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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. but why they should in inactive status ? i think the term 'inactive' status in Blesta has a different meaning from the inactivity status . so, in your meaning, inactive = users has no activities or services since X time , in Blesta Inactive = users hasn't the permissions to do anything in the system but they exist . Since Blesta has monolog loggin system for users, The Best Solution what i see to conjoint your idea with the actual Blesta Shema, is to make a new plugin, firstly we need create users group called 'idle' or anything else . then from the plugin a cronjob to fetch users activtities and see latest activity for each user, then if the user meet the requirement of X time last activity and the user has no active service/invoice/ticket ect ... then move it to the new client group, so the users can login to his account, and from admin side the staff can know that the users is in inactive mode .
  2. i think your issue is related to this thread
  3. You can try our Quotes plugin, the mechanism of this plugin is the fallowing . 1 -Admin Create Quote. 2 - Client Accept Or Reject The quote. 3 - if the client accept the Quote a auto invoice is generated based on the quote( lines, prices, descriptions). the client has widget that allow him see and browse their quotes. the admin has the full access to create/edit/delete quotes .
  4. this is also impacting the auto cancel plugin .
  5. Yes, we have already talked about with case; not sure if exist a task for it.
  6. doesn't matter for me the way, but the result is the goal . so any other method/way to achieve the task are welcome .
  7. Yes, but for custom fields, i want client to fill them in the signup form, but disable it from editing . Not sure if this is your attention . a simple ; custom client field gender , i want client to be able fill it in the signup form, but he can't edit it in the profile page.
  8. i'm totally curios to see where blesta arrived in term of domains ? i already suggested a solution that will not need a lot of changing core files in this post . The idea is to add another prices fields, like the setup field, called renew, transfer. then we call them when we need them. this idea we have tested it and it has worked in our test server, not in a real production, but with it we can set price for transfer, and price for renewal ect .. we have tweaked only some files, if i remember well, they are , Packages Model, Pricings Model, Services Model, Invoices Model, Order Plugin. the dirty work was in the function getLinesForServices() ; maybe it was not tested so long we have just tried order domain by transfer and domain by registration . i'm Still Insist Blesta is not the best billing system for webhosters .
  9. new release 1.4.0 Fixed Date view .
  10. New Realease 1.3.0 . Sometimes the reminders not sent, fixed now .
  11. new release 1.2.0
  12. ahh, yes is it. noted in my bookmark i will make a deeper look to see how we will add it the logicboxes reloaded module
  13. you can do it without modifying the core file, create a new order type n with it you can add what you want without touching any core file, i have used it before and i have a good result. please check this folder for samples plugins\order\lib
  14. i'm also not using the default search of order. i have come with my own search system (sample here)
  15. Nice Idea, i think LogicBoxes also has a option fro the suggesting domains, not yet see a API for it but i think it will exist also in other registrar . for the integration is a bit complex, as it need a manual edit of files of the order form. it really good to have events for order form
  16. Thanks @Jono. you are talking about the view in the plugins. i'm referring to view in the client area . sample example . i have two theme folders, bootstrap and bootsrap1 . i want for client group X use the boostrap1 , and for client group Y use the bootstrap . i know the template folder is saved in the company settings called 'client_view_dir' . i have made a dirty way to update the client_view_dir from preAction event, but it appear that the event trigger for PreAction called after the setDefaultView() function . any other way ?
  17. This for Cashbox Plugin i think, i will make a look at it soon . Thanks
  18. is there a way to override the theme directory from a plugin? in preAction ?
  19. Cashbox Plugin is a tool that convert your blesta into a real cashbox, so you can with your staff manage the received cash and the spent money from this cash, you can see all transaction with dates, amount, staff ..ect, you can add a spent transaction. The plugin has a permission staff group, so you can check wish staff can list transaction, Add Spent transaction, Edit Transaction, Edit Settings. It Important to set a date of begin , that will start the transaction from in the setting page. The Plugin has a widget for admin staff to show the current money in the cashbox for every currency . This Plugin has it own table, so is not sharing/using/editing the transactions table, is a standalone plugin, the transactions table used only for calculs (Read Only Mode). The Plugin Require Pro Subscription
  20. we have liked your idea .and added today , waiting your feedbacks . New Release 1.2.0
  21. after a check for blesta code, we have found that blesta use two language difinition description. for new created service $lang['Invoices.!line_item.service_created_description'] = '%3$s%1$s - %2$s'; // %1$s is the name of the package, %2$s is the name of the service, %3$s is the addon identifier set only for addon services that result in Package Name - Service Label for renewal service $lang['Invoices.!line_item.service_renew_description'] = '%5$s%1$s - %2$s (%3$s - %4$s)'; // %1$s is the name of the package, %2$s is the name of the service, %3$s is the service's renew date, %4$s is the service's next renew date, %5$s is the addon identifier set only for addon services the result Package Name - Service Name (Apr 12, 2018 - Apr 12, 2019) but all invoices generated have a one format , is the renewal one . i have missed something in this ? or is a bug ?
  22. we have found the issue, is not related to generating invoice for pending services, is only a mal treated invoice, it was for a new ordered services, as exist another active service with the same label and his expiration not yet arrived, they thinked is for the ordered service. anyway, we have forced this case before and i already requested a feature to show the invoice is for new or renewal service,. this way we can on the fly understand the invoice is for new ordered services or for a renewal services .
  23. Just wait, it appear is other issue leading to this issue. i'm still investigating the real cause of this .
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