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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. if you want use this code . open plugins\order\models\order_orders.php search 'contacts.first_name'=>"client_first_name", 'contacts.last_name'=>"client_last_name", 'contacts.company'=>"client_company", 'contacts.address1'=>"client_address1", 'contacts.email'=>"client_email" replace with 'contacts.first_name'=>"client_first_name", 'contacts.last_name'=>"client_last_name", 'contacts.company'=>"client_company", 'contacts.address1'=>"client_address1", 'contacts.city'=>"client_city", 'contacts.state'=>"client_state", 'contacts.zip'=>"client_zip", 'contacts.country'=>"client_country", 'contacts.email'=>"client_email" Hope this help you get what you want .
  2. only client first/last name , company, address, email are available as tags in the order template .
  3. we we set Payment Due Notices to a date before Invoice Due Date, the email template has a phrases confusing to the clients . it need a condition to check if the date is before or after the Invoice Due Date . the current text is : This is the 2nd notice we have sent regarding invoice #PROFORMA-2243. It was due on Dec 18, 2016 and is now past due. If you have recently mailed in payment for this invoice, you can ignore this email. normally it should be something like : This is the 2nd notice we have sent regarding invoice #PROFORMA-2243. It's due on Dec 18, 2016 . If you have recently mailed in payment for this invoice, you can ignore this email. what do you think https://requests.blesta.com/topic/invoice-notice-template-improuvement
  4. post feature request to make it votable .
  5. No, the method is for page inside blesta .
  6. you can use : Blesta + Core CMS + Admin Tools , Free plugins . Blesta + blesta CMS , is a paid plugin from licensecart and you will have all thing grouped in one place , rather than using blesta + something else .
  7. you will add page to CMS core of blesta . pages outside blesta should be created manually or with other cms .
  8. install it manually , sis easy as drink coffee .
  9. i remember in v2 was a module called none .
  10. you can use Admin Tools plugin to add pages to your cms portal with a simple click .
  11. i don't think, as they are two domains deferent .
  12. Paul , do you a package is mandatory to have a module ? a lot of clients has asked us how to add a package without selecting a module .
  13. Owww, this issue from 04/Dec/13 !!! it should has a fix absolutely in the near future , we are working a lot with payment from bank account or transfer bank , that should 3 days in normal case , i can't beleve also no one from our clients has reported this until today !!!! From my point of view , the creation date also should be equal the activation date .
  14. it was a know issue in php 7 ; but it was fixed i think in the last releases .
  15. a client order a service in 10-12-2016 . the client has been paid the invoice in 16-12-2016 the service created with date creation 10-12-2016 and renewal date in 10-12-2017 !!! the logic is to be the date creation and renew in the date when the service was provisioned . CRITICAL bug , exist in blesta 3 and 4 .
  16. when i license is expired or invalid you should see a page that allow you to enter a new valid license key .
  17. in the service list, when a service has child serives , it show hen all in the sub table even if the child service was canceled . is better to show only (active or suspended) services only .
  18. Hello i have a plugin that add EmailGroups in email templates . and is working fine . now we need to add permission to allow admin set wich staff group should recieve this email notice . i don't find any docs related to this task in the developper section manual .
  19. the plugin will do the task for you 1 time . no cron is needed . the plugin will use the blesta client model to add all the necessary fields and table out of the box . something like the importer plugin .
  20. we are testing the order form template for hosting provider in that website, at the moment is working fine with a few simple issue that was fixed now ... we will release it when we are soon to v4 final .
  21. Yes is something related to cpanel or plesk or directadmin ..ect from whm** site they also put a note for this
  22. i think the best idea is to make a aoption when creating custom fields to select wich groups we will apply this field . so we an select them all or just the ones we need .
  23. normally , in the plugin i use the default settings of Tracy debugger . Tracy is catching the error , as the above ode has try/catch .
  24. i can suggest a check a dev to code you a plugin that will import the user table to blesta .
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