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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. is a custom gateway ? $this->Input->setErrors($this->getCommonError('general')); in which function you have this code :
  2. this calculation was based in the fallowing raison : @cloudmate was assumed that 100$ included include tax . as any Amount shown if the Inclusive tax enabled should the tax included in it.
  3. Normally this should be done via the module, which module your are using ? in the renewService() when the module return a error for the renew action.
  4. you should put the code as it is, it will work .
  5. Not yet tested the new release, but i think it should from the core, when generating invoice for renewal, it should check the child services and if one is not sync it should sync it . or a new cron job that is sync child with parent. if no option to sync already existing services is a missed feature and should be added.
  6. in the same page, Service Fields
  7. The issue is here, for Inclusive , we enter the price with tax included in the price, so in the package pricing we should enter 110.00 and not 100.00 . the tax value is shown for informative info and not calculated with total or the subtotal . Inclusive Subtotal: 115.000 Tax: 10.00 Total: 115.00 Invoice Total (what the client is charged): 115.00 Exclusive Subtotal: 105 Tax: 10 Total: 115 Invoice Total (what the client is charged): 115 this is what we have in our country .
  8. Yes, in my account i can add the bfed, but not tested with other staff account, maybe a permission required in ACL . i will check this when i come to office next monday.
  9. For me not the same, i want to allow my staff and me to choose which feed they want to see, and why not allow them add their own feeds !!!
  10. We can set the upload directory and make other than uploads . or we can serve image from php by the Download Componenents
  11. ?
  12. your are talking about custom url , i'm talking about uploading them to a custom folder or upload folder. the actual behavior we need to set custom url in every Color Scheme. and the most used color scheme in v4 are FOUR, that hasn't the option to edit !
  13. if i delete the feed is deleted from all subscriber staff. i want only allow staff to unsubscribe from feeds without deleting them from the manager. because maybe other staff use it .
  14. so this is the issue i think, if a staff want to unsbscribe from feed it should be exist. automatically be resubscribed to the default feeds is bad behavior. do you think it logical should be changed?
  15. Hello Sir. the payment is already accepted and applied to your account. it was a issue with upgrading subscription that affected all pending upgrade services not only you . it was fixed today, and it should now your package has been switched . your ticket is also responded . i don't know what you mean exactly !! it seem your ticket has 10days old !
  16. it would be better if Blesta make the logos (client/admin) side as a settings . that way we can upload our custom logos and change them when we want without touching the default template files. it will help also for users that use the default theme to re-upload their logos every time they upgrade in a major release . if no custom logos is uploaded or set them show the default one
  17. from admin side, got to user profle, then edit the service, if you have already a server group added in the cpanel module, you will find the selectbox to chosse from server list .
  18. Blesta Addons

    Import Module

    enable error reporting from blesta config file to see the errors .
  19. this depend on wich registrar was activated in whmxx . blesta does not support all registrar now, but the most used one are already has a module in blesta .
  20. Nice to hear the issue has been solved .
  21. custom fields in package are coming, exist already Task for it. including the custom fields in the invoice that something i'm not aware of it .as i know only the service dates and service name, package name are shown in the invoice. wish module are you using ?
  22. New Release 2.0.0 . Cleaned Up the Whole code and Optimized .
  23. in admin dashboard home widget, when we remove feed , a message successfully shown, but the feed is not removed . the feed well removed from the admin manage plugin .
  24. It would be nice to allow using markdown or styling html in the offline gateway description . as now it show only text and break lines. that way we can show a notice message, alert boxes or even if some bootstrapped message .
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