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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. This feature was already mentioned and requested in the past :
  2. the task has been completed in v4. in v3 we have added the asterisk but it was not sufficient , then we have changed the asterisk with the service_id and it was very helpful to identify the related service to the line . is possible to add a popup or add near to the cog the service id number . NOTE: it totally easy to add this manually by myself, but we prefer to see this in the core files .
  3. it should have the default htaccess of blesta try uploading it again from blesta files .
  4. have you any .htaccess in the root folder ? try to add RewriteBase /subfolder to .htaccess of blesta RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /subfolder and try again
  5. we have worked with universal module is a small services that didn't need need any API or any advanced tabs. we noticed that the suspend, UN-suspend and other email notification didn't add the service ID or the service label or the client ID in it, we just receive a text we have added . so we can't know wish service it suspended or need our attention to manually do some task !!! is their a option we have missed in the conf ? as we didn't say any service tags available in the email notification . if not available, is possible to add at least the service ID to email notification title or body ?
  6. are you using cPanel ? wich php version installed ?
  7. we have some module no longer used by any active services, also no package is associated with the module . when we want to uninstall we get a error The module can not be uninstalled because it is used by one or more uncanceled services. we are sure that no active service is related to the module. is this a limitation or a bug ?
  8. We are almost finished the universal domains module with the helper plugins the module, allow to sell any extension with a built in domain checker, but the user cannat manage the domain like changing nameservers, whois info ect ... the plugins, will have the ability to allow add any domain checker form in outside blesta, and the plugin will return a whois check like ajax json or plain html format . all our beta tester are happy with the work .
  9. Confirmed at my side Date Created: May 20, 2017 Date Renews: Apr 23, 2018
  10. i think a first step include only the patches, after we test it and we found it free bugs you can then add releases also...
  11. we have this option in our logicboxes, we are using the logicboxes reloeaded not sur if this available in the latest released module .
  12. 1 min pleaese. why not leave the first line of item as it without any change, then add a line discount for it with negative amount. in the past we have made a plugin for a client that do maybe the same request but with a whole discount with free domain, so the Packages X, XX, XXX who include the domain Y, YY, we include a 100% coupj discount for the domain, wo they can offer free domain with only some packages, in creation and renewals, and is working perfectly . in the plugin setting we have page that he select the terms that will have free domains, and another setting for selecting the free applicable domains packages. so finnaly you can have invoice with lines Line Description , Qnt , Unit Price , Total package name (from ...to ....) 12 mounth , 1 , 10$ , 10$ 10% Discount for package name (from ...to ....) 12 mounth , 1 , -1$ , -1$ Total Invoice ; 9$ is this what you want ?
  13. WHMxx also has added this feature to their admin side . from my experience it should not auto update, but rather a 1 click update . auto update = self updating when a new version is available, admin action is not needed. 1 click update, when a update is available, the admin has the option to update with 1 click or to stay in the installed version .
  14. if a moderator can add a notice in the first page that the plugin will nor work with latest version of blesta and php 5.6 . that will made attention to clients to not download and use the plugin at the moment .
  15. we have released version 1.2.0 that fix a issue with blesta 3.4 . also we have make some change to make the new settings in future release about adding fees in the same invoice . is strongly and recommended upgrade to this new version .
  16. We will add this option a settings (disabled per default) in our upcoming release .
  17. very glad to see this events, as @activa sayed, the Pre/Post event is a rock events in some situations. like activa post, in a custom plugin, we need to disable change info for some clients/contacts that has the country XX, without a Pre event for the events Contacts.edit & Clients.edit we can't achieve this task, in whmxx they has such events in some of hooks. we can considerate Contacts.edit & Clients.edit as a post event, but we need something to handle theme as Pre events.
  18. Late Fee For Blesta We are excited to announce the release of late fee plugin, this plugin will give you the option to add a late fee for every past due invoice. You can manage the late fee plugin from the admin dashboard , just configure it and let the plugin do the work for you, is out-of-the-box plugin, never though about your past due invoices. The plugin give you the choice to add a fixed amount to any late fee, or to add a percentage fee of the total amount in past due invoice, that not all, the plugin give you the ability to set a minimum amount to make it as a late fee when the percentage amount is smaller than X amount . The plugin run periodically to generate a late fee for past due invoices, then he notice the client about the late fee invoice was added . Compatibility the plugin is fully compatible with Blesta v4 & Blesta v3 Features - Add late fee for past due invoices in XX days. - Option to add a fixed amount or percentage from the invoice total amount. - A minimum amount to add as late fee also possible. - Send notice email to client about the generated late fee. Prices the plugin is PAID, with a small yearly subscription 9.99$, this fee is only to support our time. open source version available with addon of 100$ . Order you can order the plugin from this link Screenshots
  19. nice work.
  20. the plugin is adding new invoice for late fee . as almost all countries is not possible to edit any created invoice. we have noticed also that we should exclude the late fee invoice from a late fee, we will go with this until we have a confirmed suggestion that late fee invoices also should be subjected to a late fee.
  21. we are almost finished the plugin, we have added support for sending email to client when late fee is created . a minimum amount for late fee . sample email :
  22. for changing service creation/renew/cancel dates, we have implement this in our upcoming admin tools release .
  23. after i have see the video, i prefer this redirect to remain in the core .
  24. This can be in our TODO LIST for upcoming releases, not the first release, and can be a client group instead of client per client .
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