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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. today a client want to renew his service before the expiration date and the invoice was generated, so i have go to edit service, change renew date and changed the expiration date to +1year (from 26/092018 to 26/09/2019) and checked Prorate . but there is no invoice was generated ! is this a normal behavior or i have misunderstand the prorate in this section ?
  2. from settings you can uncheck allow client to set language.
  3. in previous version 4.2.2 the service was not UN-suspended after the invoice is void ?
  4. the renew date in the is add X years from the expiration date . so if expiry date is February 1, 2020 , then after the renew for two years it become February 1, 2022, this logic is the unified renew process for all domain registrar, i'm not aware of any registry that renew will lead to a new expiry date July 19, 2020 .
  5. normally the needed one is blesta.php .
  6. Hello tyson, i'm tottaly certain that the module or the code in the renew has nothing with this issue, as the domain is sending the request as it should . if you make a look to the domain you can understand it cleary . first we initialize the renew yaers with 1 year. $vars = ['years' => 1]; we do a loop to get the service term the same function in all your domains registrar module (logicboxes ect ..) foreach ($package->pricing as $pricing) { if ($pricing->id == $service->pricing_id) { $vars['years'] = $pricing->term; break; } } We check if the renew date will add a new year, this will prevent renewing domain if it was already renewed manually // Only process renewal if adding years today will add time to the expiry date if (strtotime("+" . $vars['years'] . " years") > $data['infData']['exDate']) { $vars['years'] = $vars['years']."y"; // Renew Domain 1 year $frame = new AfriCC\EPP\Frame\Command\Renew\Domain; $frame->setDomain($fields->{'domain'}); $frame->setCurrentExpirationDate(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data['infData']['exDate']))); $frame->setPeriod($vars['years']); $response = $epp_client->request($frame); $this->last_request = array('url' => "Renew\Domain - renewService ". $fields->{'domain'} ,'args' => $frame); unset($frame); $this->processResponse($response); } so the module is not making any calculation he get the years from service pricing id, if not he use the default '1' . from where coming this 3 years? just to note the service term is set now for 2 years after the payment.
  7. duplicating the issue in the same server we can't now, i need to prepare other server test for this . the first issue has not thing related with the module, i have checked and it very clear and the module we are working with it more than 3 years without any issue in renew until this case . the renew code is : $data = $response->data(); $vars = ['years' => 1]; if (empty($data['infData']['exDate'])) { unset($epp_client); $message = "RenewDomain: unable to parse response"; $this->Input->setErrors(array('errors' => (array)$message)); return; } foreach ($package->pricing as $pricing) { if ($pricing->id == $service->pricing_id) { $vars['years'] = $pricing->term; break; } } // Only process renewal if adding years today will add time to the expiry date if (strtotime("+" . $vars['years'] . " years") > $data['infData']['exDate']) { $vars['years'] = $vars['years']."y"; // Renew Domain 1 year $frame = new AfriCC\EPP\Frame\Command\Renew\Domain; $frame->setDomain($fields->{'domain'}); $frame->setCurrentExpirationDate(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data['infData']['exDate']))); $frame->setPeriod($vars['years']); $response = $epp_client->request($frame); $this->last_request = array('url' => "Renew\Domain - renewService ". $fields->{'domain'} ,'args' => $frame); unset($frame); $this->processResponse($response); } from the code i can't see any thing related to the 3 years bug .
  8. we have a issue that we have not understand what happen and how it was calculated. the case as the fallowing : Package for domain that has the fallowing terms : 1 year term (200dh Without Tax) 2 years term (380dh Without Tax) 3 years term (540dh Without Tax) Tax 20% . Proforma enabled . Logs Rotation to 10 Days . a domain (service) that was expiration date Jul 03, 2018 for 1 year term (200dh Without Tax) , it was already a invoice generated by blesta for renewing it was generated in 4-7-2018 [Domain .MA - (Jul 03, 2018 - Jul 03, 2019)] amount (200DH without TAX) Until here all thing are good an d normal . Now a client from his client area want to renew the domain for two years, and he changed the domain terms from 1 to 2 years from client area, a new invoice was generated that has a amount of 9.85DH Without TAX !! the invoice line was as the fallowing : Prorated Domain .MA (Jul 04, 2018 - Jul 03, 2019) the client has payed the first invoice in Jul 04, 2018 12:44:14 PM and the domain was renewed for 3 years (from the registrar logs it was renewed for 3 years in one renew command (not 2 and then 1) at Jul 04, 2018 12:45 . then he paid the second invoice in Jul 04, 2018 12:51:19 PM . the renew date in Blesta for this domain is Jul 03, 2019 , the expiration date in the registry is Jul 03, 2021 . now the client has extended his domain from 3 years with amount of 209.85dh Without TAX !!!! Any one can explain to me what happen ?!
  9. Hello Sir this Blesta Issue. The module hasn't yet the Sync Expiration Domains with blesta . normally when you renew domaine manually you need to update renew domain in blesta manually . we are still waiting the new function of the domains in blesta to make a roadmap for updating the module, as now we can't do anything related this issue until blesta release the new domains updates.
  10. No way for universal Module .
  11. the limit is based on the username not email address. so if the username is the email then is limited .
  12. Yes you can just edit the files, and in every upgrade you need to re-edit the files, some other users hasn't the knowledge to do ti . a simple settings in admin settings can do the trick !!! and it will take just a minutes to complete the work .
  13. wich module you are using ?
  14. This feature was requested a so many times in so many old thread, not sure why is not accepted to the moments !
  15. the universal module is self explantory, just install it from settings, modules, add a new row and fill the info, you can chek the blesta docs, maybe others has a experience in explain more than me and can make a step by step . Our module can be ordered from our website https://blesta-addons.com/plugin/membership_club/main/
  16. This is possible if you are using universal module you can do this, add new service fields, then when you ad package include this service fields in your welcome email . you can also use our Data Pools Module that is created specially for that case .
  17. realease 1.1.0 Now Reinstall has it own tab.
  18. Virtualizor Extended Module Virtualizor Extended VPS For Blesta will allow you to automate the provisioning of virtual servers to your clients. Owing to a well-thought module configuration you will be able to quickly and capably set up ready products in Blesta and offer them to your customers! The module will empower your clients to conveniently manage their virtual servers directly in your Blesta client area. Your customers will be able to reboot, shutdown or rebuild the servers as well as access various consoles, view usage graphs, set boot order and much more! A number of functionalities combined with ease of installation and use make Virtualizor Extended VPS For Blesta a great choice for every Virtualizor server owner. this plugin requiere a the Gold (VIP) subscription . Order Link Module page
  19. Whmcs also wont work for you, you need a panel that manage the VPS like solusvm or virtualizor ... ect, then the module interact with the panel and show the info .
  20. i think you should first search for a software that do this like virtual datacenter, something like DCI Manager, NOC .... ect, then make a module to interact with their API .
  21. New Release 1.4.0 - Improuve Order Reminder Filters. - Fix Email Summary Sent
  22. New Release 1.0.2 Added 2 more destinations : 1 - Amazon S3 2 - Sftp
  23. you should do the sme for validate() function .
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