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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. we have uploaded the patch files from 4.0.1 to 4.1.1 and when we have run the upgrade script , the progress was stopped and the end of the bar and it was stacked there , we have waiting a long time to complete the upgrade, so mush time for waiting without any progress . so we have relunshed the upgrade again, then the progress show a error SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '3-3571' for key 'PRIMARY' on line 196 in /home/XXXX/public_html/vendors/minphp/db/src/PdoConnection.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/xxxx/public_html/vendors/minphp/db/src/PdoConnection.php(196): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/xxxx/public_html/vendors/minphp/record/src/Record.php(275): Minphp\Db\PdoConnection->query('INSERT INTO `se...', Array) #2 /home/xxxx/public_html/components/upgrades/tasks/upgrade4_1_1.php(95): Minphp\Record\Record->insert('service_invoice...', Array, Array) #3 /home/xxxx/public_html/components/upgrades/tasks/upgrade4_1_1.php(54): upgrade4_1_1->addServiceInvoiceAssociations() #4 /home/xxxx/public_html/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(266): upgrade4_1_1->process('addServiceInvoi...') #5 /home/xxxx/public_html/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(101): Upgrades->processObject(Object(upgrade4_1_1), NULL) #6 /home/xxxx/public_html/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(108): Upgrades->start('4.1.0-b1', '4.1.1') #7 /home/xxxx/public_html/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(143): AdminUpgrade->process() #8 /home/xxxx/public_html/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/upgrade/...') #9 {main} how we should verify if the upgrade was completed successfully or how we should re-run the upgrade script ?
  2. This was reported by clients, so is in client side, and will test the admin side later and let you know .
  3. i have not checked the code to verify how the log file is created, but i don't think is created by a cron . is the probleme is a owner files then the apache should be run with the domain user owner . which Control panel you use ? which OS you use ?
  4. +100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . this is the real happy end story We want to do something as plugins for those two feature, but we found we need to make some core files change, so we stopped the work . We Still with blesta because we support it, even if the competitor has a importer of blesta now . when we support any project that not mean we should always applause anything they do, anything they want to do, we should give ideas, advices, notes, and we punish them when we found something that should not be as it should. in the end, they invent and manufacture the soft, and we are who use it in real life .
  5. i don't believe this is related to cron. is related to PSR monolog , what is the output of the fallowing command : ls -alh /home/username/ (root directory of your website) .
  6. you have installed the marchent or the non marchent module ?
  7. From my point of view, the option 1 will lead a lot of new users, more income. In real case, i have described what is missing from the domain management, is need only some tweak and all the others task will be resolved, not needed a full rewrite or revamp.
  8. we hope a fix soon, doesn't matter how, but it would be good to see Unicode characters correctly in the graphs. i have make another look and i see that the ajax request (GET https://xxxxxxx.com/admin/widget/billing_overview/admin_main/ ) are loaded before the .js files loading .i have tested with a small download debit rate to simulate correctly the loading time . below the result, the order is how blesta send the call : GET https://*******.com/administration/widget/billing_overview/admin_main/ 200 OK 4,28s GET https://*******.com/vendors/d3/d3.min.js 200 OK 84ms GET https://*******.com/vendors/nvd3/nv.d3.min.js 200 OK 18ms The above result is showing the graph correctly .
  9. not yet available in blesta, need feature request.
  10. We have added the upgrade template to our TODO list, we will look at it soon .
  11. i think is a mistake in the description , blesta fetch the public_key from the licensing server then it use it to sign the data, and send it to the license server, the license server use the same stored key to decrypt the key and check it . not sure, but for blesta i think the private key is hmac_key .
  12. we have found the issue, blesta use the pricing_id to identify the config option not the option name . but we have adapted our needs to this behavior .
  13. a can just add some note, try to use providers that blesta has modules for them, then you will not wait or spent money in coding new modules.
  14. Soon or Later ?
  15. maybe the addservice() function in your module has a error or issue that lead to this . i assume when you activate the service from admin side is not returning any error, this happen only in the CLI cron . to diagnost the issue, order a service, then stop the cron from running, and run the cron manually from command CLI, don't forget to enable error reporting, then you will get a error listed that lead to this issue . we has this in the past and we have identifying it by this step, finally we have created a plugin called "Cron Debugger" that we use it to simulate the cron run to identify any issue in the cron, the plugin will be released soon after we make some tweak as it still in beta, but it work
  16. i promise to make the upgrade of the module when we change & release the new structure of model business in blesta-addons.com . then i will look to this module, what i have sure that we will upgrade the core module included now with blesta, with that way all users can switch from reloaded to Proxmox code without switching packages (sorry this is related with the new blesta strict in packages) . i will back soon as we have a ETA (1-10-2017) for blesta-addons new structure.
  17. i never take attention to this, that has resolved a old issue we have in our website ...
  18. When we have "Allow Prorated Credits to be Issued for Service Downgrades" unchecked, no credit is issue in the downgrade package . but it has a issue that lead some confusing to the client, when a client downgrade a package, in Review Changes page it show a negative total , so the client always tough that the credit will be credited to thier account, after the downgrade, the client didn't find any thing in his solde, so they open a ticket to request the money, and we need to clarify for him that no credits are issue for downgrade, and they always insist because that have already shown in their side the amount that they should pay or receive . i suggest showing 0 total for all negative amount if the "Allow Prorated Credits to be Issued for Service Downgrades" is unchecked .
  19. You are right, but some modules/plugins we do it because we use it or we get others that sponsor it and allow us to make it available for the community . like "clean unpaid order" and "late fee" and "knowledge base" in the past .
  20. we already begin the work in affiliate system, but we have stopped the work to some obstacle related to the order plugin, not sur if @Paul can help in this and make some basic change to the order plugin to make it read the affiliate_id and and add a field for it , this will speedup the work and make us release the plugin soon . but anyway, we have found another alternative without touching any core files, but it need more time and staff to complete .
  21. i use virtualizor, but we have our own custom module called extended virtualizor . our module support configurable options and extra ips, is bit extended and simple as the solusvm module shipped with blesta .so if you provide solusvm vm and virtualizor vm, your client will not see any difference in the client side . we will release it in our new subscription system .
  22. Working Hard to complete the job, a simple mockup of the new files download manager
  23. we have a custom plugin, when we set a var called 'file' to the view we get a error, we have tested in so many plugins $this->set('file', $file_info); when we change the var from file to any other word like files or file_info the view is rendered successfully . the error we get is file_exists() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, object given on line 157 in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/blesta/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/View.php
  24. Soon all the plugins/modules will be released in open source format . no more encoding .
  25. my simple question , For what reason (business type) you are using Blesta? then i can give you my advice .
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