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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. try 'tax' => true
  2. i see , as we have some custom modification in how the template & link appear for unregistered users , i have restored all the core feature of links , you can now see it clean and in action, now the menu and the caption are translated auto .
  3. Your are talking about orders that was made by clients from the order page ? if, yes then the plugin should work perfectly in v3 and v4 without any issue,we and a lot of users using it and we never received any compailt or bug for it . 1 day is not the ideal settings, we prefer setting it to 7 days at least . if you want you can open a ticket we will look for you .
  4. Normally they have a rate limit to sent for each batch (100, per hour or 30 min ect... ) then the cron is sending emails restricting the rate limit . so the cron run every 5 min, then 60/5 = 12 , so we will divide 100/5 for each cron job . that mean every cronjob should only send 12 emails
  5. you can use our plugin "Clean Unpiad Orders" for abandoned orders, and use "Auto clean" plugins for unpaid services in renewals .
  6. w have tested the mailer in a big client base, the mass mailer send email per email in on cron job . so if the server has limit it will blocked sure .so the rate limit per hour would be great .
  7. we will discuss the monthly pricing for this and other products .
  8. yes it's compatible, you can use it and you can remove it safely. it didn't need any database or setting to change .just upload the files or delete them and re-upload the core files to use the default one.
  9. thank Alex for your interest, we are not offering any trial for our product, we test them in some heavy sites before any release, we release them until we think is totally workable in any production Blesta system . some of your module we offer monthly term for testing purpose . in though, we ill offer trials when blesta complete the task CORE-504.
  10. and option to add it manually from admin side .
  11. added order link + option for lifetime license (100$)
  12. Multi Languages For Blesta We are excited to announce the release of our advanced plugin Multi Languages, this plugin will give you the option to convert your Blesta installation in multi-languages, not only will make language selector to your clients/visitors, but it will translate the untranslated part of Blesta, like menus, gateways name, Support manager KB. you can also add icons to your menu links out of the box, the plugin is designed to work in almost any installation type (subfolder/subdomain ...ect) . we have also make it totally compatible with our Seo Tools plugin, also we have make it compatible with Blesta CMS plugin . Compatibility the plugin is fully compatible with Blesta v4 .v3 will be soon available also Features - Translate Links Menus - Add Home Links for authenticated users - Allow Select/Change any Languages - flag-icon-css integrated to use. Recommended modules * Blesta CMS Plugin --- Tested and fully compatible * Seo Tools Plugin --- Tested and fully compatible Prices the plugin is PAID, with a small yearly subscription 19.99$, open source version available with addon of 100$ . Demo the plugin is tested in some site you can check it online : http://blesta-addons.com/ http://naja7host.com/en/ Order you can order the plugin from this link Screenshoots Best Regards
  13. you should enable/check the option "Allow Clients to Change Service Terms" under Settings -> Billing/Payment -> Invoice and Charge Options
  14. this is not downgrade or upgrade, is term change , client can change term via service tabs
  15. regarding your question, you can block the ips fro the whole countries with htaccess if you want, but just to note also, frauders use almost of times proxies, you can reach what you want by this online tool https://www.countryipblocks.net/country_selection.php and you can block some sort of proxies by this .htaccess code RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:USERAGENT_VIA} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:X_FORWARDED_FOR} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:PROXY_CONNECTION} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:XPROXY_CONNECTION} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_CLIENT_IP} !^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F]
  16. is better to add fraud detect system rather than block countries ...
  17. blesta team should add a official notice about the countries that PayUMoney work in it .
  18. blesta is loading models of uninstalled plugins . let say i have my_plugin/my_plugin_model.php blesta is loading the model even if is not installed . that can cause some probleme, if the model look into database or some own setting in company . not sure if is the same for controller as i have not tested yet .
  19. as v4 , the navigation model has changed a bit , and base_uris links visibility has introduced [public, client, admin] . for public visitor the home link is shown, in client logged in the home link is replaced by the dashboard link . but if the cms or any other cms installed the client can return to home website . so i think is suggested to add home link to client also . we have spent some hours searching in the navigation links before we found the new structure of links, now the multi languages is fully upgraded to v4 . we will release it this days .
  20. have not yet see the whole code, i think a limit for the fetch function can do the trick.
  21. i just was asking if Blesta has introduced the feature, i have not yest tested the mass mailer in my big production server (about 5000 clients), but i can't use it until i'm sure the batch is added ( or maybe i will try to add the feature myself) . 287 emails is not a big number to be fair from blocking or spam filters . in blesta addons i test it without issue as the emails numbers sent is so small .
  22. from where you have get this info ? look this thread
  23. it really a lock of feature .we have made a request feature maybe it would be added in the future https://requests.blesta.com/topic/auto-multi-currency-in-configurable-options
  24. So finally the module support India and Colombia ... need a simple tweak to make them officially . and maybe support other countries
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