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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. I will not enter in a debate of universal names, but in some languages the names are not universal, like chinese or arabic, hebrew, farsi and much more . Also a small name like "Offline payment", "bank" do you also think universal ? We are not inventing the wheel because other cms already have it .
  2. nice theme . don't forget to add it to the marketplace .
  3. For those who didn't use a multi-languages system, the name customization would be the best option for him . for those who use a multi-langues version they prefer to use the languages files as they can put the name for every language . what is the best solution is a customization name in multi-languages like the welcome email .
  4. you can change the gateway names in languages files , then use a patch i have posted already to fetch the name from language file and not from database . i think this should a must have option in blesta , name customization and multi-languages .
  5. a email reminder for client to pay their order will be also a nice feature .
  6. i'm still naja7host ... we want just to reflet our new brand for upcoming plugins and modules .
  7. we want to notice all the community that i have changed our display name to blesta addons .
  8. it would be a option for us . we have a large portfolio of plugins/modules that we rewrite them using namespace and Standard PSR .
  9. the page is also is option , and is better than the widget .
  10. for me is ok , but i don't know what other think about it .
  11. is a logical idea , as the staff ( not the super-admin) only can add/view package that are in stock .
  12. it would be nice to add option for clients to cancel their pending orders (the whole order and not some services) . this maybe need to make change in the order plugin to inject a client widget with their pending order, and add a button to cancel that order . normally this can be done with a custom plugin , but the time we have is almost full .
  13. Hello all, i have some questions that i need to know before making any investigation in my system . i have service X that has service Y and Z as addons . normally when i put the service X into Scheduled Cancellation date , is the child services also will be Scheduled for cancellation too ? or they remain active in database ? when i set Scheduled Cancellation to End of Term , for some case it put the cancel date to end of term + 1 term, is the end of term = end of term or next renewal date ? ( i believe i have addressed this issue before)
  14. is better to make the errors rows in logs appear in red color , to identify the error row quickly
  15. @Paul This we call it proforma in europe market . and it should not calculated as well with invoices . What i can see here is blesta should not include invoices for pending services or for renewals that is created auto . .
  16. Blesta in the same site as wordpress !!!! that is the worst choice you can select .. PLEASE AND PLEASE KEEP BLESTA OUT OF ANY WORDPRESS SITE ... BLESTA SHOULD BE HOSTED SEPARERLY FROM ANY OTHER SCRIPT .
  17. how to install minphp v1.0.0 ? via composer is not working composer require minphp
  18. in email is somehing is not easy and might require a small hack to the core files . for the pdf file, you can do it with changing the invoice template php file ; is not a easy task but is not impossible task also .
  19. a newsletter option exist in the blesta website, see the footer you will find the option to subscribe in a newsletter .
  20. Hello is there any built-in fucntion in model to get services for client X that use the Package Y ? get all the client's services without pagination ?
  21. i think this value are calculated and not stored in invoice table . so that way there are not working for you .
  22. if you have already a free plan is ok, i have thought that the free plan will not exist in your new prices schema .
  23. id_value of what ? you mean service ? in wish SolusVm fucntion you need it ?
  24. as mentioned in other threads , all our modules/plugins will be rewrite or improved to be fully compatible with v4 . so we will not add any feature or improvement for v3.6 now . we are ready to fix only the security issue if exist . note you can customize the view manually by changing the .pdt and .css in the component (view directory) . and you can send us your code snippet or css improved to add them in next release .
  25. we have wast about 10 hours with a module only with this issue !!! when i have test a core module i found the same error .
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