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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Hell tyson, about the logs is not deleted by the rotation policy, as exist entry older than them . date_closed is not empty , and is filled with the same date of payment 2017-07-28 08:26:59 . your query has returned a lot of invoices in the result, but the concerned invoice is not in the list. i found that date_billed is the same as date_closed 2017-07-28 08:26:59, but i think this is related to pro-forma setting. date_due is 2017-08-06 00:00:00, status is 'active', so from the database i think is all thing is fine. if i'm not wrong today it should send the suspension notice, i will be tunned to see what will come .
  2. deleting invoice is not allowed by so many laws, but draft are allowed https://requests.blesta.com/topic/allow-deleting-draft-invoice
  3. try it in the "Appcontroller.preAction" event .
  4. This case is a strange case, all the other emails are in the logs , also i found the payment email with the final invoice in the logs in blesta, what is not normal how blesta send emails and is not stored in the logs , that who will make me crazy !!!! i never expeienced like this case, i have the fallowing point : - The invoice is paid totally and in closed status. - Blesta sent payment due notice email for this closed invoice, but is not recorded in blesta logs, in the mail server log exist a entry for them. we have Proforma enabled, is there any query sql to run to make diagnostics or any other think i should do ?
  5. you should disable error reporting in config and in php to get access to your blesta admin, then you can set the path you want. from a test server, upgrading from v4 to b4.1 has added the folder successfully.
  6. a client has paid his invoice in 28-7-2017. the invoice due is 6-8-2017 . now is closed and transaction well recorded . the client still receive a notice about the invoice due (2 times), when we have checked blesta email logs we didn't find any trace for those email . the client has forwarded the emails to us, and it appear sent from blesta with date/time of cron run . i have make a deep look in the server mail log and i found that the email sent from our server . How this can happen, payment notice email sent from blesta for closed invoice and is not recorded in the email log in blesta !!! this can lead to a suspension service?
  7. what type of file can translate.blesta.com be imported in? i can create a function to export the languages files with some specification to make it compatible with the schema you can use it in translate.blesta.com . i also stopped using translate.blesta.com a cause of some difficult and i found translating a local file is more efficient for me .
  8. use Admin Tools plugin, it has built-in compare for translated/untraslatted/missed languages phrases . i use it to maintain my files up to date .
  9. we have noticed that the pay link in sended in email didn't expire and remain accessible even if the invoice is already payed . we suggest that blesta make a verification to ensure first that the invoice still open , if is closed ( so is paid previously) then redirect the client to website or show a message that the invoice is already paid .
  10. that is not true, we can make a google analytics plugins that let you see your visitors data from blesta dashboard, i have a minimic work for this, my seo tools plugins already has the option to add google analytics code tracker . so natively we can have a google analytics data reader from blesta dashboard .
  11. A generic module should not be handling action with a concreted Switch, as the Switch is not all a standard, every fabricant has it own API and system, so we can call this Server Module Cisco or something elese ... nowadays there are a lot of software designed to manage a dedicated servers in datacenter, and they have it own API to install/suspend/unsuspend/provision ect ...
  12. I have made a look at the priicng tables, and i found your idea is totally can be the fix for the multi pricing system gird , from database `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `term` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `period` enum('day','week','month','year','onetime') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'month', `price` decimal(12,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', `setup_fee` decimal(12,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', `cancel_fee` decimal(12,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', `currency` char(3) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'USD', it can be altered to become something like `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `term` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `period` enum('day','week','month','year','onetime') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'month', `price` decimal(12,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', `setup_fee` decimal(12,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', `cancel_fee` decimal(12,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', `renew_price` decimal(12,4) DEFAULT NULL, `transfer_price` decimal(12,4) DEFAULT NULL, `currency` char(3) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'USD', this way we can conserve the same package system and module system, it will need only some small adjustement in the service invoicing, we should include the added prices in the fucntion get getPricingInfo() and PackageOptions->getValuePricingById() not sure if others exist , the function getLinesForServices() is is already has services_renew as parameter and we can use it to determinate which pricing we should use, i think the below code line should be converted to a conditional statement to check if is services_renew = true or not : $line_item_amount = (isset($pricing_info->price) ? $pricing_info->price : $service->price); to be something like $line_item_amount = ($services_renew && isset($pricing_info->renew_price) ? $pricing_info->renew_price : isset($pricing_info->price) ? $pricing_info->price : $service->price ); this is a simple approach to accomplish the pricing schema module . i think we need to divide the work in steps. 1 - Complete Multi Pricing System (Activation, Renew, Transfer, Setup, Cancel) 2 - Update order plugin to set Transfer price instead of price in domain transfer 3 - Create a Complete Hosting Order Form 4 - Update Registrar Modules to have more tabs management (DNS, Domain forwarding, Email Forwarding)
  13. @PaulThis should be implemented in the import or create a helper plugin for it , is not a complicated task . Yes, From admin side in promotions page
  14. Blesta Addons

    Edit Cart File

    if i'm not wrong, views/templates/{used template}/signup.pdt
  15. we have found the issue. allow_url_fopen with https issue . the fix is simple, we changed the method from post to curl . by chaning only this line of code $recaptcha = new ReCaptcha( $order_settings['recaptcha_shared_key'], new \ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\CurlPost() ); i encourage blesta to use the curl method instead of the post, as now some host block allow_url_fopen , also is rebust to connect to a https site by curl .
  16. i have activated the recaptcha in signup page, the captcha always return error . the i'm no robot cpatcha is showing well, but every time the client validate the signup page he get a error about captcha . we are using 4.0.0, captcha v2. any feedback or any tips to test . after some investigation, we found the repatche response is recaptcha validation invalid-json
  17. is a generic module or you want a module for specif servers providers ?
  18. for me this is normal . you should increase the memory limit in csf or ignore the executable from bein reported .
  19. your screen from where area in admin side ? in admin add service it should list the service and addons in one table not in a separated tables !
  20. is a 59.4$ additional, maybe you have a prorate ? the invoice generated has the correct amount ?
  21. This is what i have in my mind, i have made a shema for a plugin that i have called "cron hoster", the idea is a bit simple, the plugin has it own table that store the cron data like the core one, and it intern cron run every 5 min, the only different is changing the plugin_dir by the module_dir , then the module can add cron via install() function , then in the module should have a function called cron(), this function will be executed by the plugin cron . this function will use it inf registrar modules to check transfers and domains expiration sync, export or import data to a remote server via API . this task will save us a lot of time and hard coding and this should be out with the new domain management and pricing .
  22. your customer should select usd as default currency .
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