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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. So we will add a new option fo fixed amount
  2. normally The late fees always are % of invoice amount .
  3. We will check this and back to you, maybe the for account registration, we have found no way to send passwords, the passwords is stored in database crypted, we can't decrypt it !!!, also exist the reset password option in login page.
  4. wish control panel you use (cpanel, directadmin, plesk) ? exist so many post about this and i belevie the path to php is not correct for you.
  5. every project need a investment in it, the investment is the major factor to gain time and add marketing campaigns to achieve new customers. why not Blesta search investors for this project?
  6. The plugin has been updated, now the language are translated also for logged in clients . just upload the client_controller.php in the extras plugin to app/ directory . any other feedback are welcome . now the plugin is fully supporting the gateways name translated, knowledge base of support manager, the logged in clients also, the Blesta Cms pages/blogs ect...
  7. is one of our products, we will happy to know , we can provide a patched version of php7 if needed. regarding the thread when we test it it was no issues, but it was a test server, and i believe only the production environment can lead you to a real issues
  8. Virtualizor Module should really a full rewrite, in thier forums exist some thread about some issue with blesta, i can't believe the actual module was written by a team that has a big product in the market!!
  9. i have not experienced this issue, or any clients has reported it, but if exist a redirect time in the payment page, i think it should be removed. is a payment page, that mean probably it can convert to a money, really i don't like the redirect idea. instead why not a popup Message about that should be displayed to the user to invite him to make the payment as soon as possible .
  10. every time we have a new module is a great work.
  11. we are working in a plugin that handle the late fee . what we have do? the plugin has a settings to setup days after considerate the invoice is late (XX days). the amount of the invoice late fee (percent of invoice % or Fixed amount) every day a cron run to identify the invoice(s) that are late, then it a create a new invoice with the late fee amount . you think this is enough or we should add more features ? we need any idea/feedback that help to provide a quality plugin for all .
  12. the same issue i a front not always, but time to time when i use FF . refreshing the page the graph show correctly . for me is not a problem i don't care about is showing always or just sometime
  13. i see the CORE-1794 has been implemented, just a question, what is shown to the client exactly ? a screenshot are welcome
  14. i prefer it also to be in the near future and why not in a beta of 4.1 i feel the tasks of 4.1 sprints has something left ?!
  15. new update has been release.. added support for Logicboxes extended module.
  16. today i tested the plugin with a big client base, and it was trigger for spam activities and it was reported by our mail filters . as i have blesta in it own server we have removed the limitation, but this will be problem for websites that use shared hosting or any smtp mail server provider .
  17. just to note , date received is deferent from date applied . date received = i can add check today or any time. date applied = when the credit applied to a invoice. sample case, my client has added funds today (date received), then after 10 days the client opt to pay the invoice with their credit (date applied).
  18. Duplicated post for the same reason in your old post . we have already say there are now way now to achieve this by the blesta system functions.
  19. Have you created a order form and putted the package inside it ?
  20. No, every plugin has it own rules and usage . you can use them both if you want .
  21. OVH , SoYouStart and Kimsufi Dedicated server management For Blesta Blesta Addons is pleased to release OVH, SoYouStart and Kimsufi Provisioning module for Blesta. The module is easy to setup, and is linked with the API system. The Provisioning module provides an enhanced to control customer actions i.e. Server Reboot/Re-install/Recovery Mode, Enable/Disable Ftp-Backup. The module allow your customers to use GUI to manage features such as Reboot, Re-install, Ftp-Backup, Usage History and more. Also you can show additional important information of your dedicated server such as Datacenter Allocated, Operating system Installed, Virtual Mac address Used, Connection Speed, Bandwidth Used and more from your client panel of Blesta. this module allow you to resell ovh, soyoustart and kimsufi servers Client Area Feature Basic server information display FTP backup management Allow/Deny feature per server Interventions history Tasks History Control option like (Reboot, Reinstall OS, Netboot) Track Re-Installation Progress Supported Endpoints OVH Europe OVH North America Supported Brands OVH Soyoustart Kimsufi Screenshots See second post. Order Info More Info the price is 49.99$ Yearly , (or 5$ Monthly in case any one want to test the module before make the yearly subscription) . you can order here. any bug/feedback report it here . best regards
  22. To be honest, Blesta can't handle the hosting market aspect, we have made a huge change in our order form but still we are away from offering a true hosting business, this is caused by the core limitation. we hope in v4.1 this aspect change .
  23. Totally agree with 90% of your judgment . i think Blesta team aware about this point, from v3 and we are talking about this subject, Blesta is less features for hosting industry than all other competitors even if the free one of them. Blesta will touch the true success when it become 100% panel for hosting business . if they want suggestions or any help e are finally here
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