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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. error 500 related o server configuation, you should see apache logs
  2. don't forget to add a cron to sync users with no active service to a "X Inactive" group under wordpress, that mean if a user purshase a service this month, after 3 month he didn't renew the service, then he should marked as inactive in wordpress . what happen if the user change the password in wordpress profile? it should has a reverse action . my last question, why you should use wordpress ? NOTE, we don't use WordPress or willing to use it in the future .
  3. what you have as output/result when you click in the links ?
  4. need to investigate. we will check this soon this week.
  5. in the past, this code in preAction(), change the language used in blesta settings, now it doesn't do it . Configure::set('Blesta.language', $language_code); Language::setlang($language_code);
  6. nice idea to ad a hourly billing system . i think already a request has been opened .
  7. https://blesta-addons.com/plugin/membership_club/main/
  8. Your are welcome
  9. in the past we have some kind of this issue, but we have thinked that is related to other settings, and then never we recieved any request from client about upgrading their package .
  10. the widget is shown even if the client has 0 open ticket, and the badge is shown if the client has a open tickets.
  11. if this is what blesta team preparing, is a catastrophe for us. Domains should remain as services like they are now.
  12. For php 7.1, yes. for MariaDB 10.1 you should ask blesta team, as this related to blesta itself, but i think is supported .
  13. if you find something, notice me please .
  14. it was simple to identify the issue, i have make a fix a updated the file. download the files again and make the update .
  15. i will check this tomorrow, you have error_reporting enabled? But between the begin and the end nothing is logged . i still insist to add a logger for the output of the tasks .
  16. We have released the plugin, the staff select wich invoice to be the target. we like the idea to create new invoice, we will add it to our todo list
  17. Hello All we have a new plugin to allow staff merge Invoices. this plugin requiere the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin Page as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from client area . 2 - upload the merge_invoices folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Merge Invoices. 4 - enjoy the content .
  18. What IS the Solution? We Will lose all our indexed pages in different languages .
  19. Owww, we have forget to release the plugin, already done and tested, work like a charm 100% .
  20. GDPR , in some years in the future, will be a universal feature. We have in our TODO list a plugin called Cancel My Account, specially for this purpose, but we wait to see if blesta will come with something in the core, if not we will be forced to develop it.
  21. We are using logicboxes also, throw the uk group reseller programme .
  22. New Version Released 3.1.0.
  23. we have tested in our test server and it working fine.
  24. it work in our website, we are in latest version. wich plugin version do you have installed?
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