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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. This addons should be part of cpanel or plesk or directadmin ... ect . as it depend on control panel used .
  2. Yes .... is a bug . Fixed for the next release
  3. yes .. i will do it ... normally the log file should be with the plugin files, or i have missed it in packaging the files . anyway i have updated the plugin for the check permission and i will update the package as soon as possible . we will waiting your feedback about the debugging plugin
  4. probably the package you use has the option dedicated ip activated . try to uncheck it .
  5. Yes , plugins/debugger/log should have writing permission . maybe i need to add in the install a directory permission check before installing .
  6. For my personnel experience is something difficult, but not impossible . you can try to use the invoice template of v3.4.0 and clone the change .
  7. planned in: CORE-2268
  8. Normally , exist a option to allow client cancel their services , and a popup windows is shown to let him select at wich date they want cancel the service, on of this option cancel immediately . i think that is the reason . you can disable this option from company settings under billing i think . you can check database to see if the date_canceled is filled or not .
  9. Ok i will check it, it should to see Accepted or Rejected
  10. I have requested the same feature in the past , i think a option to make custom fields for a specific group or for all group is a great feature .
  11. maybe he referring to custom fields for all clients/groups .... but we will wait until he confirm his intention .
  12. the minphp v1 in the github isnot complete or maybe it need something else , as i see it was 2 years old now, blesta v4 use the latest files of minphp 1.0 , so what i have do in my test project server a manual compile of files and i was able to make it running , i have posted the composer file that i have arrived with it to working framework . is better if one of the blesta team make a look and update the github for us i have so many project done with old minphp for that reason i have used the bridge to prepare my work for updates .
  13. is no need to re-enter the old request ? as they i think already has a core id for him .
  14. as i know minphp v1.0 is not using any files in lib directory , take a look here https://github.com/phillipsdata/minphp-bridge
  15. i can't reproduce the issue . when i open quote i didn't see any watermark or any work PAID . a screenshot maybe can help .
  16. Good catch , fixed for next version, who need a quick fix . open quotes/controllers/client_main.php under parent::preAction(); add $this->requireLogin();
  17. my own composer file that is working with latest minphp and all the components needed in the project . { "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "minphp/cache": "^1.0", "minphp/configure": "^2.0", "minphp/container": "^2.1", "minphp/bridge": "^1.0.0-rc10", "minphp/input": "^1.0", "minphp/language": "^1.0", "minphp/pagination": "^1.0", "minphp/xml": "^1.0", "minphp/html": "^1.0", "minphp/date": "^1.0", "minphp/form": "^1.0", "minphp/javascript": "^1.0", "minphp/db": "^2.0", "minphp/record": "^2.0", "minphp/session": "^1.1", "minphp/acl": "^1.0", "composer/composer": "^1.2", "phillipsdata/tcpdf_wrapper": "^1.1", "aura/router": "^3.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Core\\ServiceProviders\\": "core/ServiceProviders/" } } } you can ignore any class that you will not need it "minphp/acl": "^1.0", "phillipsdata/tcpdf_wrapper": "^1.1", "aura/router": "^3.0" in the lib/init.php file add the fallowing // include autoloader require_once dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php'; // Fetch available services $services = require dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'services.php'; // Initialize $container = new Minphp\Container\Container(); // Set services foreach ($services as $service) { $container->register(new $service()); } // Run bridge $bridge = Minphp\Bridge\Initializer::get(); $bridge->setContainer($container); $bridge->run(); // Set the container Configure::set('container', $container); return $container;
  18. cyandark is always here
  19. yes , they are still in the TODO list .
  20. we will see this when we will update the plugin, but as the v4 has the built-in plugin for newsletter i think you can do this from admin side with the newsletter plugin .
  21. disable it and try again .
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