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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. this is the first time? from screen it appear the cron is take more than 10h !!!!!! kill the proccess and watch the cpu again .
  2. This is also my suggestion. a vote for it . The most wanted thing is a Solid Hosting order form . that is the real thing that should added as soon as possible .The actual module is doing what it should do. some tabs should be added for some registrar . i prefer if the abstract module file need to be improved to ad some extra functions to heritate by the registrar module . and why not add cron function to be used for sync domains without the need to ad extra plugins !
  3. another issue to fix with the graph in blesta, i have posted a fix there
  4. In some cases, the staff can change the invoice due date to a future date, so is not a reliable solution. and sometime we need to change the service renew date manually, then is not useful using the invoice due date . the perfect solution is to update the renew_date when it should be updated (payment only). is not possible to add another date field to play with it? and how others scripts handle this?
  5. this is a great , and still i'm consist that the most of events is not returning any data to the models exept some event like structure and Emails events, the fact they are only like a notice of creation or deletion, if the event is returning data to the model then we can make them more usable and profit for so many cases . whmxx has this and a lot of feature is added by plugin only wit this behavior .
  6. This a known issue .
  7. You are right, i have make a mistake by selet the domain instead of the username, anyway the two should be lowercase
  8. we have already talked about the renew_date in blesta, and i want to re-open again this subject . blesta update the renew date every time the invoice was generated . this leading a big problems for us and our clients. Firstly some client claim that the renew date showed is in the future and normally it should show the real renew date !! for example, a service that is renewed in 31-7-2017, when a invoice generated, the renew date will become 31-8-2018 . this behavior also impacting the observium plugin that we have made for billing calculation between two dates, so if a service has a renew date 31-7-2017 normally the plugin in 31-7-2017 should create invoice for the extra usage from 30-6-2017 to 31-7-2017, when blesta generate invoice, the renew date change to +1 term, the plugin ignore the service because it has a a future renew date and will not included in the billing calculation. we need a way that the we be sure that the actual service is from X date to Y date, and when the invoice is paid then the renew date can be updated . the only solution we found is to push all observium users to make the package use prorate for 1st of month, and then we update the plugin to make a calcul in the 1st of the month for the previous month, this way will impact some users that they didn't use prorate and they don't want use it .
  9. the problem was the service provider file, i have not uploaded it because i use a custom one .
  10. if blesta can handle (register/renew/transfer) pricing and make a grete order form for hosting and domains it will be totally awesome .
  11. is a upgrade, i have uninstalled all the plugin and still the problem. the two files exist, i have re-uploaded all blesta files 2 times, same result . PHP 5.6 EDIT, it worked now !!!!
  12. the same in ; System Staff /admin/settings/system/staff/manage/ Companies /admin/settings/system/companies APi /admin/settings/system/api/ Email signatures /admin/settings/company/emails/signatures/ Tools /Logs /admin/tools/logs/module/ Clients /admin/clients/ Billing services /admin/billing/services/ Packages /admin/packages/ Admin tickets /admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/ is this the same for other or this in only on my side ?
  13. when we accessing the client group link in setting (admin/settings/company/groups/) we get the error Fatal error: Call to a member function setGet() on null in /home/sxsxsxsx/public_html/blesta/app/app_controller.php on line 0
  14. Yes, you can , in coupon add, select type Amount instead of percent, and select " Apply when service is added only " .
  15. i have made the change and i will watch the result.
  16. my concern now other services that we can track thier activity like vps, servers, maybe in blesta they have a renew date that is incorrect and we lose money in month that are not paid from clients.
  17. even if the patch the services still activated and renewed !! EDIT; add dates : From Module logs table Service ordered 2017-07-13 10:34:24 Service renewed 2017-07-13 14:10:07 From Service tables : date_added 2017-07-12 14:15:44 date_renew 2018-07-13 10:34:15 date_last_renew 2017-07-13 10:34:15
  18. you mean install wordpress or any other scripts from blesta? with softacoulos or onstallatron ?
  19. twig is a complete template system, blesta use it own template system with third party parser .
  20. Blesta use H2O-php template system engine, is a good library, but as it was not updated from a yaers ago, and some issue was not fixed, it's now PHP7 compliance (class ParseError) . is blesta plan to move to a active template engine ? if yes, wich one ? {dwoo} is a updated template system that are used by alot of users today .
  21. can you resolve this issue . file whmcs_migrator.php (line 1242) and blesta2_5.php ( line 1320) .
  22. the upgrade/downgrade only is allowed for the same module, so no option to change them. we have found a way to change them with a helper plugin, this plugin we have developed to be compatible with all the core module, we have success to make it work, we have migrated from the old sslstore to the new sslstore, from Proxmox to Virtualizor Extended (custom module from us), some client has migrated from universal module to a custom module. the plugin is for experimental use only, you can PM me or contact us in our website to talk about the service.
  23. we have removed the manual review, and 2 domains has been renewed . this domain was already ordered. another strange issue we have found, 1 of this two domains was ordered and activated same day (4-7-2017). then it was paid days after, and the domains was renewed after the invoice was paid !!! i will put my two cent in this issue, why not just changing the date_added rather than date_renew? if we change the date_added blesta will considerate that the domain was only added now, and then it will affect a true renew date .
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