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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. are you using cpanel ? or other module to sell hosting ?
  2. new release 1.2.0 - Fix bandwidth calculation - Fix Loggin input response
  3. i think you have entered a incorrect partner id in the module row .
  4. you should pst request not get $api->post();
  5. Something like this? https://nh.ma/en/domains
  6. if you are using cpanel module, open the file /components/modules/cpanel/cpanel.php and change the line from 'cpanel_domain' => [ 'format' => [ 'rule' => [[$this, 'validateHostName']], 'message' => Language::_('Cpanel.!error.cpanel_domain.format', true) ], 'test' => [ 'rule' => ['substr_compare', 'test', 0, 4, true], 'message' => Language::_('Cpanel.!error.cpanel_domain.test', true) ] ], to 'cpanel_domain' => [ 'format' => [ 'rule' => [[$this, 'validateHostName']], 'message' => Language::_('Cpanel.!error.cpanel_domain.format', true) ], 'test' => [ 'rule' => ['substr_compare', 'test', 0, 4, true], 'message' => Language::_('Cpanel.!error.cpanel_domain.test', true) ], 'block' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => ['matches', '/(.ga|.tk|.td|.cf)/'], 'message' => 'this domain is not alowded' ], ], not tested. but it might work
  7. Blesta Addons

    Module WHMAMP?

    hello sir we are ready, we already completed the code of the module , almost we need test and test .
  8. Hello today we will release a new plugin called Sync Clients Ids . some blesta admins will see in dashboard that client Ids is not sync with Client ID Value, so the client id can be 50 and client id_value can be 120 and this related to the AUTO-INCREMENT bug in mysql, a related threads about this can be found here and here . so the plugin will fix this issue by sync the client_id_value with the client_id. Order you can order the plugin from this link
  9. Blesta Addons

    Module WHMAMP?

    This option give the reseller to use the third party plugin installed, that mean the reseller will have only to use the plugin installed by you; like whmamp or whmphp, so they can't install or run any other thing.
  10. Blesta Addons

    Module WHMAMP?

    with a reseller login is sufficient, just enable the privilege for resellers to run php plugins from tweak settings
  11. i think you are talking about hosting module not registrar module ?
  12. in renew it will generate invoice.
  13. another solution if (($container = Configure::get('container'))) { $logger = $container->get('logger'); $logger->info('this is me'); }
  14. Blesta Addons

    Module WHMAMP?

    cpanel + WHMAMP installed .
  15. it would be nice to see a renew action to the services list actions, sometimes we need to lunch the renew action for the module without login to remote service, like renew, domain, SSL, license ... ect at this moment blesta didn't have option to allow client renew their services before their end date or invoice generated, so at least give the staff to create invoice manually and then execute renew command throw service actions .
  16. Related
  17. mabe modules like Plesk, Interworx, Proxmox, centoswebpanel, tcadmin ...ect i think it would be preferably if the function is added to module.php, then any other module can herite the fucntion and call it when is needed.
  18. Some plugin when installed is not removing the files from the upload directory, like support manager, client document . when those plugin uninstalled, they should remove files that was used by the plugin .
  19. no
  20. wich blesta version you are using ?
  21. i think this should be already done!! ot do't allow you ot order when the products is out of stock .
  22. it could be a issue with the serer that host the images, try now, i can see it. the theme only for admin side, client side not yet implemented .
  23. Hello Sir change $this->uses(["QuotesSystem"]); by $this->uses(['Quotes.QuotesSystem']); try now.
  24. you need to do it from routes.php
  25. Not tested, but your logic is the logical logic and blesta calcul should be the same as you have described
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