqq46wq Transaction status : Accepted Amount Payed : 55$ Your payment is being processed. just to note all this info is already passed to the view file by the var $trans_data .
  23. something need to add to your blesta module is logging request/response to blesta module logs , that way you and users can track request response if something went wrong.
  24. Blesta Addons

    Disable Fund

    open file app\views\client\bootstrap\client_invoices.pdt qoute this line // array('name'=>$this->_("ClientInvoices.index.categorylink_make_payment", true), 'attributes'=>array("href"=>$this->base_uri . "pay/"))
  25. i will add my own soon , now is time to re-make all plugins for v4
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