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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. just my opinion, for me it has no sense to have restriction in usernames in multiple companies, if i'm user of company 1 with username "blesta" or "paul<atttt>blesta.com", and i want to purchase from another company i will make my habitual usernames "blesta" or "paul<attttt>blesta.com", seeing this already used is something that make me confused. i'm as a user company A is not company B . and it has no sense for me if in my account in company A seeing or i'm impacted by something else in Company B. i'm as CEO or owner i don't need to reveal that i have 2 or 3 companies has the same database or they are related. normally and logical company A is not Company B, and blesta should take care of some issues like those, or the multi-company has no sense or no advantage at all .
  2. i can't believe it related
  3. New Release 1.2.0 rewrite of the plugin, now the plugin in opens source, compatible with php 5.4 and above, tested also in latest blesta version 4.1.0.
  4. i think we have found the issue, the email is sent, but in the client mailog is show only the text version, so for that we think the email was sent empty .
  5. nice, ok we will try to add it, i will forward to the team this request. beside this we are working in a blesta widget that show you in admin side a notice if exist a new version of installed addons from us.
  6. maybe you are right, from thier log "endtime":"1587519994" that mean the renewal date is 2020-04-22 01:46:34 .
  7. we have 3 languages installed. we have filled the HTML welcome package email for those 3 languages. we have no content in TEXT welcome package email for those 3 languages. we have sent HTML email enabled in the mail settings . the welcome email sent to the users are empty, no content from the HTML welcome email. when we put something in the TEXT version, the Text version is sent successfully . Not sure what is happen, can anyone duplicate this issue ?
  8. v 1.2.0 released. Some users has reported that some invoices has not voided, so we have added a new option in the manage plugin to show open invoices for canceled orders that need to be voided, also we have added the option to mass voided invoices for canceled orders. we have also prepared the plugin to support the option to notify client about the pending orders that need payment (most wanted feature), so next release we will ship the plugin with this features, and we will add a client widget to see his orders history.
  9. the solution has worked, if ($echo) { @ob_start(); echo $new . ($this->is_cli ? "\n" : '<br />'); @ob_flush(); @flush(); @ob_end_flush(); }
  10. in cron file , i don't see any initialization of output buffering , so i have added @ob_start(); on top of @ob_flush(); and i will watch what is happen.
  11. i have not understand the idea? sorry for my bad knowledge in english
  12. v 1.3.0 Released, thanks to @activa for his cooperation. now the log parser show the correct and the full error trace . added option to order files by size.
  13. after using the monolog viewer plugin , i see a lot of this error in the log, is pumping the NOTICE file size . any temporary fix to prevent this false/positive notice ?
  14. i don't see any renew command and response related to the renew command .this is just a demo info request for a domain .
  15. i still insist that blesta logged the response because the logicboxes send a response, to be logical, blesta can't generate or estimate the response how it should . just curios, can you paste the log how it was in blesta for this case ?
  16. i suggest also to have rotation policy less than 15 days for website that have a lot of active clients .
  17. maybe if e have time we can make a plugin that show a real data with graph and more stats .
  18. Not possible, you need create a new feature request .
  19. maybe you you have some big and large files .
  20. Simple, blesta will not log any response if not received, also blesta will not generate the response it self !!! So i'm totally sure this is related to resell.biz, have you checked the transaction log in resell ? maybe ask resell to give you the latest API request for your account . Another Scenario, check if the order_id in blesta is the same as the order_id on resell.biz for that domain. maybe you have wrong orer_id and you have renewed another domain
  21. it take time to show the 500 error, or is instant ? what you have in your apache logs ? how mush files and the sizes of them in blesta_logs ?
  22. if blesta renew the domain, and send the command and get the success result, then the issue should be there in resell not in blesta .
  23. Make attention to XSS issue .
  24. You can PM me, i will give you a quote.
  25. Hello All Again . Blesta from version 4.0.0 has added logging errors, alerts, warnings to files, and there are no option to see or manage them from admins side . this plugin is another must have tool for admins in blesta, this plugin will allow you to show log files and errors, alerts, warnings from the admin side without the need to download log files from ftp, you can filter logs by type, dates, and you can delete or empty any log file, you can also mass delete file. this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin page Screen Shoot . Have nice plugin ! Complete list of released addons
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