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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. when we search client, is better to add a the client status in the result , as we can see if the client is marked as fraud or inactive . this helpus more specially when we have the same email or name (doubled account) .
  2. blesta is installed in the same server you want to connect ? have you any firewall in the server ? is there any logged response in the log under tools/logs
  3. Sell , No Share , Yes
  4. Minphp 1 is not working with the actual files in github ... you need to make a build with composer and edit some files manually . I suggest using the old minphp as is working now . I have a complete working build of minphp 1 , i need just time to search it and share it with others .
  5. yes is possible . you can use the event "Invoice.Add" in your plugin code to get what you want .
  6. why you want v2.5 instead of v3 or v4 ?
  7. 100% .... i can't live without it now .
  8. the directory should be created auto when the plugin install . not created mean that the webserver has not the permission to create the directory . try adding it manually /web/blesta/plugins/css_javascript_toolbox/includes/1/ note the last number is the company_id in blesta , in most case is 1
  9. have the plugin show a successfully installation ? then the code successfully added ? when you add a custom js , you should go to source code of your page to see if is well added to the page . you have any files inside the includes directory ?
  10. i have found the error , it was the php debugger . the signature is not equal to the verification because the response has a amore data for debugging string(44) "r6VDlsU0Q9MMQglGOSMIfXJ3gIKb7GKCcv9focIsI2Y=" string(3659) "r6VDlsU0Q9MMQglGOSMIfXJ3gIKb7GKCcv9focIsI2Y= 148.9 ms × " so i can confirm after disabling the php debugger in my test server i was able to use the license manager even if the older version . Finnaly when we need to make a call request we need to disable any debugging system in the php as it return extra data in the response .
  11. this is fro cpanel .... but exist other services that the services info can be reached immediately .
  12. normally the email used in support should not be used in other website that need registration or verification , normally create a new email like admin@...... and use it in other website . it has no sense to make support@... for piping and work with it in other websites .
  13. The post above is a feature request to solve your problem . You can vote for it to make it priority task .
  14. If i am not wrong cpanel module only allow client to choose domain , username and password can be set in admin side . The case here i think can be related to browser. The placeholder maybe not working .
  15. the validation pass when you post data, so after it return a set of error messages that is show them . so it's not specify which input is failed . what you can do as a quick and smart solution , is integrate the jquery validator, at least stop and show error in required empty fields
  16. are you sur using cpanel module ?
  17. open the cpanel module file components/modules/cpanel/cpanel.php search public function getClientAddFields($package, $vars=null) { Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Html")); $fields = new ModuleFields(); // Create domain label $domain = $fields->label(Language::_("Cpanel.service_field.domain", true), "cpanel_domain"); // Create domain field and attach to domain label $domain->attach($fields->fieldText("cpanel_domain", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->cpanel_domain, $this->Html->ifSet($vars->domain)), array('id'=>"cpanel_domain"))); // Set the label as a field $fields->setField($domain); return $fields; } replace by public function getClientAddFields($package, $vars=null) { Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Html")); $fields = new ModuleFields(); // Create domain label $domain = $fields->label(Language::_("Cpanel.service_field.domain", true), "cpanel_domain"); // Create domain field and attach to domain label $domain->attach($fields->fieldText("cpanel_domain", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->cpanel_domain, $this->Html->ifSet($vars->domain)), array('id'=>"cpanel_domain",'placeholder'=>"Please choose .com / .net domain name"))); // Set the label as a field $fields->setField($domain); return $fields; }
  18. you want something similar to jquery validator . that need some huge modification in the core and the template files.
  19. i think that is the right choice . but what i prefer more is to make a custom CMS than create another site . we have tested the two choices , and finnaly we have opted to centralise all thing , and created a custom CMS to feet our need and all our site is based now over blesta .
  20. Is only limited to client pages and maybe also for logged in client only . but if blesta make the theme set via configure , then it will be available for all .
  21. you need to edit the module , which module you use ?
  22. Hello try this code . Open app/client_controller.php under parent::preAction(); add the fallowing code /*===================== Theme Switcher ========= */ if (!isset($this->Session)) { Loader::loadComponents($this, ["Session"]); } if (isset($_GET['switcher']) ) { $this->Session->write("blesta_theme", $_GET['switcher']); } if ($this->Session->read('blesta_theme')) { $theme = $this->Session->read('blesta_theme'); // Set the THEME $this->setDefaultView("client/". $theme); } /* =================== Theme Switcher ========= */
  23. i have forget this plugin with this plugin you can set any HTML css with your blesta without touching any core file .
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