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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. new update 1.3.0 thanks to our bug reporters
  2. at now, the support manager and the order plugin hasn't a events . you should request from Blesta to add events to support manager plugin and order plugin,i believe we have already requested this, as they are the most used plugins in Blesta . But if this will not happen soon from Blesta team, maybe we will look to this to see what we can do in this subject . In the first release it will only support browsers notification . for mobiles, we are working in a hybrid application for mobiles, once finished we will upload it to google store and apple store, it has no relation with this plugin, it will have it own licensing system and price .
  3. today i have noticed that the table sessions is not cleared from 2017-07-20 .i don't think this is a normal behavior or intentional usage . today we have more than 1 million sessions records !!!!
  4. in this case your answer above can do the job invoice.client.id_code
  5. in wish email template you are using this tag ?
  6. Hello All Blestars. we are happy to announce the release of our new wanted plugin, Notification Center. this plugin will allow admin to set wish action/event he should alerted by in some apps . the plugin is modular and can accept more apps in the future, any developer can write it own app inside the plugin, is totally easy, just check one of our ready app like slack . at the moment the plugin is in beta and testing period, we have add only 2 apps now (Slack Via API token, and Slack via Webhooks) . Apps Added Until Now : Slack Via API token Slack via Webhooks Alert Popup Notification (Dashboard) Telegram Pushover Hipchat Discord Onesignal (Soon) Slack Notifiactions Dashboard Notifications Telegram Notifications this plugin requiere the VIP (Gold) subscription . Order Link as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from client area . 2 - upload the notification folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Notification Center. 4 - enjoy the content .
  7. we have in our TODO list, we will add it soon .
  8. new version released. 1.2.0 - added logging system, now all invoice merged are logged in the logger .
  9. This request has been talked a years ago, i think exist a CORE ID for it . and i vote for this request also, it would be perfect to allow admin set wich widget to serve in the client area, including plugins widget . (by default they should all enabled ).
  10. at the moment, there are no module for Hexonet .
  11. we are almost finished .
  12. which module you have used in whmcs ?
  13. is the service has a child services? (addon packages), that is the only case i can think in it.
  14. Interesting, in the canceled tab, it show the 32 total service? but 101 + 32 = 133 in total . and what about the other clients, is the count ok ?
  15. Yes, it not include non marchent, because they are in Top Revenue by Payment Types. Tested in and tested in some installation , it include only the active server in the active tab, any screenshot or proof of error to see what we can do .
  16. This is other real case that show blesta need to be adapted for hosting industry. if i have a client that is ready to pay for extend his service to 12 MONTH , blesta bill him only for what the diference between now and end date of the actual term . so if teh end date of the term is in the next 3 month, we will cover only 3 month, and after maybe his can change mind and do not renew !!! and before he was ready to pay for 12 month so we will lose 9 month of payment only because blesta do this like this !!!! Normally blesta should do us the fallowing : Calcul how mush we should return to the clients as credit to make the end date now create new invoice for the ne full term, and and the credit to invoice, allow client to pay then update the renew date to reflect the Now + the ne term chosen . and of course it should make in consideration that the actual term is monthly and the old term is yearly ect ...
  17. The module is open source format .
  18. Hello Cyan, the new blesta versions allow modules to set their own message, so you can override " the data was successfully sent"
  19. normally the API should not return a html page contents, it should return only response in json or xml format .
  20. Check My admin tools plugin ; it has a feature to re activate a canceled service .
  21. 9000USD, my car cost me arround 700USD , but my car will not return me money and from time to time i spend money to repair something !!!!! What is your budget?
  22. ask blesta team to sponsor the extra features . they love such thing .
  23. we have made the same login instead for the last step, we have made a cronjob to check the stock if is > 0, then a email is sent. as in that date it was no events for packages
  24. the idea to add a wishlist to the order form, we have done a similar work with a plugin, but it need some change in the order form. if the order form has events for GUI button, we can convert our old plugin to work with it. but if it is in the core is more better, +1
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