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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. if you have mysql 5.7 , this can help MySQL 5.7+ MySQL changed the default behavior in version 5.7.5 to enable "only_full_group_by". If you are using a version newer than that, or if you had changed your MySQL configuration file to enable "only_full_group_by", you will need to remove it. You should update your MySQL configuration file to disable "sql_mode", i.e., don't have it set to "only_full_group_by". You can run the following query to determine what the sql_mode is: SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode, @@SESSION.sql_mode; https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Requirements
  2. the actual design to list KB articles in admin side has downside effect when title are long, so it should be adjust to feet any needs. a sample display for Kb with long titles i think of two solution : 1 - fix the <a> title width and overflow the rest text . 2 - make the width of the #articles dd 100%, so every article in 1 line . https://requests.blesta.com/topic/truncate-kb-article-title-in-admin-side-or-make-new-listing-design
  3. for taxes we can have solution and quickly i think, i will try to push this in our top list to make it available maybe the next week or at a late date the end of this month . so we can confirm for you that tax issue we can resolve it, we ill ad a new option in the plugin to make late fee taxable or not . we have also searched alot before we begin the work on this plugin, and never we have arrived to a case like yours, all the late fees case we found is a fixed or percentage amount (taxable) and after a XX day . making it recurring that should another work, as we need to conserve the core functions of this plugin. as told before we will try to add your request, if we found it will break the normal usage we can negotiate another plugin only for you .
  4. so from your case, only and only the late fee are applied to the original amount , and the new invoices for late fee are excluded from a late fee? the idea here is clean and simple, but as i told before with the actual code is a bit complicated to merge all the functionality in one plugin, maybe we will arrive in the end with a new plugin only for the Quebec market . Hostbill or whmxx has this functionality ?
  5. i can't accept or decline the request, as we need to discuss this internally, because this special request need a database modification and some extra coding to accomplish this. so you need to apply a late fee every XX days, the late fee should be added to the same invoice? the late fee amount should be also incremented every XX days ? the late fee should be calculated from the invoice base total, or exclude the previous late fees added ?
  6. is working normal when we make a manual example. what i have arrived to make it work, with this small change "key":"<?php $this->Html->_($data['name']);?>", to "key":"<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($data['name']);?>",
  7. No, the late fee is only apply 1 time for every invoice . if you change the due date after a late fee set, the plugin will detect that the invoice was already applied a late fee in previous .
  8. we can help you to identify the issue , but we need access to your blesta installation , is you agree open a ticket in our blesta support system and i will try to help you in this issue.
  9. so is a building package in the digital module issue, i think we have found it and corrected , download again please. if a invoice are now a due date and is subject to a late fee, the plugin when detect it, late say the invoice id 520 and the invoice total of 100$, you have set a 20% percent as a late fee amount, then the plugin will do the fallowing : Create new invoice = a new invoice with new ID will be created with the amount of 20$ Add late fee to invoice = the plugin will add 20$ to the invoice ID 520, the the invoice ID 520 will have a total of 120$ i hope this is clear now .
  10. it would wonderful if blesta can add multi-select to the Type of Package Option, as now only checkbox, radio, drop-down and quantity are allowed, the check box is only limited to one entry and if we wanto to offer 5 choice we need to add 5 checkbox Package Option .
  11. can you test the licensed version if you get the same result .
  12. universal module does support "Configurable Options" for using them with the creation/edition of the service. but you can use it to add Configurable Options to the service to benefice from pricing addition something like server components .
  13. any ETA for this small smal small fix we have updated lated and we found this has been disappeared, is a pain to make every time a small patch // Fetch all available server for this package $module_row = []; if (isset($vars->module_group) && $vars->module_group == "") { if (isset($vars->module_row) && $vars->module_row > 0) { $module_row = $this->getModuleRow($vars->module_row); } else { $rows = $this->getModuleRows(); } } else { // Fetch the 1st server from the list of servers in the selected group $rows = $this->getModuleRows($vars->module_group); } foreach ($rows as $row) { $module_row[$row->id] = $row->meta->server_name; } // Create Server label $cpanel_server = $fields->label(Language::_("Cpanel.module_row", true), "module_row_id"); // Create Server field and attach to Server label $cpanel_server->attach( $fields->fieldSelect( 'module_row_id', $module_row, $this->Html->ifSet($vars->module_row_id, $package->module_row), ['id' => 'module_row_id'] ) ); // Set the label as a field $fields->setField($cpanel_server);
  14. the graph in the billing at a Galance does show correctly any letter that as accent or any Unicode character . it convert it to a html code accsi . a payment type as "crédit card" will be shown as "Cr&eacute;dit Card" .
  15. Are you using the open source version? if yes, the update was just added to the files tonight .you can download the files again .
  16. new update has been released, we have added the patch for php 7 .
  17. if you set the option to create new invoice for a late fee, the late fee invoice is excluded from another late fee . if you choose 45 days, then any invoice has a past due of 45 days it will be subject to a late fee .
  18. Yes, you can change this in controllers/admin_manage_plugin.php is open . is the percentage of the invoice total.
  19. we have plan , but we havn't ETA for it now .
  20. this can be done via a plugin, but until the order has not any event we can't integrate it completely . the docs located here if blesta team to help event to allow us make a plugin for it https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ecommerce
  21. when a service has a children services , the price tab for the parent service didn't include the children service, the client see for example 25$, when he get a invoice he found 50$ (25$ plus for service addons). is possible to make the price include the children services like config options ?
  22. No, the new version of Proxmox has LCX and dropped openvz support .
  23. normally the actual template will have some errors in v4 . so i can't encourage people to use it in v4 yet, we will try to update it to v4 when we get free time .
  24. new version has been released, v1.3.0, we have added the option to select how the late fee will be billed, in new invoice or the same invoice .
  25. The auto susped feature is not available now in the module, as the module is a billing module . but we are open to add more feature if you can give us more info and how it should work . the module come with a read me file, also the installation si so easy . more info about the module you can find it blesta addons website.
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