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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i have got your idea. is very good feature request . i think at least header and footer email template should be unique and modifiable outside the email template . the idea , if we made for exemple email/phones in the header , we need to change it in all email templates , with Rodrigo idea , we will change it one time . is like blesta theme . we have header/footer , the content is for the content . V2.5 was something from this concept . +++1
  2. but the invoice has a 2 days of range . so the second invoice was aded 2 days to the first invoice . that mean that blesta has created a second invoice for the same service that has already a open invoice . EDIT : another theory is that the invoice has losed the link to the service , i mean the first invoice is considereted as a normal invoice and not attached to a specific services . NOTE : this is a trivial case , i prefer if you can open a ticket support in your blesta client and give aces to the stuff to check that for you .
  3. i don't think will be alternative , is just a improvement of how the email work . you can manage multiple accounts in one inbox .like the gmail API do . but the communication beetween this engine and the other account is based on POP/IMAP . the protocol change between the user and the inbox engine .
  4. they have a complete rewrite to the domain feature , maybe it private .
  5. maybe you have changed the days before invoice twice between before 25-june and after 25-june have you changed the settings ?
  6. i hope the staff can do something for that . paypal available in 203 markets(countries) and just 26 currencies is supported . so is more than 150 country/currency cannot use international gateways in blesta like paypal . i have see also in the database a table for the supported currencies for given gateway . so a plugin to add more currencies can do the trick , now what is missed is how to make the conversion without changing the CORE FILES .
  7. Thanks for the reply , i have posted a reply in the other thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2687-make-gateways-available-for-all-currencies/ to keepthe thing well arranged . can you see my response thier .
  8. i want to search/find a solution to this subject "make-gateways-available-for-all-currencies" http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2687-make-gateways-available-for-all-currencies/ , with out changing the core files . the only workable solution at the moment is the VQMOD "we can override the core function" , what is not in our attention to go with it . is thier any road that we can go with it now ? until the blesta staff decide in this request . (is trivial for us)
  9. Perfect PauloV , that is what it should . a more significant , the "next renew" should be in RED if the invoice is not PAID ; that will take the attention of the client . best regards
  10. i want to implement some function the event triger , but is not working ,ihave just begin with a basic test code public function getEvents() { return array( array( 'event' => "ClientPay.method", 'callback' => array("this", "run") ) ); } public function run($event) { // This will execute when the "Appcontroller.preAction" event is triggered echo "kaka" ; } another issue , is the event lenght is limited to 32 caractere . i have installed/uninstalled the plugin several times with no effect . is i missed something ? EDIT : maybe the client_pay model has no registred event . we can know the whole events is registred in blesta ?
  11. that is not the fix , you can see the picture , renewal date is exist and is later that theinvoice date .
  12. in the fact , equivalance currency is not the solution . let say we have just one currency . this curency is not supported in paypal . the goal or the idea is to show all available gateway to the user , then if the gateway is not supporting the user currency , it should convert the currency to a default or accepted currency like USD or EUR . then pass the amount to the currency . i have searched all the code , i don't see or maybe i have not arrived to found the class that responsible for showing gateway . normally the gateway appear only if the user currency is listed in the accepted currencies for that gateway . another time, V2.5 was this possiblity and we have changed some gateways to convert the currencies in the proccess .
  13. Hello All . LAST UPDATE : 28/10/2017, Version 2.5.0 Plugin was rewritten from scratch for v 4.0.0 . we bring exclusive content , this plugin will help admin for their tasks . with the plugin, you can : - Empty Cache . - Manage Countries (List - Add - Edit - Delete). - Manage Clients Note on one page (List - Stick - Unstick - Delete - Edit) - Get a List of Duplicate Clients (Usernames/Emails). - Locking Down Admin Area By Ip to only authorized IPS - block ips from accessing the system . - stop spam user registration (check the StopForumSpam database). - Move Service from client A to client B. - Move invoice from client A to client B. - Edit dates service (Date Added, Date renew, Date canceled, Date last renew). - Delete Invoice from the system. - Reactivate canceled service. - Modify Text/links In Navigation Bar (client/admin side) . - stop registration with duplicated email in primary contact only - add/edit/delete CMS pages. - verify missed phrases from languages files . TODO LIST : - Locking Down Admin Area By Ip to only authorized IPS - block ips from accessing the system . - Stop spam user registration (check the StopForumSpam database). - Modify Text/links In Navigation Bar (client/admin side) - stop registration with duplicated email in primary contact only - Move Service Beetwen Clients (Move Service/invoice X from Client A to Client B ) - Move Invoice Beetwen Clients (Move Service/invoice X from Client A to Client B ) - Add/Edit/Delete tasks/tasks_run in database . - Log ip/referral/useragent ..ect for dennied access to admin area if iprestriction is enabled . - Email admin if failure attemp to access admin area . - Add API key support for StopForumSpam to add entries in StopForumSpam database . - Change Service Dates (creation/deleted ... ) - GeoIP database auto updater - Blesta Available Update for CMS portal , add a new page , the URI is the path to that page in the url adress. exemple , new page with uri "about-us" can be accessed with the url http://yourdomain.com/blestaurl/about-us Some screenshoot : security settings ip restriction for admin area and all the system navigation links Languages Verify edit countries duplicated emais duplicated email message spam message if detected This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . this plugin requiere the Basic (Bronze) subscription . Order Link as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from client area. 2 - upload the admin_utils folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Admin Tools Plugin . 4 - enjoy the free content . if you are using a old version , you should upgrade the plugin from the plugin manager . Best regards
  14. The Module was updated 8-7-2014
  15. Sorry to UP this thread ... we need the staff opinion about this feature .
  16. we are using themformore than 4 years , and all is good for the most used extention com/net/org/info ... the negative point is resell.biz was - restoration price so high regarding other registrar - some extention prices is so high regarding others - lock of some extention but in general , they are one of the best registrar option in the world . and now we are thinking to obt for a registrar accreditation , we have more than 7000 Domaines in our plattforme .
  17. So what about - bulk action ? - Domains suggestions ? also if the domain is register add small link for whois/transfer to us .
  18. for me the Teaser 2 is better than the Teaser 3 . but all are ok . can you make the twi design in option in the order form ?
  19. +1 for all pages .... and is better if we can select wich language should be appear to clients from installed languages
  20. Register /transfer /use my own ... it could be better if you use chechbox or radio rather than tabs. in the search result , if the domain is registred add a button to transfer . i believe the search will be in ajax and the result will shown down with small buttons to go with the order .
  21. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.2.1

    yes , i Know . normally the header of the navbar should has the login box .
  22. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.2.1

    one observation for the client area . this link https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/index/ has no option for client to login ? we should goback to index page . i prefer if you can add a login box in the top side .
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