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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Our second step now is to change the module for the package, normally what is the field we should take care of them if we want to change the package module ? meta, module_row, module_row_id ?
  2. Yes, the first idea was to create a map file for very module, but it was very complicated to match every field with source/destination module, as some module hs unique field and others has multiple ....ect , so finnaly we have opted for this solution to be sure the change service will not give any issue in the future .
  3. yes we remap all the service i have attached a screenshot, this sample to migrate from virtualizor to proxmox .
  4. your system how store password ? in clear text plain ?
  5. We want to talk about a experience of migrating services from package X to package Y . Normally blesta allow admin to change package service via upgrade/downgrade in edit service, but this action is restricted to : - The package Source/destination should has the same Module . - the package group should has enabled "Allow Upgrades/Downgrades between Packages within this Group" . without this two condition you can't move/migrate service to any other package, and in blesta v4 is more complicated with the new restricted mode that disallow change package's module if the package used by a service either active or canceled, this behavior has load a lot of request from our client to allow them change package module from module x to module y, and specially for client that are moving from other billing system, as the import manager assign service that hasn't a matched module in blesta to universal module, then they are stuck in universal module without any solution, we inspired the idea from the core plugin "reassign pricing", we have tweaked the plugin to allow not only change pricing_id and module_row_id , we have added support to update the package group id and the service fields to match the new module service fields, it took from us a lot of time and work to make it workable and supporting all modules via a simple config file. this plugin was tested and we was able to migrate service from package to package . the only issue we have is that we should do this for every service, no mass change possible due to some limitations and service fields issue for new module. we will release the plugin freely soon .
  6. can you share your solution, this will help others if they have the same error, and maybe the team can add some tweak in the docs if needed.
  7. i have not tested multiple taxes , but from what i have see in the settings, the multiple tax are applied to the product, there are no option to allow only one tax if there are 2 taxes . and the tax are applied separately, and the total show the total amount with all the taxes applied . i'm not aware how taxes in canada, but if there are multiple taxes for state and only will be applied, then add only 1 tax for this state . just curios, how it will apply one tax if exist two tax for the state? what is the criteria to exempt the tax for product x ?
  8. Yes, We have fixed the cron and the LicenseManager issue from CLI now .
  9. We have released a new version 1.5.0 . fixing some critical bug in the old release 1.4.0 . it's important to update to the latest release 1.5.0
  10. Hope to see fix soon, as we work with this a lot every day, and is s pain and a time waste to recreate the invoice + some illegal usage when the invoice is closed with no line description, this can bring us trouble if any client claim about the how the invoice was (xx amount) then it converted to 0 after . at least post here the fix we should patch the invoice model as soon as possible .
  11. in tools, settings, email log, do you find the email logged ? or no email is logged?
  12. i think a update to the model is needed, either : 1 - correct the way of collecting the info . 2 - allow plugin to accept setting our own info to send (not the custom_data) , but the base info (ip, domain, path), something like setLicenseServerUrl() , why not setLicenseDomain(), setLicenseIP(), setLicensePath()
  13. we never tested in invoice created manually. only invoice created by the system and they service-related invoices . NO, and i have disabled all plugin for 1 day, and is still happen . tested, and i was able to replicate it . so i an confirm is a bug now . So finally this is the conclusion : 1 - create new service (invoice method = Create Invoice). 2 - edit invoice, (remove original line, add a new line), Save (modify invoice) 3 - check the invoice
  14. when you install it from web, you get the same error ?
  15. more debug: the fucntion @gethostbyaddr($data['ip']) is not reliable, as it return wroong domain instead of the domain if the ip has other reverse name. a sample case is blesta.com i think the license manager should has another approuch if the file called from CLI, finnaly we have arrived to make ad this to make it workig . // Set the IP if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'])) { // Windows IIS 7 support $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { // If no IP found, perform lookup based on server name $data['ip'] = @gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } elseif (isset(Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname)) { $data['ip'] = @gethostbyname(Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname); } // Set the domain if SERVER_NAME is available, otherwise perform lookup based on IP if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $data['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } else if (isset(Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname)) { $data['domain'] = Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname; } else { $data['domain'] = @gethostbyaddr($data['ip']); }
  16. yesterday we have found a issue with one of our licensed plugin, and after a deep look, we found the issue come from LicenseManager.php . when the cron is running fro web, all thing is good, but when the cron are running from CLI, the issue is that the class can't determine the domain and the ip when it running from CLI . $_SERVER['SERVER_Name'] , $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] and $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'] global variables is only accessible when running through a browser . we have made a simple patch fro the license manager to get domain from blesta.company vars , else if (isset(Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname)) { $data['domain'] = Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname; } the same for ip we have added a patch to resolve the blesta compay, but after this fixe, the LicenseManager still return error for invalid location; the cause is licensemanager send a wrong info when it run in CLI, Array ( [status] => invalid_location [label] => XXXXXX Plugin [time] => 1498148289 [allow_reissue] => 1 [addons] => [version] => 4.0.1 [custom] => Array ( [license_type] => onetime [cancellation_date] => [license_for] => XXXXXX [addon_version] => 1.0.0 ) [domain] => Array ( [0] => XXXXX.com ) [ip] => Array ( [0] => XXX.165.XXXX.249 ) [path] => Array ( [0] => /home/XXXXXX/public_html/blesta/ ) [updates] => when we run it from web Array ( [status] => valid [label] => XXXXXX [time] => 1498148277 [allow_reissue] => 1 [addons] => [version] => 4.0.1 [custom] => Array ( [license_type] => onetime [cancellation_date] => [license_for] => XXXXXX [addon_version] => 1.2.0 ) [domain] => Array ( [0] => XXXXX.com ) [ip] => Array ( [0] => XXX.165.XXX.249 ) [path] => Array ( [0] => /home/XXXXXX/public_html/blesta/ ) [updates] => )
  17. in your module file, you will find the fucntion public function getClientAddFields($package, $vars = null) add the fallowing code $user_name = $fields->label('Enter Username', 'username'); $user_name->attach( $fields->fieldText( 'username', $this->Html->ifSet($vars->username), ['id' => 'username'] ) ); // Set the label as a field $fields->setField($user_name); for blesta password, you can't get the password, if you can got it, then you can send a exploit CVS to blesta
  18. this bug has turned us crazy ... we are modifying a existing invoice that has just 1 line that is attached to a service, what we do is add ing a new line with the same description and price and we delete the old line, after saving the invoice is closed when empty description and price as shown in the screenshot . we renew manually some service for some clients, and to avoid another renewing when they pay the invoice, we delete the old (attached line to service) and adding new line . this behavior now is every day happen and only if : - Invoice has 1 line. - Blesta version 4. in blesta v3, has no bug, and if blesta v4 in invoice with multiple lines didn't happen .
  19. the two server has the same mysql version and php version ?
  20. sometimes when we edit invoice, and apply changes, the invoice is closed and the amount is 0, after we see the invoice we found nolines in it like this screen . this isue is only when we have upgraded to v4 . and is occasional .
  21. clear the task, disable the cron task 'Auto apply late fee for invoices' for 24 hours. after 24 hour activate the error reporting then activate the task and run the cron manually . as, you have php 7, this can be related, to quick resolve it move to ticket instead .
  22. the found the probleme, in formatResponse() i have removed the check for array , changed if (property_exists($value, 'plan') && is_array($value->plan)) { to if (property_exists($value, 'plan') /*&& is_array($value->plan)*/) {
  23. with the solusvm module the getPlan() always return a empty data; when we have checked we found maybe something wrong the parseResponse. a dump for the whole fucntion $this->parseResponse($plans_api->getDetails($params), $module_row) return stdClass Object ( [status] => success [statusmsg] => [plans] => ) the correct data well fetched from the solusvm, a dump for the fucntion $plans_api->getDetails($params) return SolusvmResponse Object ( [xml:SolusvmResponse:private] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [status] => success [statusmsg] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) [plans] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [plan] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => Starter [ipv6subnets] => 0 [automatedbackups] => 0 [cpus] => 4 [ram] => 2147483648 [swap] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) [disk] => 85899345920 [bandwidth] => 1073741824000 ) ) ) [raw:SolusvmResponse:private] => success 1 Starter 0 0 4 2147483648 85899345920 1073741824000 ) this is in service creation .
  24. in edit mode , we can't change the assigned server, the probleme with the returned data . check my post
  25. i think col-md-6 is better , two articles per line is better than 3 articles per line.
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