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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. We have a service that was pending. blesta has generated a invoice for the renewal of this pending service . Normally pending services should not be subject for renewal .
  2. why the read only field are applied to signup also? is should only for edit profile
  3. i hope if blesta add the option to allow admin select which fields are required (this already done), and allow them to choose wich fields are allowed for edition or not, in custom client fields we have option to disable edition (read only), but this apply also when the client signup so he can't add a value.
  4. can you try disable it? also try to print (dump) the $service var in the services.php model and the $vars in admin_clients.php.
  5. The domains in blesta is totally different from whmxx . that depend wich module you are using in whmxx, and i believe you need to create package from every extension and setup them in blesta. The domains in blesta still a big issue in blesta, we still waiting a solution and it appear is not a priority of blesta team.
  6. are you using prorate for domain package ?
  7. You should have subscription in Blesta Addons website. you can add the subscription from this link https://blesta-addons.com/order/config/index/subscription/?group_id=7&pricing_id=42
  8. Thanks @Jono for your attention, we have now some good data to begin, when i come to a free time i will craft the first code.
  9. it would perfect if the gateways manager can make a country filter, or the order form, the idea is to provide gateway X to a specific users in country X . or to provide the gateways to all countries .this will not override the currency supported in gateway. let say we have paypal that we will use for the curency USD. so now any users has usd as default currency can pay with paypal if selected in order form, now let say we want to prohibit users that are in pakistan, iran, irak, xxxx from using the paypal gateway even if they have usd as default currency, and allow only gateway X to be used . it's a great features that will allow us to use specific gateways in some cases . i think we have talked this option before but not sure where, but i have opened a new feature request https://requests.blesta.com/topic/option-to-showhide-payments-gateways-per-country if blesta has a event for GatewayManager.getAll(), that can return values , we can use a custom plugin with the new events created getAll(), something like in the Gatewaymanager $this->Events->register('GatewayManager.getAll', ['EventsGatewayManagerCallback', 'getAll']); $gateways_filtered = $this->Events->trigger(new EventObject('GatewayManager.getAll', ['gateways' => $gateways])); // return data if the event ahs a data to return if (!empty($gateways_filtered)) { return $gateways_filtered; } return $gateways; if blesta found the logic is pretty good, they can do it in so many others events like getAllInstalledNonmerchant() or in other models .
  10. For me translated field value also good option, but not sure some fields are universal use like gender ect ... others option that will be rock the custom fields are ; - Option to set Order (1, 2 , ect ...) - Option to set class or attributes (class, id, data-xxx, ect ... ) what is really good option to add is the user avatar
  11. Not sur if this option is a good addition or not, now the suppor ticket use the Gravatar . it would be very nice if the user can select or upload it own avatar picture .
  12. this is only affecting the unset invoice .
  13. from my case i use, but the only issue i have that the select value is not in traslate mode like the field value . in your case, Please Select will not be translated when the client change language, instead of gender we can put it in language file and make it translatable .
  14. i have searched a lot in my side for the php 5.6 version, not found them, don't worry i will make a new ones and send them to you and i will change the renew date to the delivery date of the files
  15. we will put a sample fix, so in our case we need to made something like that, in case anyone try to use the event triggers for invoice.add, all invoices edited with the event Invoices.Add will end with no delivery method set . // preserve the actual status $vars['status'] = $invoice->status; // Preserve the delivery method (in case of unsent invoice) if (!empty($invoice->delivery)) { foreach ($invoice->delivery as $key => $value) { $vars['delivery'][] = ['method' => $value]; } } $this->Invoices->edit($invoice->id, $vars);
  16. when a invoice is edit, the Edit() function Delete existing unsent invoice delivery methods. so if we add/edit only the public note or private note the delivery method is not filled again . sample case Create invoice with email delivery, try edit the invoice via model (plugin/api) in the same time (before the cron run, a better way is a event to test it on the fly), then the email delivery will be removed an no delivery is set again !! so the invoice will not send until we send it manually . i can't tell is a real bug, but is a bad behavior of editing the invoice via model, i think it should be marked in the docs to include the delivery var with the data set in edit. something i think is similar to a previous behavior we have discovery with the invoice status, when we want to edit only a note or a lines, we should always send the status of the invoice to not be converted to active invoice when we use proforma .
  17. Hello Chris from client area, you can see the download link for all your subscription . a download link can be found from your service tabs info . we have requested from blesta staff to add a link levels access from a long time, this will help us and so many other to put links for some users class, like only guest, only members, both all.
  18. Not sure if the files has two version, i will check and back to you tomorrow . now it's 23:40 .
  19. in the exclude rules files add the line i have put it for you. it will deactivate the rule from mod security
  20. We have only for php 5.4 and 5.6, and i think php 5.6 will word for php 7.0.
  21. hoep i can see them soon, as i have project client that require them both and i don't want to work with custom fields then revert to core one
  22. Hello Sir normally any new service is activated instantly (max 5 minute after successful payment ) . if you have any trouble PM me or open a ticket .
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