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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Logicboxes Reloaded has this option i think . you can download it is free .
  2. all people has posted his opinion, is time to close this thread .
  3. i have the fallowing case: configurable option A affected to Package X and Y . Service A belong to Package X . Service B belong to Package Y . when the client Buy Service A with configurable option A they pay for all them, the service is activated, then the client want to upgrade to Service B with configurable option A, the price calculation always add in calcul the configurable option A , normally this configurable option A is already paid and the client should only pay for the prorated service price . Is blesta can handle this issue to not add any configurable option that is already paid in the old services ?
  4. You are right, we have just take care about this, we want the same result but for all configurable options, like how blesta render in the configurable options in the client area .
  5. Thanks @Jono, we don't want to make and maintain our code, we want something that are maintainer by blesta itself , i have used $this->Services->getOptions($service->id) it was what i want . another function that do the same is $this->PackageOptions->getByPackageId($service->package->id) .
  6. is there any built_in function to fetch the available Configurable Options for the service X ? not the purshased one, but all the vaialable Configurable Options to purshase .
  7. this is correct. the graphs loading is another issue . i think the graph loading issue has a relation about the order how has the Ajax request sent, i think blesta should load the js files then load the widget, as the widget is loaded before the js files then the js script is not applied to the widget, unless you re-load the page . this someting that @Paul or @Tyson should test it .
  8. Thanks i will try your solution this weekend. also i noticed that the $this->renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync() is not working in the admin_manage_plugin . i can see the ajax loading new data as expected, but the loaded data in not inserted in the content div! how we can make it working ?
  9. the Issue in not related to the nvd3, is a Blesta issue, the Html->_() call the safe() function that is stripe the HTML utf-8 chars instead of the ifSet() function that return the string as is it . the patch is for the file plugins/billing_overview/views/default/admin_main_overview.pdt in the line 126 . @Paul can you confirm this ?
  10. Another Self::+1 for my patch
  11. we have begin in the mockup of the module/plugin, but i think it will easy if the fallowing task was done CORE-2338 .
  12. we have the EPP registry module .
  13. The license manager communicate with database to get the stored keys to encrypt/descrypt data, for mobile you need first to communicate with blesta database to get the keys, the better thing is to make a separate license manager for mobile .
  14. Can you rename the plugins dir then perform the upgrade .
  15. Selling/buying Brand in internet is a matter can happen anywhere and anytime, a lot fo brand has been sold to other even if they are making a lot of success . i know @activa personally and he sponsored some plugins for blesta to be free, he has other brands/website that he care of them. he was negotiating with me so month ago to acquire blesta-addons with their the copyright of all modules/plugins/addons, it was for us a big opportunity but finally i decided to keep it even if i'm not generating a big income from it. We hope that everything can return as before .
  16. in blesta v4.0 a new setting for navigation link was introduced , this is not supported in the old version of admin tools , the new updated version has task to fix this .
  17. in commun error is a whitelist IP error . you must white list the main server ip .
  18. 1 - you can remove the branded text from the structure.pdt file . 2 - Settings -> Plugins -> CMS portal "Manage", then you can change the HTML . 3 - check blesta addons website or the marketplace
  19. From some weeks ago i have the idea to change Model Business of Blesta Addons, as the moment we offer free Opens source code or crypted files, also we offer paid addons licensed, and personally i hate the crypted files, i feel in love with open source, so i think to offer all my actual addons in open source format, with some change to the Model Business used, we plan to make Blesta Addons as membership clubs with levels . Default Level, this will be free membership that will give access to all addons related to this group freely . Bronze Level, this membership will be with small fee annually (arround 9$-15$), this level give the client access to the default level addons and all related addons to this level . Platinum Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 25$-29$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze levels addons and all related addons to this level . Gold Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 45$-60$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze + Platinum levels addons and all related addons to this level . So we will no longer provide separate (module/plugins/addons) , they will be included to membership package, that the client can download and use all the addons with a fix amount membership. all the plugin will become a open source version and not crypted anymore... This is just a idea, nothing decided, and we will continue developing and releasing addons of blesta, some of what we have prepared to the community : Modules : Virtualizor Extended, Digital Product Pro, Epp Registrar, Logicboxes Reloaded, Logixboxes Gsuite, Memebership (change client group besed on package), Plugins : Admin Tools (Rewrite), Cms Pro (True Hosting CMS), Package Converter, Monolog Reader (Read Monolog files), News System, Cart Menu, Client Data (More data Stat), Cron Debugger, Store System On Developpment : Plugins : Affiliate System, Modules : Ovh Domains, Ovh Vps Themes : Adminlte (Upgrade to v4), Admin Core (Advanced Admin Theme),
  20. Yes ; i have tested with the None module shipped with blesta .
  21. When we select a module that not supporting rows, the module name is not shown in the packages listing page . Exempla the none module .
  22. You should edit the DirectAdmin module file, you can't do it from admin side .
  23. Enable error reporting in blesta config to see the errors .
  24. Multi Languages Plugin has this option . not only you can change language, but is a rock in term of seo, as you will have a new url of every language like English Español Français
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