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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i still get this error in the monolog files . alot of errors, E_WARNING: sprintf(): Too few arguments {"code":2,"message":"sprintf(): Too few arguments","file":"/home/fdsfdfdf/public_html/vendors/minphp/language/src/Language.php","line":128} this error is not from the debugger , but from the blesta logs warning files . the page title in edit invoice need two argument ($client->id_code, $invoice->id_code) . in the preAction the language set is only for 1 params , the the page title is overrided in line 4064. so i have made a simple correction , from $language = Language::_( 'AdminClients.' . Loader::fromCamelCase($this->action ? $this->action : 'index') . '.page_title', true, $client->id_code ); To $language = Language::_( 'AdminClients.' . Loader::fromCamelCase($this->action ? $this->action : 'index') . '.page_title', true, $client->id_code, null );
  2. normally its the first day of the month . but maybe can de adjusted from cron or from settings .
  3. not true, logicboxes is shipped with the blesta free . you need jus acount with any providers like resell.biz resellerclubs ect ..
  4. Hello @Riyadh . you can select a subscription plan from here https://blesta-addons.com/plugin/membership_club/main/ . the plugin name is Multi-languages Plugin , after a purchase open a ticket i will care about it. (note we speak, English, French, Spanish, Arabic) .
  5. today i received some suspension error emails . in one email we have this Hi Mohamed, There was an error with the Domain .MA package, or its module does not support automatic suspension. Domain .MA XXXXX XXXXXX -- 1509 YYYYY yyyyyyyy sales@ssqsqssqs.com Manage Service The service may need to be suspended manually. Error: Error : Object status prohibits operation (2304) XXXXX XXXXXX = Domain's client name , and not the domain . this is strange as we recieved in the same time another 3 suspension errors for the same pkage that has the domain name correct . after we check the client domain we found the domain will entered .
  6. when i search for a client name with clients as criterie in the search fields, i get the search result with multiple page. at here all thing is good . in some case i get only TWO PAGE result . clicking in the second page in pagination (is the last page here) or the last page in pagination the page redirect to a client profile. i have made some research and i found that some earch term that give two page result or more, the last page is shown only if it has some clients result. what i have arrived (this is maybe just a my pronostics) if the last page has only 1 record the search page redirect to that client . So a conclusion, if the result has more than 1 page , and the last page has more than 2 result it show the result.
  7. if no change was made to the logicboxes class, the phone number also not changed, i can't think for any other issue that can lead to this behavior .
  8. have you changed anything in the logicboxes module ?
  9. from the error the country code phone number is missed, check the input log what has in the phone-cc field.
  10. i have forget to list this option, the admin can now change the admin url from admin tools security tab without touching the routes.php file. the idea about send email notice is great, i will add it to our todo list. the EU invoicing was only disabled until we make a deeper look and rewrite it totally.
  11. can you post the input/output module log .
  12. new release was added 2.5.0, we have rewritten the plugin totally and we have removed a lot of function and we have introduced a new clean and enhancement functions for better functions . new in this release - Move Service from client A to client B. - Move invoice from client A to client B. - Edit dates service (Date Added, Date renew, Date canceled, Date last renew). - Delete Invoice from the system. - Reactivate canceled service. - Compare Language files against core language, show missed phrases, complete files, missed files. we have removed some function until the next version as we rewrite them completely, like CMS function. navigation links functions.
  13. so is intentional behavior . i don't know if you guys are planning to fill the text version from the html version is not set, and vice versa, convert text to html if no html was set ?
  14. Hello @Tyson, the Text version is empty . in the client mail log when we expand the mail view it show only the default welcome text version Hi XXXX, Your service has been approved and activated. Please keep this email for your records. when i click the Resend link it show the full HTML version in the editor.
  15. have you tried this fix ? it should be working, we will make a complete revision of this components soon to make it fully compatible with new blesta and the Quote plugin .
  16. can be done with a separate plugin, but we prefer if modules can host and run crons.
  17. so isn't a upgrade issue, is a conf issue . and for that reason no tlds shown in your check availability page .
  18. regarding the OP question. for me at least, the multi-company provided now in blesta is enough, i can only request some more flexibility around the separation of companies. one database is the goal for this multi-company system announced . if we talk about multi-tenant we are talking about another level of software design and architect . for me multi-tenant in blesta equal a separate installation. i can make blesta multi-tanant with 1 condition i get the full open source of file that include the config file, maybe it app_model.php, then you can hook the files to include a custom config file based on the hostname
  19. with this plugin you can translate the untranslatable parts, like top navigation, the best think of this plugin is that you get site version of every languages, that mean more seo and more ranking in google. like yoursite.com (default language fr) yoursite.com/en/ yoursite.com/es/
  20. you can use the multi-languages system plugin, you shouldn't change anything in database
  21. anyone want to donate are welcome, we will begin the work next week, the more donates we receive more time we dedicate to the module. so our plans will be fallowing. - updating the actual core module to support latest version of proxmox. - adding basic support to LXC (add/suspend/unsuspend/terminate) - enhancing the features for LXC - add more features for KVM when we finish the work maybe we can create a cloud module to allow reselling vps for clients. Just to note, Donates will not give you the right to have a copy of the module, the module will be added to our subscription levels maybe, that depend of how we receive as donates, if we receive more maybe we can put it in the Access (Free) level or the Basic (Bronze) Level. if not we will make in in the Vip (Gold) level . and of course OPEN SOURCE, no encoded files. if anyone can help with a Proxmox server are welcome .
  22. normally the tlds should be shown in the domain lookup page !!
  23. limiting the username in 1 company is reasonable, but limiting in in multiple companies is not reasonable, the behavior can be change as i think, and when make the validation should be related to the company not the whole system . i have not used the multi-company fro some issue i have fronted in the past, like the themes and the users ids and the usernames and others i can't remember them now, so i have opted for other license . i will not open any feature request as i think what is opened now is more priority that that one
  24. from your order page, you din't have any TLD set or a package set for domains ?!!
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