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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Proforma is not a (REAL) money in EU, but invoice = money .
  2. from invoices pages under billing, you can inspect if their are closed/open/voided invoices that match the difference ?
  3. Version 1.2.0 released ... added new date range criteria Yesterday Last Week Last Month Last Year Thanks for all feedback's and tickets
  4. What the invoices under billing show? can you make a manual calcul from the invoices you have.
  5. we have also noted this, the accepted status doesn't mean the order is paid, is only accepted and can be paid or not, we have the intention to separate the paid ones from the unpaid, as we need to make the unpaid very clear in the first tab for the clients.
  6. +1 for the order form, it need a refactor more than the domains modules itself.
  7. only if the Proforma enabled, and if the date_billed different from the date_added . so any proforma added today and paid the same day should be counted.
  8. Does Would create another issue, the logical when proforma is created it should be counted in invoiced today, if paid shouldn't been counted as is already counted . if we exclude the proforma from being counted it would show a erroneous data as it would show only who was paid. if you ask me a suggestion for this, in case of no proforma enabled let the stats as it now, but if proforma enabled, remove the invoiced today based on invoice created today and replce it with invoiced Today based on proforma status only, i hope it's clear . why? any invoice when the proforma is enabled it should be paid totally . so the invoice can't be with open status.
  9. My Orders in Client Dashboard For Blesta we have just a released a new plugin called My Orders, this plugin will show in the client dashboard a list of client orders . the plugin in beta. the plugin has option to allow client cancel their pending orders (unpaid orders). The plugin didn't list fraud or in review orders . The plugin devide the Accepted order in two status : - Accepted = Any order with Accepted status and Paid Totally . - Pending = Any order with Accepted status and not paid, still need payment, this orders can be canceled by client . this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link For screenshots visit the marketplace https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/72-My Orders we need your feedback's and ideas. we internally in debate about merging the plugin with clean order plugin and add other features like reminders for clients about their unpaid orders, the second point of view we insist that we should stay in standalone branch and add option to allow client cancel the order and ad the reminders in this new plugins . what do you thinks guys ?
  10. No, is not the same issue as you have in v4.2.0
  11. Simple case proforma created 1-11-2017 .... it's counted the same day in new invoice Paid in 18-12-2017 .... it also counted in 18-12-2017 for invoiced today .
  12. click in the billing name, you find a delete button in the bottom of the page .
  13. we are not running 4.2.0, we are in 4.1.2, and i think they are a two deferent issue .
  14. every day i see a high number in the invoiced today widget billing at a galance, we have proforma enabled . so after a search, we found that every proforma paid today with a past due date, included in the total invoiced today!!! we can considerate this as a bug?
  15. try $this->Input->setErrors( ['module_row' => ['error' => "error here"]] ); return;
  16. the same code was working before ?
  17. day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, we begin feeling this will not come and we should search another alternative, we can't wast a years waiting something that will come after a couple of years !!!! at the moment we are almost out of the market only because we use soft that can't handle the hosting industry as it should, several times we have mentioned that and it appear that the team is not interested in that market. i give a sample case, in our group company we blesta and the other soft, Blesta, 100 unique visitors per day, only we get arround 7/10 new clients. Other Soft, 25 unique visitors per day, only we get arround 5/10 new clients. the two website has the same products and prices. after a deep look in the stats, we found the other soft is getting the clients because it has something that never exist in blesta, - Bundles Products - Free Domain in some packages - Free price for domain transfert - a simple hosting order form for other products like licenses, vps, servers, we don't find any issue that can be a major issue for us . blesta never can be a solution for a big hosters, yes this is the sad reality, it can feat the need for a small company, but for the real hosters isn't. we bloated our blesta with custom plugin to handle some tasks that should be in core, but we can accept this, at less we have a way to do it without hacking the core files, but for others task we can't do anything, as we need to hack core files and redo the work in every upgrade . the real problem is not the domain manager, the real problem is other tasks that we see it away from the domain manager. - Multi price (register/transfer/renew) - Bundles packages - True Hosting Order form if the 3 above features exist, the registrar modules can be improved to handle what it left, like dns, forwarding ... ect . i can't see one of my big brand go down day after day just because it use blesta, is true i love blesta, but i love my brands/companies more.
  18. after 4.2, i think the next step now is the domain management including the hosting order form . anything else than that is a waste of time .
  19. blesta only show the tasks belong to the company, and we can't view see what happen with the system task like the backup . is possible to add new tab for system's cron .
  20. it's free, it need the free access level, so no annual payment needed . https://blesta-addons.com/plugin/membership_club/main/
  21. Blesta Addons

    unsent email

    check if the ip is not banned from the mail server.
  22. what is the package term and the date added and date renew ?
  23. Prorate is not a workarround for you ? you can use it in package, and when creating a service do not create invoice for the service .
  24. still work, used every day in our prod.
  25. no way now, blesta has a feature to allow modules set their own cron, uthen is possible to add a sync domains function in the module.
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