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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. until i finish it - the first release will not include the move feature for clients/services .
  2. football is 11 players , not just 1 my country was absent from 1998 i will write a plugin for it to participate in 2018
  3. i will do it as a plugins for widget ... stay tunned this weekend .
  4. i think it was a plugin for private staff note made by PauloV . that is not working for you ? http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2175-my-private-notes-encrypted-staff-private-notes/
  5. added "Modify Text In Navigation Bar" . added "Duplicate Clients/login names" .
  6. you can find a lot of info in the developper docs .
  7. r replying or creating tickets , PaulV methode is the best , it need a seperate table , is better and safe . if core support manager support the ability to let other plugins attach to thier actions i can write a plugin for that . but the probleme is attaching plugin to plugin or plugin to module is not supported now , w have already submitted a feature request for that .
  8. have you test a simple upload form in php ?
  9. the import plugin should check database encoding if not utf8 it should add iconv function to the imported data ,
  10. added this task to my new plugin "admin tools" , then the admins can change the text without go to phpmyadmin
  11. the text you have edited is correct . what ican suggest is to un-install the plugin and install it again .
  12. just to be a curios , if there isa nyone offering the windows vps . wich plattforme they use (KVM / hyper-v) wich panel you use , how do you provisionning with blesta ? form where you get licences for 2012/2008 server ?
  13. yes , very good work , now is time to attack the admin section
  14. I dont' remember the user or the thread , but it was saying in that thread he is in the re-creating of the modules . if the module will not released , when i finish some pending module for our internal use , i will try to see what we can do for that , because we have the proxmox is our main software for vps solution . the DB change is not a big probleme , as modules/plugins support upgrade proccess , so is not a probleme . EDIT : i have found the thread is here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2568-ability-to-override-the-system-information-tab-in-modules/#entry18423 the user is Mickey .
  15. Any ETA for the the requested feature in the first post ?
  16. that what should be in normal . this is Bug OR Feature Request ?!!!
  17. yes , because in a fresh install the client id will be 1 and the ID will b 1 . and all will begin from 1 . for that i suppose it's a bug in importer . the correct way is to be the client_id = ID .
  18. i have not changed any admin/settings from a long time . i'm just coding a custom plugins/modules and testing it . i will uplaod all the files again and see .
  19. no . i have uploaded all the files again , but same error .i remember already i have visit the currency converter and it was worked . i have uninstalled all my custom plugins . but same error .
  20. so you have the same case as me , imported clients have a different client id and ID .
  21. not a caching issue . let say you have un-installed the empty cache plugin , you can use it by the direct link . also the support manager or client document ,they show a mysql error becaus the tables is not created , normally it should not show it , it should verify if the plugin installed or not before serve it .
  22. we need a staff opinion about this feature .
  23. is not permission probleme , i have checked this .
  24. if the plugin is not installed in the plugin manager, it should not be accessible via direct url . normally blesta should redirect any request to un-installed pluging to the dashboard (client/admin/staff)
  25. i have noticed that the url tools url and Logs / Convert Currency urls return a 404 eror . from what could be the probleme ?
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