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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Fell free to PM me or open ticket with us in blesta addons website
  2. we have added the option to add the late fee to the invoice, we are just testing it, maybe we will release a update next Monday with another update of observium module.
  3. you should first install the module, then add your reseller club info , then add domain, then in manage service you will see a tabs for the name servers .
  4. in the PDF invoice doawnload, if the service line has TAX, the cost shown in the PDF with TAX . Description Quantity Unit Price Cost xxxxxxx 1 10 12 the cost is showing the total (qnt X Unit) + %tax (20% in our case) . it should show the total without the tax included . affected version 3 and 4 .
  5. this info is not correct , you can edit nameserver from default module in blesta .
  6. the discount will be set in the packages section (add/edit) ? or in other new place for client groups? this feature is exactly what we want , any ETA ? we have a plugin that change the client group for every client basing in total received money , so if a client has activated/renewed services and payed a total amount that equal or more than xxxxx the plugin change the client group to (gold/bronze/vip) , not it left only the option to make a global discount of fixed or percent amount for packages.
  7. this is a known bug, i have already posted an requested a fix a year ago, but is not fixed yet https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2105
  8. when we set a class for the widget in admin side, the widget class is not adding the set class to the default class . this is because a wrong addintion array are set . the fix to change // Set the attributes, don't allow overwriting the default class, concat instead if (isset($attributes['class']) && isset($default_attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $default_attributes['class']; } to // Set the attributes, don't allow overwriting the default class, concat instead if (isset($attributes['class']) && isset($default_attributes['class'])) { $default_attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $attributes['class']; } widget helper class.
  9. blesta return a duplicated navs with empty name in the admin side in navs, this can be found in the html output . those items is not shown in the nav link because they have a empty name value, but the dropdown menu has a element that has name (company/settings) the var is $nav . <li class="dropdown"> <a href="/admin/settings/company/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li> <a href="/admin/settings/company/">Company</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/settings/system/">System</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="/admin/settings/system/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li> <a href="/admin/settings/company/">Company</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/settings/system/">System</a> </li> </ul> </li> tested in blesta 4 .
  10. open ticket with us , we will take care of this issue .
  11. i tested in admin side in v4 and i can reproduce the case . we will try to identify the issue and fix it . we have added the fix for the next release .
  12. Hello viablethought, this is only in admin side or admin and client side ?
  13. is possible to add support of override price per client group ? we have received some request about pricing per client group, a sample case to what we need to do is the fallowing, in blesta exist a Package X with term price of 15$, we have 3 client group, the price for default client group is 15$ , for client group X the price we want to be is 12$ , for client group Y we want the price to be 10$ . is this a way via a plugin or vent or we should wait this to be implemented in the core?
  14. i see the _csrf_token is still there in that page you should remode the token from it in the config file as shown by @Nelsa .
  15. we have ETA end of this month . but not Sur if we can arrive, as we will rewrite the full plugin .
  16. Observium Module For Blesta We are excited to announce the release of one of the advanced module for blesta, is OBSERVIUM, with this module you can add port as a service and asign it to a client, the client can view the real time statistique and the overusage and the projected overusage, the click can also see the graph bandwith from X to X date . the admin also can see stats and graph for observium port, admin can also change the assigned port to the client and add a new one. Admin can set the bandwith calculation, either 95th or total bandwith, can set the price of the overusage bandwith witht a selected unit. the module come with a helper plugin, is used to generated the overusage invoices in the ifrst of every month for the last month. the module also come with thier own api wrapper for blesta, just upload the file to the HTML directory of observium. Compatibility the plugin is fully compatible with Blesta v4 & Blesta v3 Features - Module fully customisable from package section. - Assign port to client. - Clients/Admins can view real time usage, stats and ghraphs for a selected period. - The helper plugin for observium is used to generate invoice for overusage. Screenshots overview of bandwith Graph Overview Real time port bandwidth info Order More Info the price is 49.99$ Yearly , (or 5$ Monthly in case any one want to test the module before make the yearly subscription) . you can order here. any bug/feedback report it here . best regards
  17. i found this then i found the tasks was completed for v4.1.0 .
  18. i can't rememeber if this already posted , but is totally highly needed the option to offer Configurable Options with onetime term in the monthly/yearly package term . a sample case ; selling software/themes/scripts/license, you offer the installation service . normally the installation service is a onetime payment and not a recurring payment. https://requests.blesta.com/topic/make-mounthlyyearly-package-support-addons-onetime
  19. he should send request to this page https://areaclienti.inretesubito.com/order/config/preconfig/registra-il-tuo-dominio
  20. basic css style fro RTL theme in admin side (v4) , this is not the complete alignment but it cover the general issue in admin side . body { direction: rtl; } header#main_header h1 { float: right; } header#main_header .right_section { float: left; } header#main_header .top_nav { float: left; } header#main_header .menu ul.nav > li { float: right; } ul.dropdown-menu { right: 0; } .dropdown-menu { text-align: right; } header#main_header .breadcrumbs { padding: 12px 41px 0 0; } header#main_header .serach_block { padding: 5px 33px 0px; } #left_container { float: right; } #right_outer { margin: 0 297px 0 0; } .pull-right { float: left; } .pull-left { float: right; } .btn.pull-right { margin-left: auto; margin-right: 4px; } .icon-line { padding-left: initial; padding-right: 1.25em; } .left { float: right !important; } .right { float: left !important; } .icon-line i { left: auto; right: 0; } .settings .left { float: right; } .settings .right { float: left; } .settings_detail_box ul li { padding: 4px 12px 0 0; } .settings_detail_box li.heading a, .settings_detail_box li.parent a { margin-right: 5px; } .quick_links ul li div { float: right; } .common_box .content_section .inner .itemlist .logo { float: right; } .common_box .button_row_inline { float: left; top: 0; right: auto; padding: 22px 0 0 5px; left: 0; } .common_box .content_section .inner .itemlist ul { margin-left: 300px; margin-right: 150px; } .common_box h2 span { float: right; padding: 10px 17px 0 0; } .common_box h2 a { float: left; margin: 4px 0 3px 5px; } .common_box .links_row ul { float: right; } .tabs_row ul li { float: right; padding-left: unset; padding-right: 4px; } .tabs_row .tabs_nav { float: left; border-right: 1px solid #e1e1e1; border-left: none; } .tabs_row .tabs_nav a.prev { margin-right: 3px; margin-left: unset; border-right: 1px solid #e1e1e1; } .tabs_row .tabs_nav a.next { margin-left: unset; margin-right: 4px; } .table .heading_row td.last { border-right: unset; border-left: 0; } .table td { text-align: right; } .table .heading_row td.last span { float: right; } .table .heading_row td span a.asc::after, .table .heading_row td span a.desc::after { padding-left: unset; padding-right: 6px; } .client_detail_box .member_txt { float: right; padding: 0 15px 9px 0; } .currency_amounts .amounts ul li p { float: right; } .currency_amounts .amounts ul li span { float: left; }
  21. it need a lot of styling . the css rtl file in admin side is empty . i will add some basic css and post it
  22. as administrator i prefer to see a solution for such task rather than other complementary task .
  23. For me is not a priority task, we love to see it but we prefer see other management task before .
  24. a tool-tip for the service id and service label will be enough for us . NOTE : this is not a must have or a priority task.
  25. can you post a sample example for what you need exactly, i have not understand what you are seeking and this is related to my poor english
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