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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i have make a deep look, and found that the cron activated and renew the service with the same cron , this issue is only for 1 module we have made . also from the var we have saved in database , when the clients make a order we found the use_module is false . stdClass Object ( [client_id] => 4558 [coupon_id] => [coupon_packages] => Array ( [0] => 14 ) [date_added] => 2017-03-09 13:28:39 [date_renews] => 2018-03-09 13:28:39 [domain] => xxxxxxxxx.xxx [group_id] => 3 [index] => 0 [module_row_id] => 8 [name] => [ns1] => ns11.xxxxxxx.com [ns2] => ns12.xxxxxxx.com [ns3] => [ns4] => [package] => stdClass Object ( .... ) [package_group_id] => 3 [package_options] => Array ( ) [pricing_id] => 34 [service_name] => xxxxxxxxx.xxx [status] => pending [use_module] => false [qty] => 1 [date_canceled] => 2017-03-10 [price_override] => false [override_price] => [override_currency] => MAD ) is their any thing wrong in that stored info ? is their any piste we can look in it ? i believe is something related to our module , but where , that is the question .
  2. today we have discovered that 1 service is activated in blesta but via the module . we have not receiving any error creation via email . also the service well activated via the admin panel with the use_module ticked . we have really crazy about this issue, as i have found something totally strange, the services was process as renew and not as activation !!! the service was purchased online, payed via CC , the client receive the activation email . what should be the problem here ?
  3. thanks for your feeling of collaboration . just a note, if other will not see your code, your skill will not grow, so others will give you feedbacks , technical reviews, code observations . look at GitHub for example, if the millions of code's lines wan't there how the internet world would be ? don't be fair from sharing code or give free stuff as you will not be the first or the last one who do it as that
  4. i want to know if exist a method to refresh the addservice page with getAdminAddFields() fucntion . something similar to fetchModuleOptions() in package creation .
  5. from package is impossible without hacking the core files . what i suggest is : 1 - create a custom plugin that has event in Appcontroller.preAction . 2 - listen from the event to all POST request . 3 - analyse the port to see if it include package fields (prices, package name, welcome email ect...) , if yes then call your API fucntion to send what you want. this is the only working solutions without hacking the core files .
  6. Normally if you have custom module, you can injuct the button from getpackagefields() , but not sure how you can feat to your need .
  7. We are Working in the module for some clients with custom request, after we finish it we will make it with standard features to feat anyone needs, and we will make it available for all the publics . any ideas or observation about how it should work is welcome .
  8. do you have any third party plugin installed , specially "the debugger" ? it was my issue in the past .
  9. have you assigned the group to the order ?
  10. i will create a service in pending status now to test it when the fix will come
  11. the OnlineNIC appear to use something semilar to EPP server, we have already has a epp registrar module, we can write a onlineNIC Module for you.just PM ME or open a ticket in our website .
  12. can you explain more about your case .
  13. just curios about the purpose for this ?
  14. in wish place exactly ? is the action only for a specific module or for all ?
  15. i noticed that version 4 b6 has this isue fixed in it . after a test the issue still exist Service ordered in Aug 28, 2016 . and activated today 04-03-2017 . Term: 1 Month Status: Active Date Created: Aug 28, 2016 Date Renews: Sep 28, 2016
  16. no events for package actions .
  17. Only cPanel Reloaded and Logicboxes Reloaded will work in v4 , just delete the files and upload the other files and your are done .
  18. in v4 you can't either change the module from the package page .
  19. no is not the same , your statement for logged in user, @Tyson statement for NON logged in users .
  20. just to make note switching modules in v4 is not possible anymore from admin dashboard .
  21. this may be can be related to a bug i have posted in the url above, that can be related to Scheduled Cancellation date and not to the plugin itself .
  22. <?php if (!$this->Html->ifSet($logged_in)) { ?> <br/><strong>Already a member? </strong>Please <a href="http://linkurlhere"><u>login</u></a> . <br/><br/> <?php } ?>
  23. not sur if this related to dates in blesta . list of my old services
  24. change your code to <img src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/<?php echo md5(strtolower(trim($this->Html->ifSet($contact->email)))); ?>?d=mm" alt="avatar"> <i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>
  25. i love the two
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