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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i think it was from the first release.
  2. we can't control the latest blesta version, and we didn't want to maintain the latest version from our side, maybe if blesta can provide a url to check the latest blesta version we can implement it . if you mean update from admin side, so no ETA now, but is planned and need a great work/time .
  3. a error message should appear instead of success .
  4. +1 for the ETA
  5. your custom label work for me in 4.2.0 b1. when i edit the label to a long label name like "truebusiness-id-wildcard-system-with-longlabel" i see the successfull message, but the label is not updated .
  6. This module was only optimized for openvz . not sur if still work for both.
  7. hi @Defoe, not yet read, we will use them when w will begin the work in it.
  8. i will test, and why not a gateway for blesta
  9. why not invest the blesta-addons revenue in it . i have some friend that investing in exchange, they have profit but need a lot of time and observation, that i haven't so i decide just watching others making profit and feel happy for them
  10. wish site you bought from ?
  11. Yes, some addons need a review, and we will complete the update before 2018 .
  12. Hello All, a lot of users claim about the quick releases/updates we made, and they can't search every time about what was released and what was updated. so we have made a new plugin that allow all our clients see what was released and what installed addons from us has a update. The widget is free, in some next release we will add a 1 click update, install of all our addons from admin side .
  13. that was the cause, thanks, resolved .
  14. so my analysis is wrong, in first i have thinked it worked that way, a fter a small look in the code, i found the function return two value; the "amount" with the real somme and "amount_formated" that is converted and formatted to the currency. and it appear is rounded.
  15. Ohh my god, is a counterattack . you are welcome
  16. i think this happen with the currency format converter, so 19,2542 it will be 19,25 after a currency format . and the currency fomat is not doing any rounding , is only a decimal extract and return .
  17. i will check this and return to you.
  18. Finnaly we will stop now. we have talked a lot internally about what we will be the first thing to do as the votes are almost equals, and we have taked a decision now. We know Affiliate System is the most wanted plugin in our list, but the fact that the blesta team has in their radar to do it, so we can't waste time in doing something that will be released in the core, and to note the plugin will take from us a lot of time to code test and test and test and correct bugs ect .. is not a simple plugin, so we will begin with Generic Domain Module first, after the finish we will attack the Affiliate Plugin if blesta will not release it in a soon release. Close Account Plugin and Updating the AdminLte will be done while we are doing the hard work for generic domain and affiliate, as , they will not require a huge time to finish . And of Course, From time to time a new small plugins, updating others will come in the road. just we need the community support by purchasing subscription (or Donates why not), that is the only way to funds our work and continue providing high quality and interesting addons for blesta .
  19. you are not see the whole width Page ? have you tried another browser like mozilla?
  20. Browser? OS? Screenshot please if possible.
  21. what is the blesta time set? what is your server time? take a look at this posts
  22. when you open a ticket, what error you receive, or you can't access our website totally ?
  23. after a year we will found a hundreds of invoices unpaid only for upgrade, a manual intervention is a pain. i can't imagine i will add this to a new plugin, only in my installation we have almost 20 plugins only to add some tasks that need be in the core!!!!
  24. i checked and i found the server time is also set to Africa/Casablanca. what pist or debug i need to do? now a lot of claim from clients, they can't access their account,
  25. Again & Again, we never STOP a new plugin has been released, GeoIP Updater, the plugin allow to update the GeoIP database from admin side, and a daily cron is added to update the database, no need any more to download and extract and upload file via FTP . This plugin is out of the box, just install and sleep this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Product Page Screenshoot
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