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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Statistics & Reports For Blesta Stats is an advanced statistics gathering plugin, it give the staff the ability to know about their clients, services, products ... ect, the plugin now display the fallowing data : Clients (Overview Data) Top Clients Due Top Clients Credit Top Clients By Income (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today) Top Clients By Services (Active, Suspended, Canceled, Pending) Top Clients by Country Services & Packages (Overview Data) Top Active Services (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today) Top Canceled Services (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today) Top Packages by Income (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today) Top Packages by Sold (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today) Packages Unordered (Packages never ordered by term) Packages Forgotten (12 Month, 9 Month, 8 ,7,6,..... 1 Month) package that was not ordered for a while . Transactions (Overview Data) Top Revenue by Gateway Top Revenue by Payment Types Revenue by Months Revenue by Years Revenue by Days Revenue by Periods TODO : Add transaction Reports Add Graphs Send Daily, Weekly, Monthly Reports to Email . this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin page
  2. We have added service today, but in the billing overview still showing Services Added Today 0. after a small check, we found that the order was placed yesterday 13-11-2017 . but paid today 14-11-2017. the renew date is well updated to 14-11-2017 . so i think the date_added also should be updated to today 14-11-2017, as the service yesterday was only in pending status. that case will lead to a serious reporting errors for our custom reports, specially when a service was in pending status for so many days or the order placed this month and paid next month .
  3. Blesta Addons

    RTL support

  4. never tested the delete client function, but i'm curios what is exacly deleted (tables). the invoice/services/tickets/transactions/ ..ect are deleted? what about the new UE law , the right to be forgotten?
  5. a simple fix, removing the requireLogin() from admin_tickets controller to the main support_manager_controller resolve the issue .
  6. the message "You are not authorized to access that resource" in support manager aren't well rendered in the page . step to reproduce . in staff group, edit group , disable the access to tickets listing for example, then goto access the ticket listing by url. the message is rendered without showing the page . tested in two blesta installation . with latest version 4.1.2
  7. scheduled cancellations. to reproduce : 1 - suspend a service 2 - goto service manage, scheduled cancellations to a future date. in billing overview will not count it. but in service list page, the service is under scheduled cancellations .
  8. Plugin Almost done, the team has made a great job, the release date tomorrow .
  9. what output in module logs ?
  10. this error in blesta? or in cpanel ?
  11. Exist Exist Exit Good feature, we will add it to our task.
  12. i think is a bug in the billing widget, it fetch only the active service that has date_canceled greater than now . some service can be suspended and Scheduled for cancellation and it should be also included in the count, the auto cancel plugin Scheduled cancellation for unpaid invoices and the service is suspended . i think the correct condtion to fetch any status ad excluded only the canceled ones where('services.status', '!=', 'canceled')->
  13. after a quick look at the record class, we found a escape parameter should be false, so we fixed the query with the fallowing : $fields = [ 'invoices.total', 'invoices.currency', 'invoices.client_id', //'SUM(invoices.total) - SUM(invoices.paid)' => 'total_invoices' ]; $this->Record->select($fields) ->select(['SUM(invoices.total) - SUM(invoices.paid)' => 'total_amount'], false) ->from('invoices') ->where('invoices.status', 'in', ['active', 'proforma']) ; $invoices = $this->Record ->group(['invoices.client_id']) ->limit($this->getPerPage(), (max(1, 1) - 1) * $this->getPerPage()) ->fetchAll();
  14. i have the fallowing Sql query that work in mysql as i want, but when i request it via the record components it return a empty result, when i have investigated it appear that the record components add some strange qoute SELECT `invoices`.`client_id`, `invoices`.`currency`, `invoices`.`total`, SUM(`invoices`.`total`) - SUM(`invoices`.`paid`) as 'total_amount' FROM `invoices` WHERE `invoices`.`status`= 'active' GROUP BY `invoices`.`client_id` in the Record Compement i have this $fields = [ 'invoices.total', 'invoices.currency', 'invoices.client_id', 'SUM(invoices.total) - SUM(invoices.paid)' => 'total_invoices' ]; $this->Record->select($fields) ->from('invoices') ->where('invoices.status', 'in', ['active', 'proforma']) ; $invoices = $this->Record ->group(['invoices.client_id']) ->limit($this->getPerPage(), (max(1, 1) - 1) * $this->getPerPage()) ->fetchAll(); after a small check the above query return the fallowing statement SELECT `invoices`.`total`, `invoices`.`currency`, `invoices`.`client_id`, SUM(`invoices`.`total`)-`SUM`(`invoices`.`paid`) AS `total_invoices` FROM `invoices` WHERE `invoices`.`status` IN (?,?) GROUP BY `invoices`.`client_id` LIMIT 0, 20 as you see the error come from the fallowing "SUM(`invoices`.`total`)-`SUM`(`invoices`.`paid`)" normally it should be SUM(`invoices`.`total`)-SUM(`invoices`.`paid`) it appear that the record components add the quote, is their any way to make it work the record components ?
  15. we are almost finished a plugin that show stats from blesta, like sales, income ...ect we need your idea about what type of stats you need to see in the plugin ? some of exist stats : Top clients by country Top clients Credits amount Top clients due amount Top clients by income (all, this year, this month, this week, today) .....
  16. this has nothing to do with the domain manager. is a module for selling G Suite in Logicboxes platform, you can sell it even if the domain is registered in other place .
  17. WHMPHP Module WHMPHP now has a module for Blesta billing system. Using this module,the Master Reseller can automate the reseller account creation. this module keep the task simple for admins, install, configure, and sleep Supported Admin Actions : Create Reseller Account Suspend Account unsuspend Account Terminate Account Upgrade/Downgrade Account between packages Supported Client Actions : Change account password List all reseller account (not yet) this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin page
  18. G SUITE by Google Cloud G Suite by Google Cloud is an all-in-one suite of productivity apps for businesses. These include business email, cloud file storage and video conferencing. this BLESTA module can be used by Logicboxes resellers to start selling G Suite to their own customers. Resellers are able to set their own margins for both G Suite, From the client perspective, the module will enable the purchase of easily customizable Google services directly from your website. Moreover, your customers will be allowed to perform all management tasks on their products straightforwardly in your client area. Why start selling G Suite? G Suite has a leg up on traditional email hosting providers because of Google Cloud's best-in-class reliability & security. Consumers have come to trust the Google brand over the years, which makes it easy for resellers to acquire new customers and keep churn rates low. Admin Area Features: Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Account Change Package Choose Plan Name Choose Renewal Type Set Configurable Options Per Product: (Additional Account) Clients Area Features: View Customer Info Log In To Control Panel Add/Remove Additional Account this plugin requiere a the VIP (Gold) subscription . Order Link Plugin page
  19. the billing at a galance, show 2 Scheduled services. in the service pages, exist 7 Scheduled service . why exist this difference ?
  20. i want to to get a list of top total clients by credit, and to be very correct in our query wich table we should look at . or any built-in query (function) in a blesta model to achieve this goal ?
  21. yes that is the case .
  22. in admin side exist already option to select Status (active, pending ...ect) , normally when admin set active, it should activate the main and children service at the same time, is no need to activate main service and let children for cron. i as admin if i want to make service activated until it paid i select pending . now the main service are set to active and children's to pending, this is what we are claim about.
  23. i have a package A, that has 10 addons services . i activated the package A with 10 of the addons manually from admin side, that mean i have already want to activate the package A with its addons, blesta activate the package A and left the others addons inactive . for me is better to say there are no way to make them active by the actual service schema and model. this can be logical is it was added by client, he need to pay until the service activated, but from admin side , the admin already has all the attention to activate the package A and their addons . to be clear, it has no sense to activate a package and left their package addons inactive until a payment is done !!! so remove the admin add service function to be more logical !!!!
  24. is just a action from me, the main group company that has more than 50% shareholding is planning now to move to the other billing software as they have now importer for blesta and has the hosting solutions out of the box, but i didn't want to move and i want to push blesta team to make it .
  25. we have pushed the module in our addons list, it need pro subscription . the module can add, suspend, unsuspend, cancel the reseller, we will add upgrade from package to package and list resellers account . the reseller can change password from client blesta manage. we promise to fix any bug found .
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