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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. all our new clients cannot use the two factor identification, they all receive the error "The one-time password entered is invalid." test in all browsers and no effect . the old account also if they logout the can't login again and they recieve a invalid onetime password . Please is urgent and trivial.
  2. not yet, the new is the logo
  3. today we received some emails for suspension error with empty service name, I'm totally sure 100% that the service name will set and is displayed in the service label field . this behavior occur if one of the service maybe has a empty service name but not sur . what i'm sur the empty service name still receiving it in email. i suspenct a service with other module has a empty service name, but normally it should his email notice should empty, and the next email should be well filled with the correct data. can the team make a look to the code again .
  4. the Close Account Plugin is one of the wanted plugin, because it will convert blesta compatible with the Right to be forgotten law, this law is new in EU and UK . not Sur if is also applied in US . but it will be soon a universal law .
  5. Blesta use in thier cron the fucntion $this->primeCompany($company) to set the company_id and langauge and settings ..ect to run the reports . also for the reports file already it use the company_id that is set in the cron file . so the core reports already support the company_id .
  6. curl https://yourdomain.com/installpath/api/clients/add.json -u username:key Params to pass : http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Clients.html#_add https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Creating+Clients#CreatingClients-CreatingClients
  7. new version released 1.3.0
  8. new version released , added : Transactions (Overview Data) Top Revenue by Gateway Top Revenue by Payment Types Revenue by Months Revenue by Years Revenue by Days Revenue by Periods Please , delete the old files before upgrade .
  9. this will not be implemented in our CMS, we have this already in our multi-language plugin (beta version now), we can map language to a subfolder [/fr - /us - /uk - /in ... ect] if GeoIP enabled. our case is we need to map some domain extensions to some countries. i will release a plugin for autoupdate geoip database daily in blesta. no more to download and extract and upload
  10. in other blesta installation it work, it has a time set to UTC +00:00 (UTC) . the otehr installation the time set to UTC Africa/Casablanca . is this can be the issue? as i don't see any date conversion in Users->addOtp() .
  11. i was able to add it in chrome !!! but we can't login from client login page, and every time we enter the onetime code we get The one-time password entered is invalid.
  12. after upgrade to v4, i have noticied that no one can add two factor identification, i have tested with a test account , and every time i get The one-time password entered is invalid.
  13. ow i have not see the request and i have forget about it, i have voted for it a long time ago.
  14. you are talking about subfolder, and this can be done without any issue . i'm talking about about subdomain or another domain that is not licensed .
  15. it would be better if the client receive a email about payment refunded, something like the payment received or Payment Declined . as now when we refund a payment inside blesta, the client/admins is not receiving any notice about it .
  16. sometimes the client want to upgrade, and for some reason he didn't pay the upgrade invoice, exist any setting to allow cancel this upgrade (invoice/service) from blesta ? or the invoice should be removed manually ?
  17. Hello we need to add another domain to our blesta installation, i'm not talking about multi-company, is a new domain for our company. let say the main domain (licensed domain) is domainx.com , we have a new domain domainx.us, and other domainx.fr , we will use the new domains for targeting users via Geo-localization, is something like multi-domain. we need to know if possible or allowed to use such case, and this will impact the blesta system cron/emails ... ect? or we need to use one domain only for client area? our idea is to create a plugin that will analyze visitor browser language and IP country to redirect it to the correct domain (fr/us/uk/es ..ect) and set the default langauge/currency based in the client country.
  18. regarding the same issue but in Service Creation Error . the service creation error email sent with empty service name, just the package name, not sure if this related to our module, but when i test the suspension error, the got the email with the package name and the service name, only the creation error email has a empty service name . can any one duplicate the error?
  19. you have got me a idea to our stats & reports plugin. we will add it to our next release .
  20. you need to leftjoin the client_groups and select only the clients that has client_groups.company_id = (company_id)
  21. this error related to the server, i cna't remember this was related to apache with fcgi or to nginx, but i remember that a client has this error in their server with other script that is not blesta . wich webserver you have and with handler your are running ?
  22. a plugin released to help admin set those page via admin panel. no need to edit file anymore .
  23. Disable CSRF Protection in some pages this plugin will allow admin to set the pages that will not be checked again form token ( aka CSRF Protection). you don't need to change the config.php anymore . this plugin will save you time and costs . this plugin requiere a the Basic (Bronze) subscription . Order Link
  24. the client list is not a stats, what i can think of alternative is to list packages and display how many users use each package , and this stats is already exist ( Top Active Services ), listing all clients with their services has not convicted me and the team, but anyway is added to our TODOLIST .
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